I want the plasma gun. That thing tears me up.
I keep getting this error when I start it up.
Anyone know why?
can someone explain me how people earn XP in this game. I may have a killstreak and end up being #1 on the team but earn like 500-1000 xp.
Credits have very little to do with XP. You gain approx. 0.5 XP per second of playing time, plus 25% bonus if you're on the winning team, plus a small bonus depending on your position in that game. Additionally you can get XP for badges, first win of the day and VIP/Booster multiplier. 1000 XP is about the avarage of a normally long game, without any boosters or boni. Having VIP status helps a lot, especially if you get first win of the day regulary and complete gold/obsidian badges. I think my highest amount where ~6000XP.
so you get XP for badges like "Generhater" and for the time you have played the match. The longer the match = the more XP you earn regardless of your perfomance?
I have VIP btw
What's your graphics card?
ATI Radeon x1900 GT.
Who said the Tech SMG is weak? (did anyone?) This thing is a beast! Best you could do when starting as a Tech is get the second nade + radius (for indoor mayhem) and the first two SMG upgrades along with the turrets. You'll be the slayer of every pub game after that!
Tech SMG is a monster. Don't think anyone's called it weak![]()
I've been using the thumper a fair bit recently, and have found that I really miss the SMG! Such a great little weapon.
This is now the first F2P game I've given money to. Bravo Hi-Rez.
I've been using the thumper a fair bit recently, and have found that I really miss the SMG! Such a great little weapon.
This is now the first F2P game I've given money to. Bravo Hi-Rez.
Tech SMG is a piece of shit.
It's awesome!
Another fun thing about the autos in this game is that so many people absolutely loathe going against them that it has a massive psychological effect, where you can practically see people becoming flustered and screwing up as you ravage them with bullets.
only in close quarters
The extra weapons being good doesn't make the game pay to win. I decided to get the path finder secondary weapon and after about three days casual playing have 60k XP
Matchmaking in this game makes Dota 2's look incredible.
In other words it's a fucking stomp one way or another.
you might be extremely good
I've been in plenty of 5-4 games. In fact just yesterday I joined a team 4-0 up and then the other team ended up winning 5-4!
I may be a jinx.
See above ;o) But really, you get like 1000xp per game, more or less. Playing 100 games is a lot, sure, but you could probably do it in a week easy.
100 games isnt casual. lol. I play like 10 a week, thats casual.
So what should I buy with my free 250 gold?
Major Highlights
Three new weapons have been added to the Brute class. Watch the Staying Alive Update video for additional information.
A “Watch Now” option has been added to the main menu. From this menu, you can view Featured Live Streams of Tribes from TwitchTV, as well as watch Featured YouTube Videos from Hi-Rez and the Community.
Players that have an active booster will be awarded 1,200 XP daily (at approximately 10:00 GMT). This is on top of your booster’s regular rewards.
NOTE: Upon installation of this patch, a small pre-requisite program will be run by the Tribes Launcher. This is an update to the game’s embedded browser in order to enable the “Watch Now” functionality.
Weapon/Balance Items
Added 3 new weapons for the Brute class:
The Gladiator fires a charged round that sticks to walls and releases multiple shockwaves. Detonates instantly in a focused blast if it hits an enemy.
The Plasma Cannon is the big brother to the Plasma Gun, firing balls of energy that explode on contact.
The Survival Pack increases maximum energy pool by 15, and can be modified for extra health and run speed, and energy regeneration.
The Rage Perk now grants 35% mass reduction against knockback while the player is enraged. (More powerful disk jumping).
Increased the distance from the flag the Rage Perk will activate by 33%.
Added an invulnerability timer to vehicle spawns, 2.25s from the time the vehicle spawns in.
Reduced collision size on Raider’s Plasma Gun projectile by roughly 12%.
Reduced damage on Infiltrator’s Jackal by roughly 4%.
Increased damage on Soldier’s Proximity Grenade by roughly 3%.
Additional Items
Fixed an issue in which some accolades were not showing up on the Profile screen.
Fixed an issue in which a deploying mine could be detonated obsolete by their owner.
Fixed an issue in which players could lose weapons when placing a deployable in certain high-lag situations.
Fixed an issue in which players in a passenger seat could be teleported into a vehicle they spawned, breaking several gameplay mechanics.
Fixed a bug in Team Deathmatch in which you could spawn on a “third” team.
Fixed an issue where players with the Pilot perk equipped could change teams instantly while they were in a vehicle.
Fixed an issue in which the game console could open while you were in the in-game web-browser.
Fixed an issue where swapping the Saber Launcher to a Repair Tool was still trying to target other players.
Players can only suicide once every five seconds.
Fixed an issue where deploying mines and then walking over them was causing them to explode.
Fixed an issue where the flag could sometimes “hop” as it came to a stop when thrown on a hill.
Fixed an issue where sticky projectiles could stick and explode targets differently between server and client.
I keep getting this error when I start it up.
Anyone know why?
Fractal grenades and their spammy unskilled heavy users can go get proper fucked.
That is all.
Thanks to their incredibly poor decision to have regenerating health in the game, fractals are currently the only way to clear a room of entrenched people.
They designed themselves into a corner and fractals being the way they are is the only answer currently.
I find that the best tactic against heavies as a tech indoors is to use the SMG and stick REAL close to the heavy, like shoulder to shoulder. Chances are he'll hit you in the face, but since you'll have better maneuverability and a better weapon up close it's the best bet. Plus they need to hurt themselves to kill you, which may cause them to suicide.Very true. I truly hate that spammy heavies can camp in the generator room (of which there are a few that are 1 way in and out only) and have their life and shields respawn, all the while they can just spam spinfusors or MIRV or whatever. My puny Tech can't get in there on his own a lot of the time. There should be an instrument in place that prevents at least enemy shields from regenerating when inside of the opposing teams' base.
Also, I really wish the Thumper would either hit harder (650hp on a direct hit to a heavy is not enough, though it's fine against medium and light armoured dudes) or its projectiles fly farther and faster.
Aside from me or two niggling map imbalances and the aforementioned annoyance, this is my favourite competitive FPS in years by a long long way.
I love how the people who play for free complain that the game is unbalanced because an individual who actually chose to reimburse the devs for their product can get the same equipment more quickly.
I'd prefer to buy the game once and have everything equal for everybody.
I find that the best tactic against heavies as a tech indoors is to use the SMG and stick REAL close to the heavy, like shoulder to shoulder. Chances are he'll hit you in the face, but since you'll have better maneuverability and a better weapon up close it's the best bet. Plus they need to hurt themselves to kill you, which may cause them to suicide.
I wouldn't want to duel one using a thumper.
I'm really curious to try out the secondary weapons though... I mean repairing is nice and pointy, but since I usually lead in kills on the stat screen I'm thinking that I'd be more useful with the pistol or the shotty (picking up a tool when needed). Problem is I don't know which one I need the most since the SMG is good at range and close up and I'm not sure how the pistol behaves... I'm already using Quick Draw as my secondary perk (because it's great!) and having another weapon there would make the game more fun I think.Yeah good points. Sticking up close certainly seems the way to go, especially if you can cheekily get a turret down before engaging (or even during engaging!) That SMG is nigh on irreplaceable for me - it's for sure my default load out, and I'll only change mid map if the game is swinging that way.
This is now the first F2P game I've given money to. Bravo Hi-Rez.