I'm not sure what the semantics of the moment are about these things, but I really think Uncharted games in this collection are remakes. From what I've see so far in UDF, almost every single asset, shader, texture and visual effect seems to be replaced, or touched up. It's just that in all the replacing and touching up, the overall look of the originals is carefully preserved so they don't look like entirely new games (unlike new Gears remake for example). Furthermore, core gameplay systems have even been changed to some degree (aiming and control responsiveness in particular is really not the same as before). Compare that to a GoW3 remaster which uses all the same assets and everything and just runs at higher resolution and framerate on PS4.
I'm not sure what the logic would be for someone trying to argue against this, but I'd like to see opposing point of view. Does a game need to look completely different to be considered a remake? Why? I mean they have clearly re-made just about everything in these games.
Does this game require an install?
I just popped the game in, and it says I can play it now.. but like every other game, it doesn't give me any indication that it's installing.
I don't want to boot the game too early and make the game non-functional like EVERYONE other time I've tried to start a game in the middle of it installing. So fucking annoying.
Does this game require an install?
I just popped the game in, and it says I can play it now.. but like every other game, it doesn't give me any indication that it's installing.
I don't want to boot the game too early and make the game non-functional like EVERYONE other time I've tried to start a game in the middle of it installing. So fucking annoying.
http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/d...-fortune-ps4-nathan-drake-collection-face-offThis improvement is coupled with changes and improvements to the combat experience. The dead zone has been decreased, input latency reduced, and subtle changes made to control that enable Drake to more easily aim his weapons.
I'm not sure what the semantics of the moment are about these things, but I really think Uncharted games in this collection are remakes. Almost every single asset, shader, texture and visual effect seems to be replaced, or touched up. It's just that in all the replacing and touching up, the overall look of the originals is carefully preserved so they don't look like entirely new games (unlike new Gears remake for example). Furthermore, core gameplay systems have even been changed to some degree (aiming and control responsiveness in particular is really not the same as before). Compare that to a GoW3 remaster which uses all the same assets and everything and just runs at higher resolution and framerate on PS4.
I'm not sure what the logic would be for someone trying to argue against this, but I'd like to see opposing point of view. Does a game need to look completely different to be considered a remake? Why? I mean they have clearly re-made just about everything in these games.
They did some good work with the combat.
Afaik, there were zero gameplay changes in Gears remake (I read that it was running on the same exact underlying game logic and they didn't want to mess with it) but all the visuals were re-done.The gameplay changes are minimal in the larger scheme of things.
I'm not gunna pretend I can tell the future,, but I reckon you are going to hate this collection.I can
Finished the first game. I'm new to the series. It was enjoyable with some good parts, but also with a lot of tedious arena battles. While especially the middle part was cool the last few chapterswere kinda bad.(starting when the zombies appear)Did not like how scripted the final encounter was.
I have to say it was better then I expected before (I even considered skipping it), but nothing really great. I'm now excited for Uncharted 2 to learn what all the "masterpiece"-fuzz is about.
Yes, but it's fast. When I first started the game, I had to wait for about 30 seconds before Drake's Fortune was done installing before it would let me start a New Game.
When you select New Game, it should give you a percentage and a countdown.
What chapter are you on?Guys, i'm really having some troubles appreciating U1. I did not play U1 on ps3, but my concerns basically amount to 3 things:
- autoplatforming, length of jumps is decided on the spot, this brings many situations where you die because no "jump situation" was coded in
- this is by far the most important to me, left stick sensivity is too low, basically half its movement is inside a dead zone. Moving Nate starts only halfway through. I hate every form of dead zone or input lag, and this is simply unbearable to me
- combat arenas and pacing of the story. After the first 2 hours story has basically become unexistant, making the game a succession of combat arenas, without real set pieces exceptDunno, was expecting more on the storyline frontjeep/jet-ski sequences.
maybe my expectations were too much? should i expect better in U2-3? is the dead zone fixed in subsequent games? I was really looking forward to this collection, i'm a bit disappointed as of now.
Umm what?
I think you will hate this collection as you were not a fan of the originals right? So I don't think the remastered will change your mind. Sorry if that came off weirdly, I hope you do enjoy it though![]()
Finished the first game. I'm new to the series. It was enjoyable with some good parts, but also with a lot of tedious arena battles. While especially the middle part was cool the last few chapterswere kinda bad.(starting when the zombies appear)Did not like how scripted the final encounter was.
I have to say it was better then I expected before (I even considered skipping it), but nothing really great. I'm now excited for Uncharted 2 to learn what all the "masterpiece"-fuzz is about.
Guys, i'm really having some troubles appreciating U1. I did not play U1 on ps3, but my concerns basically amount to 3 things:
- autoplatforming, length of jumps is decided on the spot, this brings many situations where you die because no "jump situation" was coded in
- this is by far the most important to me, left stick sensivity is too low, basically half its movement is inside a dead zone. Moving Nate starts only halfway through. I hate every form of dead zone or input lag, and this is simply unbearable to me
- combat arenas and pacing of the story. After the first 2 hours story has basically become unexistant, making the game a succession of combat arenas, without real set pieces except jeep/jet-ski sequences. Dunno, was expecting more on the storyline front
maybe my expectations were too much? should i expect better in U2-3? is the dead zone fixed in subsequent games? I was really looking forward to this collection, i'm a bit disappointed as of now.
