The first area, after the prologue, is amazing sauce. That's Tomb Raider baby. Just be aware that the game is a buggy mess, has shitty combat and the story is blurgh.tempted to pick up underworld. what say you?
The first area, after the prologue, is amazing sauce. That's Tomb Raider baby. Just be aware that the game is a buggy mess, has shitty combat and the story is blurgh.tempted to pick up underworld. what say you?
tempted to pick up underworld. what say you?
Honestly, I'd say that it wasn't an issue of budget.
I think they wanted to do the tombs the way they did so either they could ease newer players in to the idea, or because it detracted from the story too much. I'd love to see tombs come back, but for this game specifically, with the story it was trying to tell and the audience it was trying to entertain and invite, the tombs being small is kind of obvious. Huge tombs would be a bit out of place in this situation. The reason Lara gets to the tombs and what not is because she's investigating and searching for things. In this game, she has a clear goal.
I remember the last tomb I needed was in the Shantytown too. If I remember correctly it's kinda straight ahead from the helicopter to run into. It's in this room and there should be some wooden panels on the floor you have to pry open. There might be some guys practicing some ritual in there too. But yeah Shantytown is a pain to navigate.
Btw, I played on PS3 and encountered ZERO bugs/glitches/crashes. Props to the devs for such a polished game.
Finally found some time to sink into this, moreso due to the new nVidia drivers and the latest patch improving stability from launch. I'm enjoying it so far, but I can't think of a better, more recent gaming example of why quick time events need to fuck the hell off out of this industry and never, ever come back. They add nothing to this game, with the exception of throwing me out of the experience and making me bored.
Seriously. Developers. Stop. Just...stop, okay?
I love them quick-time events. I think Tomb Raider's weakness is that every quick-time event only required the Y button. It would have been nice to require all four face buttons and require a bit more hand-eye skill.
I've talked to the team about this and I think they are actually going to make The General free so that he doesn't count toward the Shopaholic achievement! Hopefully the next patch.
I love them quick-time events. I think Tomb Raider's weakness is that every quick-time event only required the Y button. It would have been nice to require all four face buttons and require a bit more hand-eye skill.
I can safely say you and I have gaming tastes that are world apart.
Come on I doubt that. Even if that is true, you can't glean that much info just based off my opinion on quick-time events. I think what I definitely am is much easier to please than most gamers. I'm looking through my recently played games, and there's nothing that I really hated other than: 1) The single player in Black Ops 2 and 2) the melee combat across all Assassin's Creed games.
NOPE.gifI love them quick-time events. I think Tomb Raider's weakness is that every quick-time event only required the Y button. It would have been nice to require all four face buttons and require a bit more hand-eye skill.
I was joking.
I don't really think it's about whether or not you're easy to please, but simply whether you derive a certain quality from that level of interactivity. Either it engages you in the experience, or it doesn't. For me, these QTEs are like having the developer come up from behind and kick me in the shins, then make me press the Y button over and over while waggling a stick, in order to get back to playing the game. Like a big red, flashing warning light that says "HEY YOU! YOU GUY! YOU'RE PLAYING A VIDEO GAME! NOW LETS PRESS SOME BUTTONS!". I find it really, really dumb, and exceptionally soulless. It's the pinnacle of lazy game design, in my opinion, as it totally disregards any sense of grounded, cohesive mechanics and interactive functions in favour of, quite literally, flashing buttons you have to press on the screen.
