Just spoke with Papa Sony. Here's a TWISTED METAL UPDATE:
a- Still planning for patch to go live between 3-4 today (Cali time) BUT it ain't a done deal till the check's cleared the bank, as my dad likes to say. So we'll see, but we're all pretty confident it's gonna hit then AND fix things. Will it hit then? Dunno for sure. Will it fix a lot or a little or make things worse?!? Dunno. But that's the plan and the update.
b- Sounds like they've figured out why many skins are way too dark. Zach- our Sony Exec Producer- is speaking with web group today about how long it will take to get that issue resolved (assuming what they think is the problem REALLY IS the problem). He and I are speaking later today and he's gonna hit me up with an ETA for the skins appearing too dark issue.
c- Not yet sure if the skins that are not working now will automatically work once the fix hits or if you'll have to- OH SHIT

- remake the skins. Zach is checking.
d- There was a bug today where skins were not going from the server to the game. This has either been fixed or will be fixed (seems like it will be fixed today).
e-User Interface needs love on areas of the site but for now- a warming: people have been losing skins they've made because they think they have 6 slots per car in their garage and hit DELETE in order to remove a car from a slot and put another car in that DELETED slot. Problem is, hitting DELETE in your garage doesn't just remove the skin from your slot in the garage, it removes it FOREVER from you list of vehicles/from the server. In essence, if you hit DELETE, it NUKES it. This is our fault on the UI end and we'll fix it. But mean time: a) there's a warning and b) you can store up to 199 skins PER VEHICLE. And you can view them all if you go to your garage and hit VIEW ALL on the bottom right of the row of skins for each vehicle. This will need to be made more clear as well.
f- People who have just out and out LOST SKINS and they don't come back: we are checking into this. No solves or understandings of the issue just yet. Biggest issue is the dark skins, once that is solved, we'll start hitting the rest.
g- Zach is working with Sony web group to get the BROWSING turned in on the site so players will not be limited to a SINGLE PAGE/CATEGORY of vehicles. There have been SO MANY AMAZING skins made and it kills me that so far, most of them are not getting seen! Hearing back from Zach this afternoon regarding when this is gonna updated to the site.
Ok- more as it breaks!

Talk soon- gonna go get the dog groomed and his teeth brushed (he's got some NASTY ass breath!

See ya'll on online this weekend! And fingers crossed that the patch fixes the network issues so we'll see a lot more Metal players this weekend.