Fuck the controller battery life lol, just died on me at 87% completion and the cable is too short to play with it plugged in. Guess I'll go farm my daily in Guild Wars 2 and finish this a bit later.
Yeah, battery sucks. I got a 10' long usb cable on monoprice for like $2 (tax not included) and it helps in those moments. Check it out.
Um...I think Nolan North just revealed an Uncharted 4 location?!?
Or it could totally just be a random locale or mixup, given how many games he's done and still doing.Skip to 4:26. He mentions having to pretend the mocap studio is "Italy," even though none of the already-released Uncharted that he's worked on (1-3, GA, EoI) take place there. Looks like he kinda realizes the mistake & quickly says "England" afterward.
Um...I think Nolan North just revealed an Uncharted 4 location?!?
Or it could totally just be a random locale or mixup, given how many games he's done and still doing.Skip to 4:26. He mentions having to pretend the mocap studio is "Italy," even though none of the already-released Uncharted that he's worked on (1-3, GA, EoI) take place there. Looks like he kinda realizes the mistake & quickly says "England" afterward.
It's funny because it wasn't long ago when people were crying about linear games when open world games never really evolved beyond collectathons and fetch quests and trying to otherwise be cinematic. So it was a bunch of whining for nothing.I think I might pull the trigger on this collection just to balance out all the other games I have that all want me to collect 50 doodads or earn 50,000 doodad points.
A linear, story-driven action adventure done right might be just what the gaming doctor ordered.
Lol, think he might take em down if he sees this post?
Actually though, it's pretty surprising Uncharted hasn't taken place there yet. I mean...really?
They're on my incredibly short list of devs that do linear games justice. And yeah, I love open worlds and progression systems, but it has become such a trend that I can play 4 or 5 games in an evening and they all feel like its the same meta resource collection errands, but in very different clothes. Still fun times, but sometimes the quest for extrinsic rewards can take more prominence than simple fun or advancing a story or reaching some kind of conclusion. I guess I've flipped screens to the point where I now look to linear games for some variety.Kudos to ND for not buckling.
Um...I think Nolan North just revealed an Uncharted 4 location?!?
Or it could totally just be a random locale or mixup, given how many games he's done and still doing.Skip to 4:26. He mentions having to pretend the mocap studio is "Italy," even though none of the already-released Uncharteds that he's worked on (1-3, GA, EoI) take place there, not even the U4 demos. Looks like he kinda realizes the mistake & quickly says "England" afterward.
I believe it was always the case that tweaks only unlocked on the highest completed difficulty. So if you played through on normal, you couldn't use it on hard or crushing. That is indeed stil the case. Good luck on your non tweaked brutal playthroughSo they've taken out the possibility to play with cheats when starting a new game on a higher difficulty? So I'll have to play through all of Drake's Fortune on Crushing without One Hit Kills?
for those that downloaded the game: can you select which game you want to download or do you have to download them all?
It's one package.
Lé Blade Runner;181098242 said:Uncharted 1 really looks beautiful in motion - I never played the PS3 version, so I can't compare, but man the environments look absolutely amazing at times.
Uncharted 2 is my favorite as well, and I can't wait to get to that later on. This is easily worth the money, folks.
They said I'd get free shipping if I ordered 50 copies....
They said I'd get free shipping if I ordered 50 copies....
Looks like it never age wow.
I just finished Drake's Fortune for the first time and I loved it, I did it on normal and even that got pretty hard towards the end, I died a lot. I would give it a solid 8/10 and if that's the worst of the three then the others must be incredible.
I will be starting Among Thieves tomorrow and I can't wait as most people say it's the best one.
Dive in and get your half-tuck wet.They said I'd get free shipping if I ordered 50 copies....
Did you really?!
Uncharted Drakes FortuneQuick question, never played Uncharted and have not been following news on the collection or this thread. Does the game run well without the day one patch? Is it all fully playable?
I just watched the video from the NX gamer thread and it appears to be. This is information i'd like to know before i would decide if it's time to pick up a PS4.
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/d...-fortune-ps4-nathan-drake-collection-face-offWith Drake's Fortune on PlayStation 4, we're looking at a full 60fps with v-sync engaged. By and large, Bluepoint's work on this remaster turns in a remarkably steady level of performance - a near-locked 60 frames per second in all but a handful of sequences. When slowdown does rear its head, dips below 60fps are not accompanied by any torn frames, with the title maintaining image integrity from start to finish. Of the three games included in this collection, Drake's Fortune turns in the best performance.
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/d...-thieves-nathan-drake-collection-ps4-face-offIn general, performance issues in version 1.00 are limited to scenes with lots of water or alpha effects. In such instances, we see dips into the mid-50s. We see similar dips in performance during the memorable train sequence as well. It should be noted that slowdown on PS4 occurs in many of the same areas on PS3 as well. On PS4 where dips to 55fps are encountered, instead we see drops to 25fps on PS3. We're hopeful that the 1.01 patch cleans up these issues but even without the patch, performance is still solid.
Uncharted Drakes Fortune
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
They said I'd get free shipping if I ordered 50 copies....
Thank you very much, so far it seems to be great!
Clever title.
The Nathan Drake Collection sounds like a clothing line