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Uncharted 3 reviews

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SolidSnakex said:
Which is why they shouldn't change anything. There isn't anything wrong with games like Uncharted existing.

And there is also nothing wrong with providing a review to those with a slightly different perspective than the Uncharted 3's already guaranteed audience. (Not saying that you think there is anything wrong with it, ofc.)
MoonsaultSlayer said:
What bugs me about Jaffe's article is he seems bitter about the attention "experience" games get over his own. He also lumped MW in with the "gamey" games... well yeah, for MP, but not SP.

What happened to the world being excited about all games? I'm anticipating UC3 while holding my dick, but I'm also enjoying the piss outta Costume Quest. "WHAT! Someone plays cinematic games AND handy games??"

Err, I guess he's just upset at people being upset about a score for a cinematic game. Oh well... wasted post.
why would the guy who made God of War be pissed about experience games getting attention? i think he just wants to see other games get attention too, not to see games like that NOT get attention.

unless you think he hates the series he created.
hey_it's_that_dog said:
This (the bolded) is always true because it's circular logic.

Sometimes fans don't know what they'd like better, and obviously ND (or any creator) can't keep doing exactly the same thing. Even fans get bored when the object of their fandom doesn't evolve.

There are quite a few games that have the same formula but are still incredibly popular. You don't really need to change up things when you've got a winning formula. I just finished Arkham City, which was praised for its addition of an open world, and I found that "world" to be unbelievably boring. I just wanted to get to the next mission as fast as I possibly could. I wouldn't want ND adding a hub for missions just to please the people that don't like the rollercoaster type approach that they take. I like how Uncharted is set up. There's no downtime in those games.


PairOfFilthySocks said:
Let's stop with this sort of thing. The fact of the matter is this; fanboys flipped out, posted stupid shit, were outed by Mama Robotnik, then subjected to a merciless barrage of hilarious and well-deserved mockery by a great many GAF members.
That doesn't change the fact that I am correct.


benevolent sexism
SolidSnakex said:
There are quite a few games that have the same formula but are still incredibly popular. You don't really need to change up things when you've got a winning formula. I just finished Arkham City, which was praised for its addition of an open world, and I found that "world" to be unbelievably boring. I just wanted to get to the next mission as fast as I possibly could. I wouldn't want ND adding a hub for missions just to please the people that don't like the rollercoaster type approach that they take. I like how Uncharted is set up. There's no downtime in those games.

You're talking about a series of two games, the second of which made a significant change to the world structure. Uncharted is on it's third entry and is fundamentally the same kind of experience, albeit one that is being improved/refined with each iteration. Like most people I haven't played UC3 yet, so I can't speak to the degree of evolution. But I can say that if ND made 3 more of these games without really surprising anyone, the fanbase would shrink.


SolidSnakex said:
Which is why they shouldn't change anything. There isn't anything wrong with games like Uncharted existing.

Yeah, I think the highs are definitely worth the inevitable lows. Just got to have that balance, don't go too far with the scripted, cinematic portions. Even though I died a dozen times the first time I did that tank sequence in UC2 because I didn't see the path where the game wanted me to go, the overall experience was still pretty great.
SolidSnakex said:
There are quite a few games that have the same formula but are still incredibly popular. You don't really need to change up things when you've got a winning formula. I just finished Arkham City, which was praised for its addition of an open world, and I found that "world" to be unbelievably boring. I just wanted to get to the next mission as fast as I possibly could. I wouldn't want ND adding a hub for missions just to please the people that don't like the rollercoaster type approach that they take. I like how Uncharted is set up. There's no downtime in those games.
people in this thread don't think a developer should be criticised for what they set out to achieve. that's the kind of madness we've been dealing with. if that change was made i'd fully expect some people to be critical of it... and i'd fully expect a group of idiots to flip out at the critics.

and because it bears saying. yes, more of us are pointing at the people posting stupid stuff than there are people posting stupid stuff. thank god for that though. i'd hope that even in a thread with a lot of stupid (and again, i'm not just talking about reactions to the 8/10, Greg Miller took a few hits he absolutely didn't deserve) that most of us wouldn't be engaging in the stupidity.

if a stupid comment is only allowed to have one response, half the threads on neogaf would be empty.

Dr. Malik

The forgotten Hall of whatever

Thoraxes said:
Greg Miller always reviews Sony first-party games high. And he's kind of a douchebag.

