It is true, Henry Jackman is the composer for it.
Not sure how I feel about that :/
It is true, Henry Jackman is the composer for it.
Not sure how I feel about that :/
I played throught Uncharted 1 for the first time ever and I have to say, I was a bit disappointed. The combat wasn't that good, the plot was thin and predictable and I didn't find any of the mechanics that interesting. The game was also shorter than I thought, which was a good thing since I was already bored of it.
Playing Uncharted 2 now and man, is it much better than the first one! I now understand the love for Uncharted.
It is true, Henry Jackman is the composer for it.
Not really sure if it's a spoiler, but it's not about the cutscene itself. Some funny bug that happened to me when it triggered.
The big difference between 2 and 3, and I think the explains folks' preference for 2 over 3 more than the initial hype of 3, is the pacing in 3. It uses a lot of downtime to artistic effect and to shine light on character dynamics. 2 never stops being intense. 3's got a slow burn.
To be honest I'm liking UC1 way more than UC2. The beginning of UC2 is so boring. UC1 is a classic oldschool third person shooter while UC2 still hasn't aged at all. Look at Tomb Raider, most of the devs are still trying to copy Uncharted 2.stealth section, Borneo
I personally don't think UC4 will be able to top UC2. Not in overall pacing, characters, sense of place or set pieces. I think UC4 will be amazing in its own right, but I honestly can't see it topping the second. The latter is pretty close to perfect as far as blockbuster pop corn experiences go.
I feel the new one will be less over the top and more grounded, but I hope it's not all like that because I love the over the top set pieces in this franchise, and the sense of awe, scale and wonder. Even in the moments of exposition, like the whole climbing the giant daggers mirror puzzles room, or making your way through the secret ice cave area in UC2. That stuff is Indiana Jones turned up to 11.
I don't think any of the gameplay they've yet shown from UC4 quite matches the set piece spectacle of some of the other key moments so far from the franchise. Eg the train or collapsing building levels.
Lol wat. I remember UC3 being one massive set piece after the other and how disjointed it all felt. It felt like they just splooged every set piece they could think of whereas UC'2 came naturally.
Uncharted 3's first few chapters (after a bar brawl) are Nate as a boy. You don't actually kill anyone until like chapter 5.
In Chapter 1 of Uncharted 2 you're hanging off of a train and after a short flashback, still within Chapter 1, kill a man. Uncharted 2 is Mad Max Fury Road by comparison.
Nate's character model in Uncharted 3 is current-gen standard. Not Naughty Dog current-gen standard but super detailed and smooth.Just got to the City's Secret.
Holy hell I can't get over how good this looks. I think the thing that really shows it's a remaster is the lack of dynamic environment - no breezy leaves/branches for example, and the character models look a bit flat.
But the gorgeous and could stand up against PS4 native titles IMO.
Now that you mentioned it - UC1 had swaying leaves and branches as soon as you arrive on the island (even the PS3 original). I'm not sure if they kept that later on in the series.Just got to the City's Secret.
Holy hell I can't get over how good this looks. I think the thing that really shows it's a remaster is the lack of dynamic environment - no breezy leaves/branches for example, and the character models look a bit flat.
Henning or someone else from the team were asked that question actually. If I remember correctly, the answer was either that there were no satellite maps in the world of Uncharted, or that something about the valley (constant clouds?) was preventing it from being photographed from the above. Something along the lines that the place was a mystery because the world is supposed to have mysteries, or else a game like Uncharted couldn't exist.Side-criticism: Why didn't Lazaravic and Nate just use, I dunno, Google Earth to find thatand take, I dunno, helicopters or biplanes in?Paradise Valley
Now that you mentioned it - UC1 had swaying leaves and branches as soon as you arrive on the island (even the PS3 original). I'm not sure if they kept that later on in the series.
Yes, the string flags did sway. Curious about the foliage. I remember being impressed that it swayed back then on PS3 UC1, but I don't remember if it ever did in 2 and 3.
If you have a problem like this, make sure your TV is not set to "Automatic" black levels, but manually set it correctly to a Full or Limited RGB (or rather High or Low black level as it's sometimes labeled in TV settings)Someone please help me. No way this game is THAT dark. Brightness is maxed. My TV looks fine for other games.
I can hardly see in the caves.
Anyone else having major issues with the disc install? It took me nearly 30 minutes just to install U1.
The pre-load goes fine, but then it doesn't seem to actually install the rest of the game unless I'm letting it sit idle on the screen after selecting New Game; and the install sounds really janky: I can hear it spin up the disc for 3-4 seconds at a time, stop, then repeat.
Also, I noticed that it doesn't install the other titles in the background EVER--not while I'm playing U1; and not even when the disc is in the PS4 with no other games or downloads running. And so, once again, I have to leave the game sit idle on the "New Game" screen for each title and wait for 30-40 minutes.
I have zero problems with other games, and I own like 30 disc-based PS4 games.
Just wondering if I got a bad disc or something.
Was playing Witcher 3 maxed on on PC prior to UC2 and the remaster still looks ridiculously gorgeous. I can't even comprehend how good these graphics looked in 2009. Everything is just so consistent and intricately crafted.
Really? UC1 and 2 sounded exactly the same to me.