Let's test this theory EatChildren. I use a site to track achievements and that site just so happens to store my review scores out of 5 that I've saved for each game. Here are scores out of 5 for 75 of the games that I've played:
Max Payne 3 - 5/5 - 3/5
Batman Arkham City - 5/5 - 4/5
Fallout New Vegas - 5/5 - 5/5
The Beatles Rock Band - 5/5 - 4/5
Alan Wake - 5/5 - 3/5 (Tempting to go a 4)
Deus Ex HR - 5/5 - 4/5 (5/5 if I don't dock the score for the boss fights and final stage)
Fallout 3 - 5/5 - 2/5
Mass Effect - 5/5 - 5/5
Bayonetta - 5/5 - 5/5
Grand Theft Auto IV - 5/5 - 1/5 or 2/5
Sleeping dogs - 5/5 - 4/5
Mass Effect 2 - 5/5 4/5
Batman Arkham Asylum - 5/5 4/5
Bioshock 2 - 5/5 - 3/5
Portal 2 - 5/5 - 5/5
Bioshock 1- 5/5 - 4/5
Orange Box - 5/5 (Half Life 5/5, Portal 5/5, Team Fortress 2 gets 0/5) - 5/5 for everything
Shadows of the Damned - 5/5 - 4/5
Spec Ops The Line - 5/5 - 2/5
Rayman Origins - 5/5 - 5/5
Super Meat boy - 5/5 - 5/5
Limbo - 5/5 - 3/5
Braid - 5/5 - 4/5
AC Revelations - 4/5 - 3/5 because beards
Lollipop Chainsaw - 4/5 - 3/5
Bully Scholarship - 4/5 - 4/5
Mass Effect 3 - 4/5 - 4/5
Modern Warfare 2 - 4/5 - 2/5
Modern Warfare 1 - 4/5 - 4/5
Assassin's Creed 2 - 4/5 - 3/5
Gears of War 1 - 4/5 - 3/5
Walking Dead - 4/5 - 4/5
Beyond Good and Evil - 4/5 - 4/5
Alan Wake American Nightmare - 4/5 - 4/5
AC Brotherhood - 3/5 - 3/5
Black Ops 1 - 3/5 - 3/5
Mirror's Edge - 3/5 - 4/5
Lara Croft Guardian Of Light - 3/5 - 4/5
Modern Warfare 3 - 2/5 - 1/5
Black Ops 2 - 2/5 - 3/5
Assassin's Creed 1 - 2/5 3/5
Just finished it. AWESOME. The game was fun with no boring parts ever. Combat was great with smooth controls and aiming. The set pieces were fantastic too. Excellent VO and writing in those documents.
Overall, fantastic game. One of my top games this year no question.
Btw, I played on PS3 and encountered ZERO bugs/glitches/crashes. Props to the devs for such a polished game.
This was the first game since Assassin's Creed 1 to hard crash my PS3. I was overall very impressed with how it ran, but has its wonky moments.
I thought the puzzles and platforming were well done for the most part. Most of them made sense and were clever in showing you how to solve the puzzle without holding your hand every step of the way. The combat was pretty solid, I just wish they made a few more melee weapons. It was very satisfying finishing off people with the climbing axe.
I love them quick-time events. I think Tomb Raider's weakness is that every quick-time event only required the Y button. It would have been nice to require all four face buttons and require a bit more hand-eye skill.
tempted to pick up underworld. what say you?
Go to your map and add Waypoint to the GPS then use Survival Instinct to have it highlighted before you. You have to go down to the small river and around the bridge there's a small walkway.Damn it . . . how do you get taht GPS down at the bottom of the Mountain Village area?
Go to your map and add Waypoint to the GPS then use Survival Instinct to have it highlighted before you. You have to go down to the small river and around the bridge there's a small walkway.
Yeah it turns out that it was easy if you got when playing but it was a weird path to get to it when going back to collect things.
Now I'm missing a redcap, mine sweeping, and few other of those star challenges but I think I've had enough.
One thing I really appreciated was how, despite the constant wave of badguys at first, later on you spend more time actually traversing environments. But I really hope that somehow, in the next game, they make it a bit more difficult. Be it manual grabs, more exact jumps, some type of stamina bar--I don't care. But if battles gave me a tough time Hard, why shouldn't the platforming, also? It's still stuck on Easy mode no matter what.
The environments were also incredible. I don't want to imagine the amount of work that they put into this. Really solid work.
Pissed off I didn't check all the achievements before playing.
I got thigh the game 100% but realised I missed the chatterbox achievement, and afew combat ones. Payed through again just for those. Finally got them last night.
Need to concentrate on the mp now. I have a handful of achievements already, but some Might need some grinding. The mp isn't very fun though. Very rough. Anyone else hear about an incoming patch that will unlock the general from the start so you won't have to prestige?
