There was no mention of a laptop until after they were already past 20k. She never made any stretch goals.
There was no mention of a laptop until after they were already past 20k. She never made any stretch goals.
I am waiting for the laptop to be lost or the hdd to crash and all of her hard work is ruined.
But how would buying a laptop which would presumably be used in the creation of a game be a violation of a policy against funding "life projects"?
Interesting comment on KS:
I fail to see how this is a "brave thing to do" for Susan however. Brave would be when she'd first of all put her own money in there, and actually support her kids to the fullest.
How is buying a laptop against Kickstarter guidelines?
From the kickstarter :
Where's the Money Going?
"I really want a new laptop but my Mom said I should start small since I've never done a crowdfunding project before. So the $829 will be used to cover the basic cost of RPG Camp...My goal is to raise $829 to cover the cost of RPG Camp. But my Mom just told me about the Veronica Mars campaign so now I'm secretly hoping to raise more. My Mom said I can put any extra toward a laptop"
Makes it clear that she just wanted a new laptop and not one to use for the creation of a game.
There were stretch goals, specifically this:
$50,000 STRETCH GOAL: Creative Commons Custom Asset Library Available for Free to the Indie Gaming Community
You asked about a stretch goal and so did we but there was only one logical choice that complied with Kickstarter and benefits as many in the indie gaming community as possible. Young game designers and indie game developers find it difficult to secure inexpensive, legal artwork, content, music and sounds for their games – especially when the goal is to sell the finished game. It turns out custom assets are typically the biggest expense and often limit the quality, success and profitability of the final product. So let’s push hard in these final days to raise as much money as possible to fund an extensive Creative Commons Custom Asset Library.
Found in Update Number 12
It's sad no journalists will report about it. Even if they were to put a positive spin on it, there would be some pressure to deliver.
"The ambitious Kenzie may have missed her release date, but the 9 year old plans on releasing soon!"
Then the shit would hit the fan again. But they are afraid to scrutinize a 9 year old, and that is why Suscam used her as cover.
Maybe a fire can start on Reddit or somewhere else. It is sad how not only did the people that donate $24k not care, but a lot of the gaming community.
So what happens to the panel if they don't release anything by then?
Is the success story part only related to getting money?
The Art Factory said:supportive Kickstarter backers are really precious.. like your favorite sports coach from college, you all are so awesome.. a thousand person army, supporting in silence, with caring.. beautiful .. the whole time you never missed a beat, never paused, never doubted, trusted,... and still hanging in there.. and 99% of you don't even care about the game... it's only caring for the human beings involved.. compassion.... lovely, and patience too... i imagine God smiles when projects like this happen... the universe is a little warmer from your support.. and someday, you'll get some awesome video games, not that it matters in the slightest bit...
belinda parmar ‏@belindaparmar 8h
These are great. Mothers ruin.
FundHer ‏@FundHer 7h
@belindaparmar Can we get these in the U.S.? U have all the innovative parenting tools in UK. For me, BoxedWine+@Codecademy = #MothersRuin
I take the lack of screenshots there is still no game?
43 year old Kenzie Wilson said:Kenzie ‏@GamerCEO 10h
YES! Baltimore ComicCon w/my Dad, brothers & Pikachu knapsack to store my loot! #ComicCon @baltimorecomics #Cosplay
Susan "I'm 9" Wilson said:Kenzie ‏@GamerCEO 8 september
What is IndieCade? HEAVEN! I'm on a panel w/my mom & get to game for 3 days w/my Dad & big bros. Thx @BR via @youtube
Nine year olds do not talk like that tweet.
Also, I'm at work, what are the Cliff's Notes for the video?
I don't know if I care anymore. It's repulsive and disgusting, but she won. End of story.
But trolls cannot change the truth; the game is still not out a month after its supposed release date.Oh my... the prophecy comes true: Truth Changes Trolls! ;-)
But trolls cannot change the truth; the game is still not out a month after its supposed release date.
I really want someone to record that panel. That's gold, Jerry! Gold!
C'mon someone, make a new story about this..Kotaku, anyone..what about the outlets that supported it? Step up.
C'mon someone, make a new story about this..Kotaku, anyone..what about the outlets that supported it? Step up.
Don't forget all the brave things Susan did:
- Throwing her sons under the bus.
- Name-calling people who criticized and exposed the nature of her scam.
- Advertising threats against her daughter.
- Using her daughter as a shield against any criticism or questions about the "game".
- Making a secondary twitter account pretending to be her daughter.
- Getting a free laptop.
- etc.
" I am currently in the process of being brave enough like Kenzie to do my own Kickstarter project. I was inspired by her to try and make my own visual novel because of her.I honestly don't care how a game turns out because it is about the experience of seeing a young girl make her own RPG game happen."
Really? So, now someone else is inspired? This is going in the right direction I see.
Don't care how the game turns out? You'll be lucky if the game turns out at all. SMH
They are just trying to come to turns with the fact they have spent x amount of money on something which was supposed to be released a month and a half ago, and in their brain they will believe anything except "I was stupid enough to fall for a scam", instead they will justify it that they are simply helping another person, sort of like a charity.What strikes me time and time again is that those people all seem to think that "seeing this experience of a young girl make her own RPG happen" requires $24K.
What is wrong with just liking a Facebook page of that same girl and see the experience happen there? When did this go out of fashion?
They are just trying to come to turns with the fact they have spent x amount of money on something which was supposed to be released a month and a half ago, and in their brain they will believe anything except "I was stupid enough to fall for a scam", instead they will justify it that they are simply helping another person, sort of like a charity.
Anna 1 day ago
I'm not expecting a high quality game out of this. I just supported the project because of the fact that she actually was bold enough to try this talent. I have played a lot of less than stellar games over the years, but never ever judged it poorly. I still enjoyed the final product regardless of how it looked in the end.
Game design and such really can be a struggle and isn't for everybody. I am currently in the process of being brave enough like Kenzie to do my own Kickstarter project. I was inspired by her to try and make my own visual novel because of her.I honestly don't care how a game turns out because it is about the experience of seeing a young girl make her own RPG game happen.
Well at least we now know that Brenda Romero is pulling the strings for Indiecade.
And as for the backers? They just don't care.
What really bums me out is the fact that they are taking a spot on a panel/time at the show that could have gone to an actual indie developer, that could share real insight. Specifically based on the description of the panel, having the Shadowrun guys would have actually been interesting. They shipped a product, had some mixed results with the release and would probably add to the conversation instead of steering it into a river of gender politics.
I continue to feel bad for Kenzie, and really wonder at the ambitions for the panel. Romero's continued involvement in this project is surprising, and disappointing.
What is worse - Girls being paid to be at a party? Or using a 9 year old as a talking point to further an agenda?
What experience has she seen? How to steal money? I feel bad for Kenzie, one day she may realize how she was used.
What experience has she seen? How to steal money? I feel bad for Kenzie, one day she may realize how she was used.