Ex-Backbone devs are working on the USF4 port.
Os heavy uppercut wrecks Poison's wakeup options. Beats backdash, cataches the backlip and will beat out every uppercut or trade with EX. She shouldn't be able to use any safejump setups against Ken and some of her safe fireball pressure setups in the corner will be beat clean by by medium uppercut which catches a lot of Poison's off guard.
Ex-Backbone devs are working on the USF4 port.
HD Remix ring any bells? Played any retro compilations or officially emulated games in the previous two generations?I have no idea who that is and I still expect nothing
The company's no M2 but they're at least adequate. PS3 stick compatibility... who knows if it'll make it in.Beef said:IIRC Backbone's problem wasn't netplay, but a lack of features.
So how many of you getting Ultra PS4?
So how many of you getting Ultra PS4?
So how many of you getting Ultra PS4?
So how many of you getting Ultra PS4?
I want to make a series of video tutorials about how to get into fighting games.
So how many of you getting Ultra PS4?
So how many of you getting Ultra PS4?
I have a strong feeling it's going to be mad glitchy or something.
I have no faith in this port tbh
Create matches instead.
I have been doing so too, but I just sit there forever as people come in and immediately leave. I'm stuck at 0PP, bah.
Edit: Also, I'm not really noticing any difference from PC/360 regarding the 2 frame input lag ps3 is supposed to have. I've been playing SF4 since it came out (Vanilla/Super on 360, Arcade Edition and Ultra on Steam) so this should be throwing me slightly off my game but it's just not getting in the way at all, I can't feel any difference when it comes to the timing of my inputs, and considering I main Cammy it should be fairly noticeable, right?
It's because you play on PC. The 360 version is the only version of the game without the 2 additional frames of input lag.(And soon to be PS4) The PC/PS3/Arcade version all have the same amount of input lag.
That could happen if your connection is bad.I've been trying to play every single day on numerous occasions and every damn time I get the same message over and over. "The host has removed you from the session".
So how many of you getting Ultra PS4?
Fought a dude on xbl named Moss So Evil or something like that. The guy had 5000+ PP and 19000+ BP with Viper. Holy shit. He was solid as fuck. Thank goodness I have some decent counters for Viper.
Who does viper even lose to?
Who does viper even lose to?
deejay apparentlyWho does viper even lose to?
Blocking + fundamentals.
Guys... I bought PS3 USFIV (am currently without a PC so I had to double dip to scratch the itch) around a week ago during the PSN sale... I've been trying to play every single day on numerous occasions and every damn time I get the same message over and over. "The host has removed you from the session". This happened to me once or twice over a year or so of playing the Steam version, what the fuck is up with the PS3 community that NOBODY will play me just 'coz I have no PP? Literally haven't fought a single match... thank god the game was only £10.
Also, been using my 360 TE stick with a cross battle adapter 2.0 and I've gotta say, this thing really works, if there's any input lag at all, I can't tell!
Well, off to bed...
I have no idea who she loses to according to matchup tier lists or whatever, maybe Honda?Who does viper even lose to?
This game sometimes... I just need somebody to break down this bullshit to me.![]()
DOA I get, but this? Nah I don't have the vocabulary. Hopefully my latest videos can provide me some answers from somebody who is fluent. Because I sure as hell can't.
On second thought eff them psn matches. I am too far behind.
what don't you get
I'll link the vids here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ycl85VBlx2E For example I just get kept in the corner and don't know how to properly zone him out.
I was trying to get some space to zone because that was the only way I saw I had a chance. Unless there is another way.
I can do some matches.
Well you didn't really do much. You barely threw out any rekka's and you did no flying kicks or whatever the hell they're called. Not dissing your play if that's your playstyle, but just wondering why you didn't throw out much offense.There are so many characters in the game(11 to be exact) that I will pretty much lose to no matter which character I choose and no matter how unskilled the player using the character is. At this point I feel like I'll never figure some of the MU's out.
Case in point
switch the hugo player with a 100pp player and the result would be exactly the same
Just booted up vanilla SFIV on PS3 for nostalgia and people are still playing online. Pretty crazy.