Which firefight was it? I want to know if you're talking about the same one I'm thinking of.Sounds like we sort of enjoyed and hated the same bits, with you being a bit more forgiving of the tombs and me of the weapon upgrades.
Honestly, if the whole package respected player's agency and intelligence more, made platforming actually distance based and punishing, and complemented the brilliant artistic design with deep level design, I'd give them another chance to make a sequel something special.
Some combat variety might be nice too, but unlike the rest of the game, I can't realistically figure out how they can fix what they have now, and I can't imagine them bothering to change much. I literally enjoyed one firefight in the whole game, and even then it was because it was the most dynamic yet was also probably the easiest.
Which firefight was it? I want to know if you're talking about the same one I'm thinking of.
Yea that's what I thought. Definitely the combat highlight.The only one with a ton of dudes, but none with an assualt rifle. Towards the end.
The Stormguard fight
There are a lot of things that don't work in the game. The skill/weapon purchases are ridiculous and don't even need to be there considering how minimal the upgrades are. The idea of using diaries to flesh out the story has been done forever, but I don't understand how your ship crew's diaries end up in locations that would have required them to scale with a pickaxe. And the collectathons just suck, there's no rhyme or reason to any of it save to see your entire menu filled up with 100% everywhere.
You're going to have to prestige three times if you wanna Platinum this game. Not worth it IMO.
The only one with a ton of dudes, but none with an assualt rifle. Towards the end.
The Stormguard fight
I love them quick-time events. I think Tomb Raider's weakness is that every quick-time event only required the Y button. It would have been nice to require all four face buttons and require a bit more hand-eye skill.
Yeah . . . go ahead and try to win the game without any weapon upgrades. It might be possible but it certainly wouldn't be easy. The upgrades are nice in that they keep changing the game and making it fresh.
Why are you whining about diaries and collectathons? They are completely optional. If you don't like them don't do them. "Hey doctor . . . it hurts when I do this. Doctor: Don't do that."
Yeah . . . go ahead and try to win the game without any weapon upgrades. It might be possible but it certainly wouldn't be easy. The upgrades are nice in that they keep changing the game and making it fresh.
Why are you whining about diaries and collectathons? They are completely optional. If you don't like them don't do them. "Hey doctor . . . it hurts when I do this. Doctor: Don't do that."
Also, what's up with your first point? Bow -----> head = instant win. The few times that doesn't work, the shotgun makes it easy mode.
Because they are replacing the more intelligently hidden secrets of previous games? It's not just the collectibles themselves but how they are placed in the level. The GPS caches and challenges are absolute shit and everything else is just laying out along the main path and very easy to find. Collecting should be fun and challenging, not a pixel hunt where the only challenge is finding the nearly invisible thing. Good collectibles are ones where you feel like you accomplished something by finding and/or they provide a reward that matters. Tomb Raider's collectibles for the most part provide either no challenge or tedium.
The only upgrades that keep the game fresh are the ones that give you an alternate weapon or attack. Every technical modification that improves recoil and so on is just filler that doesn't really need to be there.Yeah . . . go ahead and try to win the game without any weapon upgrades. It might be possible but it certainly wouldn't be easy. The upgrades are nice in that they keep changing the game and making it fresh.
Are people supposed to enjoy finding the 15 meaningless GPS transmitters in Shantytown? Does it make sense that Whitman's diary is sitting on top of an inaccessible pyre of rock, that moreover somehow has a desk on top of it? I understand this is a videogame, but that doesn't mean I need to accept its retarded logic.speculawyer said:Why are you whining about diaries and collectathons? They are completely optional. If you don't like them don't do them. "Hey doctor . . . it hurts when I do this. Doctor: Don't do that."
The high point of the game for me. Awesome lead-up. Not sure how it plays on normal, but on hard it was a rush.The only one with a ton of dudes, but none with an assualt rifle. Towards the end.
The Stormguard fight
Does it make sense that Whitman's diary is sitting on top of an inaccessible pyre of rock, that moreover somehow has a desk on top of it? I understand this is a videogame, but that doesn't mean I need to accept its retarded logic...