Only 100 000 today right?
Only 100 000 today right?
2,3 million reached. My guess is that this will finish at ¤5 million with the right stretch goals at the end.
It actually sounds like a pretty cool system. My only reservation is that I hate when there is too much stuff that I can miss. Conversations with the dead? Fuck yeah! But I hate to be giving up something equally as awesome because I don't have a ton of time to play through games multiple times.
That is the cost of choice & consequence. If you can do everything, join every faction - there is no cost, no real choice/consequence.
I know that they'll hit more stretch goals, and that the 100k donation from the superfan is going to help things get there, but they need smaller, more manageable stretch goals.
The lump 500k sums give the perception of being way far off/unreachable compared to something every 100k.
Granted, if this follows the kickstarter premise of hitting a huge flood at the end like all others, it's kind of early to be thinking that way, but breaking it down into smaller goals would have been better, imo.
Also hope they take some KS hints from Obsidian and start looking into stuff like Facebook or Twitter to keep the hype going strong.
Blue / Silver seems to emphasis my character and way of solving problems the most.
I'll see where I land tho - neutral seems the most interesting to me.
I hope another stretch goal is even further reactivity, allowing for a primary, secondary, and tertiary tide.
I'm not liking the way stretch goals are done either, but it seems to have payed off so far for them. I liked how Obsidian handled that,
I wonder how much funding it will take to get this to be 2D renders?
4m? 4.5m stretch goal?
When you think of it like that, over half the initial funding goal is a weird way of looking at the stretch goals. But we really dont know how big they will be. Many of the goals so far have been adding people and talent, no so much specific things. We cant quantify how much more story and quests something like a new writer or new tides/legacies will bring. Every kickstarter has this problem though. Its the responsibility of the people running it to make sure the extras are apparent enough in the final product.
This surprised me a lot and gave mixed feelings as Planescape Torment is one of the most special games i've ever played or to be exact its one of the most special things i have experienced. It basically changed the way i look at the world, see things, etc. I was very unhappy to hear that it will have a sequel or a spiritual successor. But still i am happy in a way too. I hope it turns out well. Like the Planescape Torment, i don't give a fuck about the gameplay, combat or such stuff. Just have the same awesome writing and i will be happy. I hope it turns out well.
In strange and distant worlds, life flickers toward awareness even amid the most brutal landscapes. For instance: massive mountains of crystal heave from the land and pierce the sky under pale suns, their light refracting and bending around cunning spires never touched by human hands. The infants of this land are giants, vaguely humanoid crystalline monsters torn from the land itself and given shape and purpose by the elders, who share the light and heat from their ever-diminishing bodies, chipped and worn by age.
They havent even mentioned it outside of the guy in this thread yet, so maybe they wont. I hope they do, and if they do i imagine it will be in the 4-4.5 range. Honestly i think it only benefits it. You get more control over the environments and making sure everything looks the best and most detailed it can. But it is more expensive.
Honestly though if you are making a game like Torment where you are one of the most dialog-heavy things out there and you are gonna be staring at these screens for 10 minutes at a time it seems worth it.
One of the designers mentions 'wouldnt it be cool if there was 16! We will see..' or something along those lines.
They marked that request for the stretch goal as "considered".
We'll see what will be the next stretch goal will be. Since it has been slowed down, they have also the chance to discuss things more thoroughly. Hoping the most for 2D Render and/or VA for companions. And my own request.
Fully voiced VA for companions is a bad idea.
Opiate made an extensive post on how VAs limits the amount of dialogues you can have in the PE thread, as you're unable to deviate from the recorded material (say if you want to add more lines) once recorded.
VA party banter and companions quips on the other hand, that I wouldn't mind seeing.
That is what I mean. Party banter. I don't care if they are voiced when they comment on something during a talk with a NPC or something. but while exploring, I think it would be dope to have they talk with each other. I loved that in ME. It helps me tremendously to connect with the party members.
That is what I mean. Party banter. I don't care if they are voiced when they comment on something during a talk with a NPC or something. but while exploring, I think it would be dope to have they talk with each other. I loved that in ME. It helps me tremendously to connect with the party members.
meh, yeah that's kinda cool when it's going on in the background but the chances are pretty high that they will keep saying the same shit in a loop, like in dragon age e.g.
you on only voice a certain amount of stuff
I think that can be circumvented if they won't have to voice every single dialogue in the game.
You're opening up a lot of resources for a bunch of banter lines instead.
Much rather have 20 hours worth of audio banter in a 60 hour RPG game with no voiced dialogue, than an 10-12 hour voiced RPG with very limited dialogue.
They marked that request for the stretch goal as "considered".
We'll see what will be the next stretch goal will be. Since it has been slowed down, they have also the chance to discuss things more thoroughly. Hoping the most for 2D Render and/or VA for companions. And my own request.
Somehow, that pentagon is giving me flashbacks to the Mass Effect 3 ending.
That is the cost of choice & consequence. If you can do everything, join every faction - there is no cost, no real choice/consequence.
oh please don't draw this comparison
there is going to be nothing ME3-like about this game, NOTHING
Haha, I wasn't equating the two at all - just association by color![]()
Except the Paragon/Renegade Tides system.
Except the Paragon/Renegade Tides system.
Give money to beggar, or blow up bus full of nuns.
oh please don't draw this comparison
there is going to be nothing ME3-like about this game, NOTHING
Give money to beggar, or blow up bus full of nuns.
At worst, at the absolute worst, we're getting 5 endings based on each one of the tides.
Hopefully we can since it's not going to be an AAA THRILLING VISCERAL MOVIE EXPERIENCE that's reliant on cutscenes get a lot more ending variations than that.
I am totally Blue & Silver.
You have a bright future as a Bioware employee.
There are at least 6 - since "neutral" counts as well.At worst, at the absolute worst, we're getting 5 endings based on each one of the tides.
Hopefully we can since it's not going to be an AAA THRILLING VISCERAL MOVIE EXPERIENCE that's reliant on cutscenes get a lot more ending variations than that.
I am totally Blue & Silver.
We are now mortal enemies.uuh that's a combination I'd never take. NEVER. I just couldn't
Give money to beggar, or blow up bus full of nuns.
The money gives you renegade points because he could go off and buy beer with it.
Bought PS:T to tide me over