Drinky Crow said:
that ign review has to be one of the worst things i've read in ages.

olimpia84 said:
That IGN is the biggest bullshit ever. Fanboy painted all the way in that one.

jackdoe said:
Greg Miller is one of the worst writers, if not the worst, at IGN after all. His reviews read like a forum post!

timetokill said:
Damn you, Drinky, for making me read that IGN review. Truly one of the most embarrassing reviews of a game ever.

DonMigs85 said:
I'm really starting to see why Miller's wife divorced him

Drinky Crow said:
i swear greg miller looks like an anthropomorphic happycat

someone photoshop happycat onto his head with "oh god how did this get here i am not good with reviewer"

Riposte said:
I want to write jokes about Miller's reviewing his marriage and divorce, but that would be in terrible taste! Truly terrible! And I am a good person.

BeeDog said:
The hell, has Greg Miller actually been married? I thought he was, like, 12 years old.



hey_it's_that_dog said:
This (the bolded) is always true because it's circular logic.

Sometimes fans don't know what they'd like better, and obviously ND (or any creator) can't keep doing exactly the same thing. Even fans get bored when the object of their fandom doesn't evolve.

I understand, but if gamers are enjoying what the developers are offering, do you think it really needs that much change? And yes, I agree, sooner or later we might get bored of Uncharted due to probable stagnation. Heavy linearity can only gives so much.

When that happens, I'm sure many fans will scream and ND will opt for a new IP, instead of changing the Uncharted formula. At least that's what i think.


PairOfFilthySocks said:
Let's stop with this sort of thing. The fact of the matter is this; fanboys flipped out, posted stupid shit, were outed by Mama Robotnik, then subjected to a merciless barrage of hilarious and well-deserved mockery by a great many GAF members.
There were definitely some posts that he picked out deserve the mockery, there are also others that he didn't take the full context of the post.

I have no issue with him doing it just how he did some of the posts.


That Eurogamer review is one of the best reviews I have read in a while. It is not afraid to criticize a high profile game, but it also doesn't discredit it. It is about time for someone to call out games for trying to become something that they shouldn't be. I don't want videogames to be replicas of movies. Yes, having cutscenes and other cinematic aspects in games is not harmful, but it shouldn't be affecting gameplay to the point where you are just there to press X, in order to get to the next cutscene.

I am afraid that the day will come when the "best games" are considered the ones that have the most cinematic aspect to them, and the ones that you basically play in order to get from cutscene to the next. That is just the death of gaming.


plagiarize said:
one way, albeit one that would require a lot more work, would be to have it so that the scripted sequences could play out in different ways. ie, you have two or three versions of the same scenes. not necessarily in a branching fashion but in a swap in and out fashion. it's still essentially plays the same, but it feels less linear. give the player subconscious choices every now and then, and have gameplay scenarios scripted for whether they went up the stairs or down the corridor.

but i understand why almost no one ever does this, because so few people would see all the work you'd put in. polishing ten hours of linear gameplay is a lot easier than polishing thirty hours of gameplay that each player will only experience ten of.

i don't think however that every game has to appeal to everyone. the audience that don't mind this 'issue' are clearly large enough for the franchise to be a success. that doesn't change the criticism from being true of course, nor should it gag people from voicing it when it continues to be the case in subsequent sequels, but since most gamers and reviewers won't mind (i know i won't), i'd rather ND catered to the wider audience than the smaller one.

i'm pretty sure they can stomach getting the odd eight out of ten from a handful of reviewers much more readily than some of the people in this thread seem to be able to.

Well, there is definitely room for change in the Uncharted linear design. Is it smart to do so at this point in the series? Don't know.

Also, I have no problem at all with those who don't like Uncharted. I just debate for the sake of discussion. The only thing that I find ridiculous beyond belief, is the mass murderer/ sociopath comments, and they still don't bother me that much.
Marius_ said:
The forgotten Hall of whatever


The contrast between this list and Mama Robotnik's is quite interesting. Mama's list will get a lot more attention, but this list is full of actual personal attacks on the reviewer. That seems far worse than saying something like "Edge and Eurogamer aren't credible".
plagiarize said:
and? i'm sure IGN are getting many extra clicks because of their reviews too.

i'm not going to guess what kind of a point you were trying to make by pointing this out... i'm asking you.

what's your point?
That because of the extra attention from fellow gaming sites they will get extra clicks, that was it. I don't see how you could have a problem with that statement.
Marius_ said:
The forgotten Hall of whatever

Hey hey what are you doing, it's the Uncharted fans on trial here. And Solid is right, I guarantee this post won't get any attention compared to Robotniks post.


