Welp, I've faceplanted on the extreme tracks. Almost like an old familiar friend really.
This is the only franchise that is able to make me flail my arms around and make my body lean and move like I'm an 8 year old again. At one point I found myself sitting sideways on my couch with no recollection how I got into that position.
I can't even do the first Extreme track, and one of the challenges is to do it with zero faults, and five spins.
Right now, I struggle to believe that is possible.
Yep that's about as far as I think I'm going to get. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Track Central here I come!I suck so much at the hard events, what a huge difficulty jump.
What is this supposed to be? Bad link for me.https://store.sonyentertainmentnetw...-psn/cid=EP0001-CUSA00230_00-B000000000001050
the pack is free for PS+ users
What is this supposed to be? Bad link for me.
Yep that's about as far as I think I'm going to get. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Track Central here I come!
What is this supposed to be? Bad link for me.
Do you have the 1st day patch applied? It fixed several performance problems and texture streaming problems (on all the platforms). If you have the patch, then I am really interested in knowing in which levels you have noticed fps drops. Did you do something special, or just played normally? In our development version we have noticed tearing only in one track (drop to ~58 fps in two places), everything else has been running at rock solid 60 fps. I am quite surprised about people having frame rate problems with the game.
Doesn't look like you can play if you can't log-in, which I currently can't, so I can't say for sure, but I'm going to say no, because there's only one extreme world, so the achievement would presumably just say complete all challenges.Is the extreme world one of the first 8 worlds? There's an achievement for getting all the challenges in the first 8 worlds... phooey.
I need to know that!
I don't understand how my brain works when it comes to this game.
Without fail, my first run of the course is always good. I usually either get gold or miss it by 1 or 2 faults. If I don't get gold right away, though, shit starts to go downhill from there. Obstacles that I breezed through on the first run somehow become impossible to pass. I'll be completely fine with certain obstacles through dozens of attempts, only to enter a funk where I can't pass them to save my life, and then once I have remastered them I'll hit a snag on a different obstacle that I hadn't had any problems with until this point. Rinse and repeat.
It's... frustrating.
Don't even get me started on Ice Climb.That's trials for ya. I know the feeling. I made it silver on the ice climb first try, then proceeded to fail for close to an hour without getting gold.
I suck so much at the hard events, what a huge difficulty jump.
I don't know how interested people would be but I thought this could simplify adding people in mass to your friends list for Trials. I made a PSN account called NeoGAF_Trials and figure people could friend it to create a giant list of users to be able to add quickly and easier. Once you've friended that account you can see its friends list and just go down it adding people super easy (instead of typing each name from each post). Also, if anybody wanted to do community challenges eventually it'd be the best way to grab that info too. I have it set to only friends can view its friends list but I could change that to be more public if needed.
PSN Name (for this idea): NeoGAF_Trials
Same here. I found myself moving my arms all over the place last night trying to pass Inferno. The Extreme tracks have that effect on me. Love this game.
cr_blah_blah, you should post some screens from the top 20 or more for the Overall Leaderboard from the NeoGAF_Trials account. Would love to see how I'm doing against everyone.
Beat you by 6.
Ok, back to playing that map for the next 5 hours.
Edit: Beat ya by 4.
Isn't there supposed to be a mode with randomly generated tracks? Where is it?
This would be my first Trials game, is there any downside to buying the regular game and then the Season Pass at a later date? Does the Digital Deluxe Edition include exclusive stuff or no?
Neuromancer said:Isn't there supposed to be a mode with randomly generated tracks? Where is it?
You'll get better, we all didI suck so much at the hard events, what a huge difficulty jump.
the pack is free for PS+ users
Yep that's about as far as I think I'm going to get. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Track Central here I come!
What is this supposed to be? Bad link for me.
From what little I played I think the best is to just stick with one trick per jump (while doing flips of course) and do a different one for every jump.I am absolutely ecstatic I was able to get 5th place on the leaderboard although I am well aware that is going to get pushed down dramatically. Considering I usually average around 30 out of 46, that was quite the achievement. LOL
So the main reason I came to post is I just got to the FMX tricks part. Did the training, I get the whole concept thanks to the fact I loved Joe Danger, but I was not getting Gold on the first event and just would like to know what the secret is to doing so...
Is it a matter of holding just one trick for a long time? Doing a lot of different tricks in one self-contained combo? Or something else entirely to get high points?
And after typing that all out I just realized I am a dumb ass and can watch replays. However feel free to share your tips if you'd like.
Right? I'm having more trouble than I can remember in a Trials game.Hard is hard.
Despite what others have said the hard and medium are a small notch more skill than the last gameRight? I'm having more trouble than I can remember in a Trials game.
Just out of curiosity, to see how the user bases are across platforms, can someone with the XB1 version tell me how many created tracks there are in track central? The PS4 version says 1250 currently...
I am probably going to regret asking lol...
Just out of curiosity, to see how the user bases are across platforms, can someone with the XB1 version tell me how many created tracks there are in track central? The PS4 version says 1250 currently...
I am probably going to regret asking lol...
1330 currently. A better metric would be people on the leaderboard of the first track - 97,915 currently on XB1 and going up pretty consistently if you back out and go back in
Edit: And apparently the tracks in track central are also increasing pretty regularly based on the above post.