Are the servers down for anyone else?
It was working earlier for me, but went down.I couldn't connect to any of the servers last night so maybe it's still down.
Decided to buy the game even though I really should be saving money right now and damn, the main menu song is one hell of a welcome.
Also, can't connect to the ubisoft servers. They better fix this soon.
how the he'll can I get custom music working on XBONE, because this soundtrack is wearing thin very quickly.
had to turn off the announcers after a few worlds. that shit was so damn annoying. no idea why they thought that wasn't going to get annoying quick reposting the same line over and over during restarts. madness.
does it have to remain snapped to the side for it to continue playing? cause that's useless.You need to snap Xbox Music.
You do not have to sign in to Uplay in order to get leaderboards, and play the complete game. In fact, there seem to be reasons you should avoid ever signing into Uplay for this game.
If your account it linked to uPlay it attempts to auto-connect when you start the game. If it can't connect to uPlay then you can't access leaderboards or save times to them, ghosts, or Track Central. My wife doesn't have uPlay on her account and it asked her to sign up, she declined and has access to all of these things. I have a uPlay account and I haven't been able to access any of those things yet.
So you are correct that nothing is technically locked behind it, however if you have a uPlay account and it had problems connecting to the servers these things end up being locked out. It's dumb.
Sucks people still having issues with uPlay.
I have added/accepted people on PSN now i am just playing the first set of tracks on the Roach to beat everybody's time![]()
You do not have to sign in to Uplay in order to get leaderboards, and play the complete game. In fact, there seem to be reasons you should avoid ever signing into Uplay for this game.
This is the hardest part I've encountered so far. Made it there with 3 faults, but I can't get up it.
does it have to remain snapped to the side for it to continue playing? cause that's useless.
Any way to play or rip my own cds to the system like with 360?
kind of regretting buying this for XBONE for multiple reasons...
Ha, I guessed it might have been this part before I clicked the link. First major headache for me, I'm probably 2 for 200 on that damn checkpoint.
Goes completely against what happened to me. Uplay was down when I completed the ski jump challenge and got gold. Haven't gone back since. I'm still not on the lesderboards for it.
Fix crash when pressing Share on System software 1.7
Anyone else having the problem, that the rumble isn't working on the Xbox One? It's enabled in the options menu.
The servers are supposed to be down for maintenance for the next hour.
err...1.7 isn't even it yet, or?
does that mean the the share function on this game is already optimized for 1.7?
It means 1.7 is already out for developers.
yes, some pop in on Xbox - was the same on previous iterations on 360 too, maybe a feature of the engineOne thing I can say, though, is that there seems to be an unnecsaary amount of texture pop-in, or so I've noticed. Even when you reset to a start point maybe 20 meters away from where you were previously... it's kind of jarring. Anyone else get this or is it an isolated issue for me? Even the trick diagrams on that challenge level sometimes pop-in. I mean, come on...
(PS4 here)
Evidence of Hell hath been captured, and shared.
Nope, and I'm very glad I'm not because it's an amazing feature for this game.
This is the hardest part I've encountered so far. Made it there with 3 faults, but I can't get up it.
Hmm definite occasional screen tearing on xbone.
It's there on the PS4 as well though less of it. Noticed a lot of it though, post v1.02 patch, on a user-made track which had lots of camera movement. Pretty ugly it was too. I suspect the game is using soft v-sync that disables itself when the framerate dips below 60 FPS. What I can't understand though is why all PS4 games are not triple buffered to avoid screen tearing completely and avoid the 60-down-to-30 FPS you see with double-buffering. The console has plenty of memory, at least 5 GB free for games, and Trial Fusions is hardly using all of that. While screen tearing is not as prolific as it was on the last gen systems, I'm still disappointed that we're seeing any at all on the PS4.
does it have to remain snapped to the side for it to continue playing? cause that's useless.
Any way to play or rip my own cds to the system like with 360?
kind of regretting buying this for XBONE for multiple reasons...
Welp, I've faceplanted on the extreme tracks. Almost like an old familiar friend really.
This is the only franchise that is able to make me flail my arms around and make my body lean and move like I'm an 8 year old again. At one point I found myself sitting sideways on my couch with no recollection how I got into that position.