Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
So with this Remaster, people are finally realizing that Chloe >>>>> Elena, right?
I prefer all of the Elena's.
Beat Uncharted 2 last night. Amazing game and the ending boss fight stillI don't think I have it in me to go back and do Crushing. Too many other games to play atm. Uncharted 3 will get started this week.sucked horribly even on hard.
All those guys are smart, they sure are not as smart as Nate though. Plus they have lots of resources and man power to make things easier for them.
Because Drake is a crazy asshole who strives on all this manufactured drama, and needs to enact a story where he's the hero.ok that's three games in a row how the hell do the bad guys keep finding the shit that you're in that's supposed to be super secret. I understand it's so you can have fire fights but still.
I also just beat 2. I'm saving all 3 Crushing playthroughs for next year sometime, just too much stuff to play lol I got all the other trophies though.Beat Uncharted 2 last night. Amazing game and the ending boss fight stillI don't think I have it in me to go back and do Crushing. Too many other games to play atm. Uncharted 3 will get started this week.sucked horribly even on hard.
I also just beat 2. I'm saving all 3 Crushing playthroughs for next year sometime, just too much stuff to play lol I got all the other trophies though.
Because Drake is a crazy asshole who strives on all this manufactured drama, and needs to enact a story where he's the hero.
Besides the usual ruthless killer argument, he always leads heavily armed bad guys to these treasures and ruins, which he usually proceeds to blow out or help blow out. He's a mindless killer and history's biggest vandal all rolled into that wholesome smile.
Basically this is what he does:
- antagonize dangerous people, sometimes by stealing from them.
- go looking for a legendary place no one (including nazis) has ever found.
- help the aforementioned dangerous people reach that place, which is even more dangerous than them.
- proceed to kill hundreds of armed guys.
- blow that place and the head bad guy, meaning he's actually more dangerous than any threat he's faced.
- get back together with Elena.
- start thinking about the next mythical place to find and blow to pieces and what kind of sociopath to rope in, while wondering why Elena has left. Again.
To be fair, he's been working on that act for two decades. Elena might have been the only person who saw through his bullshit, while Sully has been acting as an enabler all along.
I was fearing the same and it really wasn't bad at all. Still a shit ton of shooting compared to the other games but it's not bad at all, really enjoyed it.I'm going to be doing Hard on all three, then Uncharted 4 on Hard, and eventually all four again on Crushing. Seems fitting
I assume Drake's Fortune wouldn't have aged well, but it's been a blast so far.
God damn Uncharted 3 looks sooooo good. I also realized you can't use photomode if subtitles are on and someone is talking. So I turned them off.
Finished Uncharted 1 for the first time since when I first got my PS3 back in 2009. The game is definitely fun but you can see how much ND has learned since their first outing. Time to go onto one of my favorite games, Uncharted 2!
Man I must be really blind. So far I've only been getting like half the collectibles per game. Heh
If I buy the Uncharted collection digitally, could I only download part 2 if I choose or do I have to download the entire collection?
Why don't you want 1 & 3 pray tell?
I played them all on PS3, but remember loving 2 in particular. Not really wanting to play through 1 and 3 with the 2015 holiday games coming out soon.
Tell me about it. I fault nobody for using a guide, some are in REALLY obscure locations.UC2 hid the collectables in ridiculous places. I mean, why would a small statue get stuck at the edge of a cliff?
You must own all 3 sorry. But you can hop straight to two if you want.
I think they're asking if they're separate downloads
Fuck the collectibles. One of the worst type of collectibles I've seen in the last decade.You must own all 3 sorry. But you can hop straight to two if you want.
Tell me about it. I fault nobody for using a guide, some are in REALLY obscure locations.
I think they're asking if they're separate downloads
They're not.
Tell me about it. I fault nobody for using a guide, some are in REALLY obscure locations.
Uncharted 1 I was able to get all treasures without a guide. The second one I used a guide after beating it.
Tip: chapter select campaign, fast motion, 1hk, infinite ammo, any gun, glowzor skin
Uncharted 1 I was able to get all treasures without a guide. The second one I used a guide after beating it.
Tip: chapter select campaign, fast motion, 1hk, infinite ammo, any gun, glowzor skin
This is my problem right now.
Do I use a guide as the same time I play, lowering my enjoyment of the game (constantly checking back to a guide), but only having to play through it once, or play normally, but having to do a second playthrough just to get the collectibles?
How much harder is brutal than crushing?
So with this Remaster, people are finally realizing that Chloe >>>>> Elena, right?
Thanks. Might try it after I get the platinum for U3.Haven't tried it yet but here's what it does:
2 hits = death
Slower health regen.
Low ammo (you get 2-3 bullets when you pick up ammo instead of whatever was in the clip).
How much harder is brutal than crushing?
So with this Remaster, people are finally realizing that Chloe >>>>> Elena, right?
Just finished it for the first time. Definitely see how and why Uncharted got to where it is now. 2 is off to a good start as well.
So with this Remaster, people are finally realizing that Chloe >>>>> Elena, right?
Uncharted 4 needs a new girl because the male cast is much better as it stands. Chloe and Elena have both overspent their welcome.
She is being played by Merle Dandridge as well (TLOU, Half Life 2)
She is being played by Merle Dandridge as well (TLOU, Half Life 2)
I'm pretty sure they are both villains.
Druckmann said in interviews that he isn't writing them as villains; just people with goals which don't align with Drake's. I could maybe see him sexing it up a bit with her.
Anyone that's not in line with the main character is a villain
Edit: I suppose you could describe them as villains still, but I am going to assume they won't be as "mustache twirling" as the older games.
No please no
Uncharted games need brutal villains with no redeeming qualities. Take that moral complexity out of here.
UC2 hid the collectables in ridiculous places. I mean, why would a small statue get stuck at the edge of a cliff?
Aha maybe you are right. I suppose it fits the tone but I would like a villain with at least a bit more depth than previous games. You can have that with the campiness.
I am not asking for TLOU levels of greyness in terms of morality, just villains with believable motivations other than 'I am an evil warlord' etc. Kind of like they attempted with Marlowe (although completely failed).