Finished the game 100% after
18 hours.
+ Graphics. There's games with way better textures, lighting, and all that jazz but TR was a fairly detailed game. Lara's animations and facial expressions weren't Uncharted level but were still of excellent quality. Little details like her yellow watch and her cuts and bruises helped immensely. The cuts and bruises were not what I'd call fan service either like a certain Woman of a Cat nature in another game (it just wouldn't fit with the more serious tone of this game). And who doesn't like weapon upgrades actually having a cosmetic effect?
+ The violence. Shooting an arrow through a guy's face. Shooting a handgun through a guy's face at point blank range. Putting the wrong end of a shotgun up to a man's jaw and experiencing the sweet release.
+ Lara. She's beautiful.
+ Very solid controls. You turn on a dime and can stop your jump in mid-air (and even redirect it). With the exception of a few invisible walls, Lara did exactly what I wanted her too when I controlled her to do it.
+ No-toggle cover system MUST be the future for third-person action adventure games
+ The production values are awesome
+ Definitely more variety than Uncharted. TR is 55% action, 30% platforming/exploring, 15% puzzles. Uncharted is more like 70% action, 20% platforming/exploring, 10% puzzles. Biggest contributor to this is the Arkham City style "hubs" that actually give you the feeling of traversing throughout an entire island.
Her redesign turned out pretty damn awesome
Fuck that
- No gore. You show Lara's skull being impaled by a tree branch but I can't see peoples' limbs being blown off or animal entrails?
- Uncharted style linear levels. Play through them once and it's kind of cool, but not the type of videogame with replay value.
- Way too easy. This is a problem with all of the post-Core Design Tomb Raider games, including the beloved Anniversary (although if you use Manual Grab you're getting a bit more of a challenge and a bit more fun)
- "A Survivor Is Born"...yeah, except you play as a commando badass throughout the entire thing. The only things that get tougher in this game are your weapons. Any survival aspect is sure as hell not illustrated through gameplay.
You're telling me you made a game with respawning wildlife, different streams of fresh drinkeable water, and camp fires spread throughout, but you didn't implement Food, Water, Injury, or Sleep mechanics? You have all the assets for these things; you just had to implement them. There's no sense of survival or tension at all in this game because there's no consequence to doing poorly. At least the Uncharted games got fairly tough near the end. I would've even taken a half-assed Hardcore mode a la Fallout New Vegas.
- Lara wearing the same clothes for the entire ordeal. You're climbing up a snowy mountain, put on a jacket for chrissake, or at least give us the option to make the cosmetic change ourselves and roleplay to that small extent.
- The weapon upgrades, collectables, and tombs were ok. But the Skills were so pointless. Like 50% of the skills were to level up faster to get more Skills and Upgrades lol
- Huge lack of puzzles. If you combined all the puzzles in this game that would be like just one singular level from the PS1 games.
- Some people take a "if you don't like it just don't play. It doesn't affect the main game" approach to tacked on multiplayer modes...but even just seeing that in the main menu angers me. Get that shit out of here.
- Glitches:
Night time with daytime lighting
Give me 5
Verdict: 6/10. Buy at $10 or less (keep in mind I'm a poor college student so don't look at the $10 as a percentage out of $60 representing the game's quality...look at the 6/10). Despite my cons being stronger in number than my pros, Tomb Raider managed to not be a waste of time with it's slick presentation and in fact if you're going to spend your money on a AAA cinematic Press A to Awesome game, Tomb Raider is one of a very small handful that I'd actually recommend to you. The Style didn't make up for the Substance, but it does justify a playthrough.
What I Want to See in Tomb Raider 2: Puzzles. Difficulty. Short Shorts. Survival. Rome and Greece and Egypt and cool places like that. Dinosaurs. But especially short shorts.
P.S. Everytime I look at a bird on a phone line or something outside I get the urge to shoot it with a bow.
P.S. 2 When you get all the GPS caches it makes the Secret sound effect from the old Tomb Raider. Nice touch