Don't go into it with "masterpiece" in your head. I know it's hard, but you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Nearly every set-piece heavy linear game since 2007 has drawn from 2 games: Call of Duty 4 and Uncharted 2. If you're a fan of these kinds of games, you've played many mediocre attempts at doing some of the things you're about to see in Uncharted 2 so you might come out of it not very impressed. Just enjoy the ride and forget about all this masterpiece stuff.
Agree with all of this.Don't go into it with "masterpiece" in your head. I know it's hard, but you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Nearly every set-piece heavy linear game since 2007 has drawn from 2 games: Call of Duty 4 and Uncharted 2. If you're a fan of these kinds of games, you've played many mediocre attempts at doing some of the things you're about to see in Uncharted 2 so you might come out of it not very impressed. Just enjoy the ride and forget about all this masterpiece stuff
It can't be understated how much of a jump U2 was. There's a small group of people who like U1 better, but the majority recognizes U2 as a big improvement from the first title in every way. Encounter design and pacing in particular are much stronger, so much so that Uncharted 3 actually feels like a step back in both respects. Keep playing.
Guys, i'm really having some troubles appreciating U1. I did not play U1 on ps3, but my concerns basically amount to 3 things:
- autoplatforming, length of jumps is decided on the spot, this brings many situations where you die because no "jump situation" was coded in
- this is by far the most important to me, left stick sensivity is too low, basically half its movement is inside a dead zone. Moving Nate starts only halfway through. I hate every form of dead zone or input lag, and this is simply unbearable to me
- combat arenas and pacing of the story. After the first 2 hours story has basically become unexistant, making the game a succession of combat arenas, without real set pieces exceptDunno, was expecting more on the storyline frontjeep/jet-ski sequences.
maybe my expectations were too much? should i expect better in U2-3? is the dead zone fixed in subsequent games? I was really looking forward to this collection, i'm a bit disappointed as of now.
Saying that though, I personally believe no linear blockbuster has matched the Uncharted games yet in terms of quality.
Camera, movement and aim: In order to unify all three games, we adjusted the speed of camera movement, the stickiness of aim assist, and how the camera handled diagonal movement in Uncharted 3 and rebuilt the aim assist in Drake’s Fortune.
Controller layout: We remapped buttons to ensure players did not have to switch between different control schemes with each game. We also tweaked some of the controller layout decisions based on player’s familiarity with The Last of Us Remastered.
Uncharted Drake’s Fortune grenade gameplay: We’ve brought the grenade gameplay in Drake’s Fortune in line with the other two games. Players no longer need to equip a grenade to throw one and can also throw grenades in various ways while hanging or while in cover.
Languages: All three games now support 22 languages!
http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2015...id=652514464604880896&adbpl=tw&adbpr=36969785Music enhancements: Music was upgraded across all three games to support surround sound systems for a better overall audio experience.
around 10 i think. Customs house, playing on hard.What chapter are you on?
Yes, the underlying engine argument does make a lot of sense."Remake" applied to games the way it's been used for years in the film industry should mean a completely new game made from the ground up that does everything the original did but isn't built on top of the same source code of the originals. Think Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty!. Most of what we've been getting are remasters, most correctly named as such (even the bad ones because lord knows there have been bad movie remasters as well). Gears and Uncharted walk the line between the two terms, but even with all the replacing, resolution boosts, and slight gameplay fixes/additions, being built on the same engine foundations disqualifies either from being called remakes.
What is the best motion blur option?
Ah ok I think you will like UC2 much better.around 10 i think. Custom's house.
Wow haha (No platinum for me.)
I like 2. They're roller coaster rides with absolutely 0 replay value. Like an over the top action movie, sometimes it's fun to just turn off your brain and watch.
Why is he not trying something else, like waiting a few seconds so that the enemies have moved? He just runs forward so the exact same scenario happens every time.
I disagree with the 0 replay value. Just like over the top action movies, I sometime like to go back and watch them again. Not sure I could tell you how many times I've seen the Indiana Jones moves, The rock, Con Air, Armageddon, Independence Day, etc.
Mostly everyone I know who likes the Uncharted Franchise play these game multiple times.
Just in case anyone is on the fence or just plain excited for the release, I streamed about an hour of the game--playing all 3 games--with fellow GAFers and we had a blast. The video is here:
In addition, my thoughts are:
I've played through Drake Fortune Remastered (1) & Among Thieves Remastered (2). I'm currently nearing the end of Drake's Deception Remastered (3). If you've never played the Uncharted games, love third person action adventure and own a PS4--get this! It's fantastic. This is how remasters should be done. Technical (1080P/60hz) & quality of life improvements (load times, etc) without changing the base game.
This Drake's Fortune is the most jarring for me. Even Remastered it doesn't look as good as I recall, but it's still a damn fun game to play through. Also, keep in mind it's a first generation PS3 game that was released in 2007!
Among Thieves is fantastic, and as it was back in 2009--it's incredibly impressive ti play right after playing fist game. It's fun, frantic, wonderfully paced, hilarious when it want's to be, and still the best in the series.
Drake's Deception is, of course, the best looking and the most technically impressive. In fact, at times I think it's better looking than some current generation games. Revisiting it now, it's actually more fun and engaging than I remember. It does go on for too long in some cases (hallucination section) but the shooting is also the best in the series.
If you're a returning player like me and have the itch to return to the series--I say go for it. It's a blast to play through all 3 games again and it looks amazing! I do wish they would've included a 30hz option much like The Last of Us had, particularly since Uncharted 4 is going to running at 30hz as well.
Also,before the day one patch (1.01) the game never crashed on me once, I never lost progress, or experienced corruption. The only bugs were little animation or minor collision bugs (pre-patch)
Anyway, hope this helps!