I've installed the game twice without issues. Second time was to get pre-patch shadow screenshots.
First time I let it install fully before playing. No 1.01 patch released yet.
Second time I started it immediately and loaded a save into the middle of Drake's Fortune and it took just over a minute to copy what it needed for that level. 1.01 patch was downloading in the background.
Yep, i had something like that. I rebooted the PS4 and it took less than a minute after that.
Side-criticism: Why didn't Lazaravic and Nate just use, I dunno, Google Earth to find thatand take, I dunno, helicopters or biplanes in?Paradise Valley
I just bought the uncharted collection bundle (yay 300 dollar eBay sell) and was wondering if the game that comes with it is digital or physical?
Wow, that's a pretty cool piece of trivia, and would explain why there were all those mechanisms with a largely unexplainable purpose in the locations prior to Shambala. I can see how it would make it impossible to have actual city be the way it is in the game if it was under the lake for so long.I think the original idea was to have Shambala hidden under a lake. When it shows the map that Drake finds in Borneo, there's a very prominent image of a lake but it is never mentioned; the same lake is visible on Drake's modern map and is right next to the entrance to the city. Then, as you are actually making your way to the entrance, you activate a mechanism and it starts draining water for some reason.
Digital voucher.
Looks like I'll be getting a majority of my games from PS4 digital. Thank you![]()
With the size of most Triple-A games being 30 - 50GB's, I highly recommend going with physical copies whenever possible: even if you upgrade your storage to the max of 2 TB's, you're eventually going to be deleting stuff to make room; and, it most cases, it's way faster to install off the disc and only download the patches, versus downloading the full game from PSN.
Even with my disc installation issues I shared above, it'll take me less than 2 hours to install The Nathan Drake Collection from the disc; but to download the whole 44GB's from PSN would take me the better part of a day.
Still it will fill up quite fast dude.I appreciate the concern, but I'm probably going to be only buying exclusives on the ps4. Xbox one is my primary source of gaming.
The chandalier scene seawater's not rendered properly in the U3 remaster.Hopefully it's a random occurrence like God of War III's wall texture which I fortunately never experienced.
Here's how it's supposed to look:
did they respond to this yet?
The last of us was a great game but Uncharted is so much more fun to play. Nathan and Sully > Joel and Ellie.
I sure did. Though I have no idea what to use it on yet, at least on anything that isn't too expensive (60 bucks for this collection already cut into most of my spending this month).Has anyone gotten their 10% off coupon for preordering on PSN yet?
I wish they would. Scene not just looks worse than the original, but quite glitchy looking too.did they respond to this yet?
I wish they would. Scene not just looks worse than the original, but quite glitchy looking too.
Not really sure if it's a spoiler, but it's not about the cutscene itself. Some funny bug that happened to me when it triggered.
I'm halfway through 3 now, which has always been my favorite, and there're so many Naughty Dog-isms I'm noticing across all four of the PS3 games. Being chased by vehicles, pressing triangle to boost someone to a vantage point, trying to get to areas that have been sealed off for good reason (El Dorado, Shambala, Atlantis of the Sands, the Fireflies' lab).
3 is, for lack of a better word, more modern than the first two. It uses the yellow tinges in background art as an indication of where to go (used again in The Last of Us). This makes it much harder to get lost or not notice a handhold, without [fuck this pun], holding your hand.
The flamenco guitar work is clearly a precursor to Gustavo Santolalla's work on The Last of Us and a move away from Greg Edmunson's score that Uncharted 4 is finally doing. Treasures are way less obscure. Areas and arenas for firefights are larger. The stealth and melee are much-improved. Character interactions are more plentiful. Voice acting is better. Character motivations are deeper. There's a greater focus on more emotive scenes and backgrounds are explored.
The big difference between 2 and 3, and I think the explains folks' preference for 2 over 3 more than the initial hype of 3, is the pacing in 3. It uses a lot of downtime to artistic effect and to shine light on character dynamics. 2 never stops being intense. 3's got a slow burn.
Also I suppose if someone didn't initially like the multiplayer (unfortunately not included in the remaster - it's the best unnecessary multiplayer since Mass Effect 3), that could potentially detract from their enjoyment of 3, as it is slightly shorter than 2. It's also easier, for what it's worth. Guns are more powerful, enemies take WAY fewer shots on crushing.
Had my first crash while playing UC2, during the Monastery. Thankfully save data was still intact and everything.
I sure did. Though I have no idea what to use it on yet, at least on anything that isn't too expensive (60 bucks for this collection already cut into most of my spending this month).
Email.Did you get it via e-mail or on your ps4?
I just played all three for the first time and what made U3 a lot worse than 2 was the combat.
- the new melee just gets in the way. I want to roll away but I can't as grab is the same button.
- so many areas have a new wave spawn next to you simply because you naturally moved to a part if the map I apparently shouldn't have.
- so many types of bullet sponges (the brutes being the dumbest)
If they fixed that it would be on par or better than 2 but as it is its worse that U1.
It stops you having as much freedom in how you approach each encounter. You kind of have to learn the routine and dance how ND want you to. You could kind of just wing it in 2 and survive, in 3 you die as you had moved to a part of the map you apparently shouldn't have.