500k increments are boring, but shorter stretch goals don't seem to make any difference in the number of backers and(or) the amount pledged. Eternity passed its first minor stretch goal ($1.4 million) in its 2nd day, while the last ($3 million) was hit 4 days before ending.Yeah 500k increments are boring, and because of the large increment it's always this bundle of stuff which I feel waters everything down. There's less focus and it just feels like a bunch of random stuff. I definitely preferred how Project Eternity eventually narrowed down their long term stretch goals. It gave each goal individual spotlight, and a chance for them to detail them more.

The average in this "stretch progress" period was $52k/day, but most of them were in the 32-50k range, without any notable surge for a specific goal.
Then came the bigger ones, "Big Big City 2" and "Enhance the whole game", which had a 500k increment for each.
These goals, on the other hand, did seem to have some effect. Project: Eternity's average/day was $120k, but the 5-day period before the last day had an average of $158k, right when the $3 million mark was reached and the bigger goals were announced.
50-65k seems more reasonable, unless they announce Avellone or a sofisticated engine as a stretch goal. It's not unlikely, though, since George Ziets was one of the last goals for Eternity.The decline isnt really quicker. The % drop is larger but thats just cause the first day was so high. PE still had slightly less numbers on its second and 3rd days then this one, and much less on the first day.
Its still following the trend of every other KS before it. Every day after this one should be in the 50-90k range until the last 3 days or so.