Marius_ said:
The forgotten Hall of whatever

Aside from the personal stuff, I don't really see what's so wrong here. The review's not very good. People mentioning Miller made me check if that incredibly shitty IGN review of Dead Space 2 was by him as well... and it was.

Isaac's losing his mind in Dead Space 2. The guilt is tearing his very sanity apart. That's heavy stuff and it makes for a really engaging story

SolidSnakex said:
The contrast between this list and Mama Robotnik's is quite interesting. Mama's list will get a lot more attention, but this list is full of actual personal attacks on the reviewer. That seems far worse than saying something like "Edge and Eurogamer aren't credible".

The hypocrisy is frightening. In my life, this is probably the first time I've seen so much hatred towards a positive score, save for System wars sites and xboxforums or something. And I guarantee none of this hate would exist if this were Xbox or Nintendo exclusive.


Smellycat said:
That Eurogamer review is one of the best reviews I have read in a while. It is not afraid to criticize a high profile game, but it also doesn't discredit it. It is about time for someone to call out games for trying to become something that they shouldn't be. I don't want videogames to be replicas of movies. Yes, having cutscenes and other cinematic aspects in games is not harmful, but it shouldn't be affecting gameplay to the point where you are just there to press X, in order to get to the next cutscene.

I am afraid that the day will come when the "best games" are considered the ones that have the most cinematic aspect to them, and the ones that you basically play in order to get from cutscene to the next. That is just the death of gaming.

Oh boy, that would suck!
upJTboogie said:
That because of the extra attention from fellow gaming sites they will get extra clicks, that was it. I don't see how you could have a problem with that statement.
i never have a problem with facts, which what you posted was. but i did wonder why you felt the need to post such an obvious one, and why you picked the Eurogamer review over say the Destructoid review or the IGN, both which will have brought those sites more clicks from their unexpectedly perfect scores. you haven't answer that. i know it's true. i just wonder why you felt compelled to point out the obvious.

Hey hey what are you doing, it's the Uncharted fans on trial here. And Solid is right, I guarantee this post won't get any attention compared to Robotniks post.
well it's a lot shorter for one. i think you'd espescially find that interesting given that you keep telling us that hardly anyone was really upset about the 8 / 10.

i'll gladly keep drawing peoples attention to it though. i don't think reviewers should get hate for their opinions, positive or negative. i haven't read any more reviews after the EG one (since it convinced me to pick up the game) so i can't say if its as well written as the EG one was. i don't plan on reading any more reviews unless they go indepth on the 3D support.
Lion Heart said:
The hypocrisy is frightening. In my life, this is probably the first time I've seen so much hatred towards a positive score, save for System wars sites and xboxforums or something. And I guarantee none of this hate would exist if this were Xbox or Nintendo exclusive.
go look at the hate Dan Shu got for his positive Gears of War review. this doesn't remotely compare to that, just as i'll gladly admit that the EG review doesn't remotely compare to the insanity of 8.8.

these things always cut both ways when it comes to exclusives, or two big franchises locked in some crazy call to battle.


I think that portal 2 and half life are bad games. They're too linear and have high production values. And the industry is doomed for learning from them!


plagiarize said:
go look at the hate Dan Shu got for his positive Gears of War review. this doesn't remotely compare to that, just as i'll gladly admit that the EG review doesn't remotely compare to the insanity of 8.8.

these things always cut both ways when it comes to exclusives, or two big franchises locked in some crazy call to battle.
what is this 8.8 that keeps getting mentioned?
Smellycat said:
That Eurogamer review is one of the best reviews I have read in a while. It is not afraid to criticize a high profile game, but it also doesn't discredit it. It is about time for someone to call out games for trying to become something that they shouldn't be. I don't want videogames to be replicas of movies. Yes, having cutscenes and other cinematic aspects in games is not harmful, but it shouldn't be affecting gameplay to the point where you are just there to press X, in order to get to the next cutscene.

I am afraid that the day will come when the "best games" are considered the ones that have the most cinematic aspect to them, and the ones that you basically play in order to get from cutscene to the next. That is just the death of gaming.
What should it be then? If it's not your cup of tea, then fine, you can move on to greener pastures, but what about those who like the experience? The reviewer wasn't criticizing the cinematic experience itself, merely pointing out the flaws inherent with that design choice sometimes. And Uncharted games are much more than pressing X to further the next cutscene; there is plenty of gameplay and variety. Don't know what you've been playing, but your post is grossly exaggerating things. Uncharted is far from the death of gaming, that's just a ridiculous statement.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
btkadams said:
what is this 8.8 that keeps getting mentioned?

