Almost as skilled as Quake rockets.
Wait what? You can't buy the infil pack now?
I can't hold all these air mails.
why not try this novel approch, called "playtesting their shit"? preferably before they release this garbage for money, so pay2win assholes don't statpad until they get off their lazy asses and patch a fix inI'm sure Hi-Res will nerf it. They have being receptive to feedback so far. It's just a matter of when.
jackal was bad enough, this plasma gun is the straw that breaks the camel's back for me, uninstalled
They're obviously releasing overpowered weapons on purpose so people buy them. Then a couple weeks later, they'll apply a nerf. That's quite questionable.
Completely bullshit. From the start I've told them I didn't like them. And that's because they've had poor game design and poor politics behind this game from the start.
The Plasma Rifle shoots hot balls of plasma with an excellent rate of fire. This can be a deadly indoor weapon, and is often used for destroying base assets. Striking a moving target at medium range is difficult due to the projectile's low speed, which is why the weapon is not used outdoors very often. The plasma rifle cannot be used at long ranges due to the fact that the shot totally dissipates after a few seconds. The plasma rifle also cannot be fired while underwater for obvious reasons. Plasma rifles are frequently used by cloak-pack-equipped Scout-class (light) infiltrators as a supplement to the Shocklance, as the plasma rifle does more damage on a direct hit than a Spinfusor disc, with a smaller blast radius and more rapid fire. Plasma rifles also carry between two and three times the ammunition of a Spinfusor.
Oh look, a description of what the Plasma Rifle SHOULD DO.
I don't think calling this game "poorly designed" does it justice. It's a very well-made game. It has a good share of flaws, obviously, but hey, it's F2P.
Poor politics I can agree on, however.
F2P doesn't justify poor design. F2P is a pay-model NOT an excuse for bad design.
And yes, it's poorly designed. Most of the people that don't have an issue with this game (i.e. probably you) have never touched the forums. Once you go in there on the other hand, it has so many problems.
why not try this novel approch, called "playtesting their shit"? preferably before they release this garbage for money, so pay2win assholes don't statpad until they get off their lazy asses and patch a fix in
jackal was bad enough, this plasma gun is the straw that breaks the camel's back for me, uninstalled
I think I was level 15 or something
oh well
I seeI'm rather saying "I don't mind errors and/or bad choices that much because I didn't pay money for it".
I still get problems of my game going below 30 fps... i7 3.0ghz 6g ram and HD 5870... I've got it running 720p on medium settings just so I can get extra frames. A lot of other people with AMD/ATI machines have problems with the game.I've been lurking the forums since the late beta. I'm very well aware of the problems the game has and that Hi-Rez is not really fixing them or making them even worse (as with the chaingun problem you mentioned), but in the core, the game is still really solid. "Poor design" to me means that the game is full with bugs and pretty much unplayable from a technical standpoint, which T:A is definitely not. That's why I fully agree on "poor politics", which is what they are doing.
It won't last.I'm mostly holding out for Hi-Rez realizing that they're on the way to destroying the competitiveness of their game with this.
I still get problems of my game going below 30 fps... i7 3.0ghz 6g ram and HD 5870... I've got it running 720p on medium settings just so I can get extra frames. A lot of other people with AMD/ATI machines have problems with the game.
I also get stuttering and even teleporting problems when my ping is in it's 40's. I get moments where I'm flying toward a flag and the netcode stutters, and I find myself flying 30 degrees off from where I wanted to be. It's so infuriating. That's all just from a technical standpoint. Like I said, I can go into gameplay problems all day. I've listed several in the forums and in this thread.
Dunno. ._. I'm using lower setting generally because my PC isn't a strong lad, but I can see where you're coming from.
I don't know what could be the problem. [...] AMD
If you unlock a perk is that perk usable across all classes? I'd assume so but the only reason I ask is because some packs are usable with difference classes (like the energy pack) but if you upgrade it on one class, it's still unupgraded on the other.
If you unlock a perk is that perk usable across all classes?
And do you guys use the smaller gun models?
...problems of my game going below 30 fps...
...stuttering and even teleporting problems ...
...netcode stutters, and I find myself flying 30 degrees off from where I wanted to be...
So you want to ignore everything else that's wrong with the game? Because I assure you the technical shit I get from this game (that I don't get from others, I run Crysis at a higher FPS avg) is only a tiny fraction of the game.
Of course not. If you're having a technical issue, you have every right as a paying customer to ask for support, and the devs should do everything they can to help. Doesn't always work out that way, especially not in this industry, but that's where "voting with your wallet" comes in. If you're unhappy, don't give them your money.
Almost as skilled as Quake rockets.
Quake rockets have no hitbox issues nublet
Most of the people that don't have an issue with this game (i.e. probably you) have never touched the forums. Once you go in there on the other hand, it has so many problems.
Yeah, but they cry about everything there. Everything. Not particularly surprising anyone who spends time around such negativity would come away jaded. It's hard to imagine how those guys can enjoy anything.
I don't think a forum dedicated to a game exists, that isn't filled with hate, vitriol and generate negativity towards the game it's dedicated to. If you go by game forums, every single game ever released is a broken, unbalanced mess.
I guess people show their love in strange ways...
Ah, a "Hilter Hates" video. Now you KNOW people are just bitching because they're getting killed, and don't have the gun that's doing all the killing
<Paper> Rock is fine, Scissors is imba.
Complaining about Thumpers is like complaining about Spinfusors. If they don't like shit blowing up, they should play CoD.
So much COD hate. >..> Don't get it. Must be bandwagon jumping, or just "hipster hate". Besides, CoD has noobtubers, so shit gets blown up regardless of where you go.![]()
Chaingun is perfectly fine. Doombringer has nothing else going for it but sitting on the flag with their fat ass and shooting stuff with the chaingun. If they took one of the biggest redeeming factors away from the DBR, that'd be 2 useless Heavy classes along with the Brute.
And most SMGs are fine too, honestly.
Also, Quake was fucking awesome.
I like the Raider's new SMG a lot. That's one addition they didn't screw up, at least.The slow rate of fire puts more emphasis on a person's ability to lead shots and punishes misses more, in exchange for higher damage when hits land. The zooming ability comes in handy as well. It's a particularly effective weapon against heavies since they're easier to target than the quicker classes.
Haven't used those cluster grenades much yet.
I hope they don't take ages to fix the plasma gun because Raider is a fun class and it's impossible to use the plasma without feeling bad.![]()
It has a higher DPS than the CG IIRC. Which means it's OP. Medium shouldn't outclass a heavy so easily.
According to the damage chart it has lower DPS than a chain gun and even lower DPS than the NJ4.