The Lamp said:
Criticizing Uncharted for being "linear" or having a moment where the guy saves the girl is like picking on Mario for being a platformer and not an MMO. It's the whole point. Naughty Dog has stated time and time again that they need and want the game to be linear for the story and level design to be as seamless and crisp as possible.
I'm not trying to derail the thread or say you're
wrong or anything like that (it seems I have to put disclaimers down or I'll be dogpiled on), but I disagree with that. Complaining about linearity is different from complaining about genre. If someone complained that UC was an action game, then
that's the same as complaining that Mario is a platformer.
Linearity is okay much of the time. That's not really what the problem is. And like I said, that goes beyond genre. A platformer can be linear. Doesn't mean it's bad. Some of the best are linear! The difference is they don't take away player input. They remain interactive.
Interactivity is what's being criticized. I think many people here are misunderstanding that. It's fine to be linear. But it's not fine when you take away control and simply
watch what's happening instead of playing it. This has been discussed to death, and there are good points on both sides. The Uncharted series does do a damn good job of creating playable segments where other games would simply use cutscenes. But! it also takes away part of your control, or limits your actions until certain requirements have been met (say, talk to this person before you can interact with this rock).
When you're watching more than playing, you're moving away from a game and more toward a movie. That's the problem some of us have. I don't like having my input "corrected." I mean, as an easy example, Uncharted's platforming has been continually criticized from the very beginning of the series for being automated. That's the type of thing I and the others on this side of the fence are trying to explain. The games are good, they're presented well, but they're very, very tightly controlled.
Oozinator said:
So basically Eurogamer is gave the game a 80 out of 100 score...
Eurogamer is angry because this master game competes with one of the few AAA made by domestic failing UK game industry (Batman AC).
It's also 80,000,000 out of 100,000,000! That's 20 million points off!
Or, it could be .8/1. Which doesn't really seem so bad.