Gamespot gave Twilight Princess an 8.8/10, which gave a large portion of the Zelda fanbase bleeding assholes, and an ocean of tears was shed, coupled with rabid fans acting like 8.8 was worse than the damn Holocaust.
Combichristoffersen said:
Gamespot gave Twilight Princess an 8.8/10, which gave a large portion of the Zelda fanbase bleeding assholes, and an ocean of tears was shed, coupled with rabid fans acting like 8.8 was worse than the damn Holocaust.

There's some image that was saved from Gamefaqs. I can't find it right now, but it was a bunch of threads created after that review. You've never seen outrage over a review until you've seen that.
Smellycat said:
That Eurogamer review is one of the best reviews I have read in a while. It is not afraid to criticize a high profile game, but it also doesn't discredit it. It is about time for someone to call out games for trying to become something that they shouldn't be. I don't want videogames to be replicas of movies. Yes, having cutscenes and other cinematic aspects in games is not harmful, but it shouldn't be affecting gameplay to the point where you are just there to press X, in order to get to the next cutscene.
Weird that Uncharted 2 had some of the best gameplay moments and set-pieces THAT YOU WERE CONTROLLING in years, right?


So what has this glorious thread evolved into now;
prereview hyping, review wave. critiziing eurogamer,8/10, ign... and now?

also, uncahrted 2 only had an hour's worth of cutscenes for thoes wanting to know. 1:8 ratio


Smellycat said:
That Eurogamer review is one of the best reviews I have read in a while. It is not afraid to criticize a high profile game, but it also doesn't discredit it. It is about time for someone to call out games for trying to become something that they shouldn't be. I don't want videogames to be replicas of movies. Yes, having cutscenes and other cinematic aspects in games is not harmful, but it shouldn't be affecting gameplay to the point where you are just there to press X, in order to get to the next cutscene.

I am afraid that the day will come when the "best games" are considered the ones that have the most cinematic aspect to them, and the ones that you basically play in order to get from cutscene to the next. That is just the death of gaming.

What's so wrong about video games emulating movies? I don't get it. Why should cinematic experiences be restricted to only movies? Its not like a majority of video games are going after this genre, there's plenty of games out there that are anything but linear and cinematic.
Lion Heart said:
The hypocrisy is frightening. In my life, this is probably the first time I've seen so much hatred towards a positive score, save for System wars sites and xboxforums or something. And I guarantee none of this hate would exist if this were Xbox or Nintendo exclusive.

Oh god, you think it's about the score? :lol you have to be joking.
If it was about the score, there are plenty of other perfect scores to look at.

Did you actually read the text of the review? You know, the thing we were commenting on?

Also, my comment wasn't a personal attack on the dude who wrote it. I've never met him, but I'm sure he's a swell enough guy. It doesn't mean the review isn't embarrassing.

This has nothing to do with the 10/10. This game will get plenty of them and it probably deserves them.
plagiarize said:
i never have a problem with facts, which what you posted was. but i did wonder why you felt the need to post such an obvious one, and why you picked the Eurogamer review over say the Destructoid review or the IGN, both which will have brought those sites more clicks from their unexpectedly perfect scores. you haven't answer that. i know it's true. i just wonder why you felt compelled to point out the obvious.
I picked Eurogamer because it's getting more attention from other sites I already mentioned that, and it's being called controversial by everyone.
plagiarize said:
well it's a lot shorter for one. i think you'd espescially find that interesting given that you keep telling us that hardly anyone was really upset about the 8 / 10.

i'll gladly keep drawing peoples attention to it though. i don't think reviewers should get hate for their opinions, positive or negative. i haven't read any more reviews after the EG one (since it convinced me to pick up the game) so i can't say if its as well written as the EG one was. i don't plan on reading any more reviews unless they go indepth on the 3D support.
Mama Robot's post started off about the same length maybe a few quotes longer. I'm not reading any reviews either but apparently Eurogamer really skimped on talking about the gameplay strengths, if that's true it's funny that calling their review weak is so frowned upon.
I just read Eurogamers review and it wasn't very "controversial" in my opinion, someone somewhere already said the same about Uncharted 1 and 2 billion of times.
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