LTTP but the cutscenes really bring back that MTV Liquid TV feeling from the 90s.
Why are skins not updating to my PS3? I lost the ones I did have on there and can't get new ones on either. This is day 3 of the problem. infuriating as all hell. It's sad, but I feel less inclined to play if I can't sport the GAF on my hood.
I agree. I don't have a huge problem with Talon as is, but you do have to focus on taking them out. As it stands now, you can either spend the whole match focused on taking out Talon, or spend the whole match getting slaughtered by Talon. Pick your tactic.
Agree on both accounts. It's taken me a week to finally get a tier 2 unlock (though I'm still missing 2 skin packs on tier 1? no matter). Between disconnects, server errors, freezes; if I really want to get access to other cars any time soon my only real choice is to play DM/TDM.
You earn 25 xp for hitting the statue in Nuke. Granted it's 5 for picking up the leader and 15 for launching, so 45 xp in all. Where as in TDM you score 25 xp for killing someone and 25 for damage, so basically 50 xp a kill. Somethings not right. And how come only the person who sacrificed gets points if the only reason he got it off is because I protected him? Do what Uncharted does and give everyone xp when your team completes an objective because it likely required the entire team, plus it encourages teamwork because you know if you help your teammate who is trying to launch you'll get the xp as well.This!. Whats the secret? You think you would earn shit loads for hitting the statue but no.
I have not played this game since launch day because of the obvious issues, I did really really like when I actually did get in a game and it was really fun. Once the patch comes out Ill totally jump back in and I know these guys are working hard on it. Will I be pretty run over and frustrated since you guys have obviously been playing a lot?
David can you please go play resistance 1 and see how a party system is meant to work. Pretty please.
Ah, the days of being a fan and thinking the reason things are what they are is simply because folks making decisions about products don't know how things should be. I miss those days sometimes.
That said, I never feel it's a fan/consumer's job to care or know WHY things are what they are. They just want shit that they paid good money for to work good. As they should.
But we hear you- and we'll do what we can and hope we spend our limited resources in the right places so the game experience improves for everyone.
David, I hate to be a nagger, but what's up with the skins not downloading? I've tried signing off the website app, tried signing on too. I don't know why they all disappeared on my PS3. Have any info, thoughts, etc.?
Bought a Sony Wireless Headset that should be here on Saturday. Gonna be sad to not use the immaculate four hour custom playlist I made for TM though.
Just finished Mr. Grimm's story last night. I take back what I said about the game being easy on normal. Part of that is my reluctance to use anyone but Kamikaze and Reaper. But goddamn atIron Maiden. The form of her hanging from the road was utter torture for Reaper.
Also, maybe I've been watching too much Fringe lately, but I couldn't help notice thatthe car that crashes into the Grimm family at the end of his arc looks a lot like the car Ms. Sparks was driving in her intro cutscene. Am I seeing things?
I was wondering about this - if you pick up headphones for the system, will you have to choose between hearing chat and the in-game sounds? I ask because I usually play TM through my computer monitor with standard walkman headphones, but am thinking about getting something so I can coordinate with other GAFfers when I play. It'd suck losing out on BGM / SE just to chat. guys will never know the joys of destroying a Talon to this song:
New video update from Jaffe
Says patch is tomorrow around 3-4. Not sure if that's EST or PST
Does it not bother anyone else that it take almost 3 minutes after starting the game from the XMB before you get to the main menu of the game?
Also load times seem rather long compared to the demo. It would have been nice if we had an optional install or something to make the load times go faster.
Hopefully this patch fixes some freezing issues as well...Ive had the game freeze in MP and SP challenge mode.
Does it not bother anyone else that it take almost 3 minutes after starting the game from the XMB before you get to the main menu of the game?
Also load times seem rather long compared to the demo. It would have been nice if we had an optional install or something to make the load times go faster.
Hopefully this patch fixes some freezing issues as well...Ive had the game freeze in MP and SP challenge mode.
Ah, the days of being a fan and thinking the reason things are what they are is simply because folks making decisions about products don't know how things should be. I miss those days sometimes.
That said, I never feel it's a fan/consumer's job to care or know WHY things are what they are. They just want shit that they paid good money for to work good. As they should.
But we hear you- and we'll do what we can and hope we spend our limited resources in the right places so the game experience improves for everyone.
I love Last Man Standing. I've only lost once in Unranked, and that was because I got slammed by the Health Semi, then ricocheted up a ramp, then hit by the subway.
I love Last Man Standing. I've only lost once in Unranked, and that was because I got slammed by the Health Semi, then ricocheted up a ramp, then hit by the subway.
Man, I'm downright nasty with Shadow. Special is much harder to use, but has a nice reward for the extra effort.
Man, I'm downright nasty with Shadow. Special is much harder to use, but has a nice reward for the extra effort.
I like Meat Wagon but I'll be honest, I went back to Outlaw today. The auto targetting on his special is nice to have. I am warming up a bit to Roadkill as well. I'm just really used to medium armor classes.
I've discovered I suck at finishing. I almost always get the most damage per kill bonus because I have so much damage done and so few kills. Three times this evening I finished with the most damage on my team but fewest kills (not most damage overall, but still).
Probably why Axle and Sweet Tooth frustrate me the most because they can run/jump/fly away like the little bitches they are whenever their health gets low. I should probably shoot them with missiles first and then freeze/hit them with Meat Wagon's secondary to kill them off, huh.
Has it been mentioned yet how damn annoying Talon is?Almost worse then connection errors. Almost. But at least I was able to finish Talon off a few times unlike Axle/Sweet Tooth.
Dumping a fully charged Roadkill alt-special on someone unsuspecting victim is so satisfying.
Strangely enough, this didn't really bother me until today. Optional install would be dope.
Also the length of it. Start hitting your target and he's all "Oh shit, gotta shield." Then the shield runs out and the blood missiles are still coming!Dumping a fully charged Roadkill alt-special on someone unsuspecting victim is so satisfying.
LTTP but the cutscenes really bring back that MTV Liquid TV feeling from the 90s.
so i tend to stock up on homing and fire missiles before i attack and usually spam those and then spam my special. then stock up and repeat.
but i'm thinking it would be better to use my special(s) first (although you have to be closer for some vehicles but freeze would allow that) and then unload the rest of my weapons cache. it's a pain to switch to special after firing homing or fire missiles because they are backwards in the cycle and i'm usually pumping my sidearm as well. i guess it makes sense that they setup the layout that special comes first as it does the most damage and then you can finish the person off with missiles without the need to cycle.
btw remote bomb + super mine combo is sick! it's funny how super mine does as much damage or more then some specials, just sucks that i can't use my shield after i drop one.
Why does Axel's special freeze you in place? Seems so cheap. Darkside or Warthog don't get to freeze you to do their specials and Axel's does a good amount of damage.
Has anyone ever frozen an enemy and they seem to break it almost instantly? I swear some times the enemy vehicle doesn't even stop (maybe a lucky shield?).
Are people that good at mashing buttons?
Also Talons are BS. Every time I play against one the player is a total dick with a 96%+ skill rating. All they do is float around the tops of buildings acting like vultures. Doesn't matter if you freeze them because they just plop right down on top of the skyscraper/high point they're floating around.
My only counter to those types of Talons is Vermin, but once they're aware of me they shoot down my missiles (alt special).