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Is it just me or is the AI worse in 3? They kinda stand around more in the open looking doopy. Everything else though I prefer, it's 1am and I just can't stop.
I did notice a lacking of gatling gun use on my run, but then again I was playing Crushing so not the best weapon choice there.Am i not remembering things correctly or did they remove the 1rst encounter with the heavy armor guy in UC2 ?
UC4 does look amazing, but I don't know, it's going to feel fucking weird playing it at 30fps after playing this collection which is just orgasmic. I hope they can do something similar to The Order 1886 to make 30fps feel a little better.
Yes there is an audio cue - the music changes in a particular way. But you don't need an audio cue. Once Drake stop sprinting around and starts casually jogging at a slower pace instead, that means the fight is over.Worst thing about Uncharted 1 is all the incredibly obvious invisible script tripwires. Going back and forth from a vantage point just so that enemies pop up is fairly annoying. Also I'm over halfway through and I'm still not quite sure if there are audio cues that signal the end of a firefight, which I'm positive 2 and 3 did. Sometimes the music stops, sometimes it keeps going... weird. All in all, Crushing can be fun, but the worse chokepoints clearly weren't designed with it in mind.
You might be thinking of the co-op with the skull face in Nepal. It was part of a beta and took place in the same area as the original UC2 demo so it's easy to mix them up.Am i not remembering things correctly or did they remove the 1rst encounter with the heavy armor guy in UC2 ?
Playing this franchise, while I absolutely loved the Tomb Raider reboot and cant wait for Rise's PS4 release....man did TR really get alot of its stuff from Uncharted
From the looks of UC 4 they are just copying one another now.
Got past the sewers. Now on one of the hardest sections in the game.
I hope for Uncharted 4 the cover is less sticky; trying to escape by rolling and accidentally get stuck to cover happens way to often in frantic firefights.
I don't know why people still think Tomb Raider plays like Uncharted, it's closer to Gears of War or The Last of Us than Uncharted, Uncharted is an arena shooter with vertical level design, & an agile characte, while the level design in Tomb Raider is more flat like TLOU & Gears, & Lara's agility is useless in combat since you can't really do anything useful while moving, no hipfire or proper melee.
Must admit replaying ship graveyard, that it is the pinnacle of Uncharted combat like you said. Nonetheless, I still have issues with the AI, hit reactions etc. The whole time I was playing it I was just thinking this would be so much better with Uncharted 4s combat/AI/movement system.
I like the concept of jumping in the water to escape, but I wish there was an option to break line of sight, and then re engage back into combat when I chose. (Like TLOU/UC4)
Definitely, which should expand the combat options in UC4 even more, I'm just puzzled at all this comparison between Uncharted & Tomb Raider, they don't play the same at all, even thematically, Uncharted is light hearted & charming, while Tomb Raider is darker & more serious.
I guess the job description of the main character trumps everything else? Since TR is closer to Gears & TLOU in everything else.
nice work
Video of me playing ship graveyard in Uncharted 3. Even on normal it is still quite hard. First time using share button as well
Video of me playing ship graveyard in Uncharted 3. Even on normal it is still quite hard. First time using share button as well
Pretty good stuff, but you could have taken out three of those first couple of guys via stealth (actually, not even just the first three). Though you probably already knew that and wanted to go in rambo lol.
Didn't know you could stealth this section, but being rambo is fun anyway![]()
This is a bit silly, but one of the things I'm most excited about with Uncharted 4 is that little white dot inside the reticle. That alone is such a huge deal to me, as I really despise the reticle of Uncharted 1 and 2. I've heard 3 has a different reticle than the first two games, but I'm still making my way through U2 at the moment.
Man UC1 crushing is kind of annoying. I'm up to 17 so far and it's been pretty okay so far for a old PS3 game. I done forgot most of what I played years ago.
Man the deaths in the game are so hilarious. Just so random.
Is it me or is there something wrong with the gamma in this game?? I'm having trouble seeing in some parts as it's REALLY dark. My PS4 is on limited RGB and my TV I'm sure doesn't support FULL. I crank the brightness up and there's some scenes that's just impossible to make out. Specifically the later chapters where you're in the monastery and later. I literally feel like I'm running in the dark.
Despite being a PlayStation owner every gen I never got around to playing any of the uncharted games. I'm almost done with UC1 and I definitely didn't see that coming. I'm really enjoying the game except for thenazi zombies out of no wherejet ski sequences
Must admit replaying ship graveyard, that it is the pinnacle of Uncharted combat like you said. Nonetheless, I still have issues with the AI, hit reactions etc. The whole time I was playing it I was just thinking this would be so much better with Uncharted 4s combat/AI/movement system.
I like the concept of jumping in the water to escape, but I wish there was an option to break line of sight, and then re engage back into combat when I chose. (Like TLOU/UC4)
That's interesting because TLOU remaster also had severe gamma issues.
Naughty Dog pls
Video of me playing ship graveyard in Uncharted 3. Even on normal it is still quite hard. First time using share button as well
Finished the whole ship graveyard cruise ship side story in UC3. All the combat scenarios seemed very frustrating on crushing. A lot of trial and error with me killing off a wave, enemies spawning behind me and killing me, me learning the spawns for next time and dealing with it, get killed by another enemy spawn somewhere else, repeat.
Some bad game design in some of these sections in UC3. It really is a mess of a game, still a good game but a real fragmented mess of one. It just doesn't flow well like the first two games do. It feels like instead of learning from their previous entry Naughty Dog took a step back when making this game. I said it at release and it seems most people have also said this, it really is just not as good in 2 in nearly every facet. I'll still go for the platinum but when that's done I think it's safe to say I won't play UC3 ever again. (Unless they rerelease it on a future console with improvements and more trophies of course)
Why didn't the pulse elites get the audio profile?
seems like they've stopped supporting that headset altogether for awhile now in favor of the golds? wasn't destiny supposed to get one and they never released it?