I don't think it's been said that Guy players are the most intelligent.
Well yeah... we're playing GUY
I don't think it's been said that Guy players are the most intelligent.
Well that would mean the beginning of summer, I'm guessing late May.
People just mad that Guy can dunk people.
Well so can T.Hawk. ESPECIALLY against Guy.
Guy vs any grappler sucks
Yo. Who's on PC in the next 10-15 mins and wants to body my Decapre?
I'm down to play some games.
Hiro hella overrates Bison, he thinks Bison is top 10 in Ultra n shit take his opinions with a grain of salt.
The way I see it, is Bison better than E. Ryu, Yun, Cammy, Akuma, Dudley, Poison, Ken, Fei, Seth, and Ibuki? I don't see it. I also think Yang is very good, along with Rose, Juri, and C. Viper. I think he's top 15-20.idk mayn.. is he wrong?
good games![]()
The way I see it, is Bison better than E. Ryu, Yun, Cammy, Akuma, Dudley, Poison, Ken, Fei, Seth, and Ibuki? I don't see it. I also think Yang is very good, along with Rose, Juri, and C. Viper. I think he's top 15-20.
Yea.. super solid. I don't really know his flaws?
Yea.. super solid. I don't really know his flaws?
Meh AAs, meh damage, and zero cheap shit means nah imo.
Last point especially. You need to be cheap to do great in this game.
Sadly, yeah. Characters who don't have cheap stuff usually have one extensively powerful tool that allows them to compete (ex. Fei's rekka). Bison's AA range is very space-dependent, his damage isn't amazing, and his pressure game is straightforward. He's like Yang in that he has to keep chipping away at your health constantly, except Yang has more versatility.Last point especially. You need to be cheap to do great in this game.
cr.HP is a lot better because they buffed the startup. St.HK can handle the other angles.
Damage output is mediocre yea and nah this Official Bison Pressure™ is cheap breh
They shaved off 2 frames from the startup but a 10 frame startup AA is not really great. By comparison Guile's df. rh. is 11 frames, floats on hit, and has a great angle and it's still quite rarely used.
Bison pressure is good but eh. Not seeing what about Bison that can't be done by Rog, Fei, or others for less effort and greater payout. His pressure is too legit.
-3 Rush punch from Rog
-5 Rekka from Fei
-1 Knee Press from Bison
Das why jlai is da bes
Why didn't you just rekka
like a book lmao
Just played like.. 30 matches with a Bison player (he had 5k pp..well deserved for sure ._.)
Don't know what the final tally was but he probably won 5-7 more matches than I did.
The second I get into the corner, it can be a wrap. Gagapa was telling me that using st.LK after Bison's Scissor kick would beat out his options but.. another lk. knee press will just beat out my st. LK.
Not to mention to make the matchup feel worse on my end is that he was punishing lynx tail and blocking most ex. Mallet smashes. No way to open him up. Most of the time he wouldn't deal with blocking though, Bison has so many escape options with meter its crazy.
ex. Devils Reverse/Teleport/exKneePress/exPsycho Crusher
nigga literally every special he has, has invincibility on its EX lol da FUCK b.
idk mayn.. is he wrong?
Yea IMO. Bisons in that Sagat, Ryu, Chun, Balrog, Blanka, Guile area. Competitive and solid but too honest to be considered really strong.
I think I might agree with you that Hiro might overrate Bison, he does think Elena is free tho
Maybe it was because he was unfamiliar with the matchup?hope that means no more losing to momochi's counterpick then
why does momochi use it as a counterpick anyway if ti's so bad then, I wonder
Either block low or tech throws, no overhead, no command grab. Maybe solid but too straightforward to be top tier.idk mayn.. is he wrong?
Either block low or tech throws, no overhead, no command grab. Maybe solid but too straightforward to be top tier.
Psycho Crusher shenanigans tho
DP...wait you're playing Elena lol
Ask combofiend.Is there any way to find out how positive/negative something is after FADC?
Is there any way to find out how positive/negative something is after FADC?