Oh well. Is there any story penalty if I killed anything? I accidentally killed an early game enemy when I first started.
Killing anything except So Sorry stops you from getting the true ending on that run.
Oh well. Is there any story penalty if I killed anything? I accidentally killed an early game enemy when I first started.
Killing anything except So Sorry stops you from getting the true ending on that run.
Fuuuuck. I wonder if I should restart. Is there any point to continuing? Like, is this still a unique ending or does it feel like a cut one?
You get the Neutral ending. It's unsatisfying.
Welp, back to square one. I didn't think one kill would have much consequences. It's only when I saw here people talking about more than two endings that I started to wonder. Well, at least Ill get to see what flower says when I beat Toriel without restarting the game. Unless...it says that it knows I started fresh, lol.
Killing anything except So Sorry stops you from getting the true ending on that run.
This isn't true you still get EXP for that encounter.
Get ready for a bad timeI started playing Genocide Route and it was so easy and that's made me angry, until I reachedand now I love this Route!Undyneare other boss battles after that hard too?
Oh! Can't wait for Mettaton!Get ready for a bad time
So, I'm slightly confused here. I've just got through a large part of the Pacifist route (MAJOR LATE GAME SPOILERS)Sans judged me and said I didn't kill anyone, I showed mercy to Asgore, but I got a message from Flowey saying something like "to get a true happy ending, i have to "hang" with Undyne and Papyrus. I thought I'd already done this?
What do I do now? Does this mean I didn't do enough? Do I have to restart the game?
just reload your save. You don't not need to restart. If you didn't have the date with papyrus go do it. If you didn't have the hang out session with Undyne, go to her house and do it. Her house is in Waterfall, near Napstablook's place. The game should point you in the right direction afterwards.
Thanks. I thought I did all that. Hmmmmm.......
if you did do all that then still walk back. you will get a call and it will make it obvious what you need to do next.
Welp, back to square one. I didn't think one kill would have much consequences. It's only when I saw here people talking about more than two endings that I started to wonder. Well, at least Ill get to see what flower says when I beat Toriel without restarting the game. Unless...it says that it knows I started fresh, lol.
Other than killing, is ther anything else that might hurt my chances of getting the true ending?
You are on neutral route, you'll get the same ending with a neutral pacifist route but you don't have to replay the entire game to get the true ending that way.
who is INFURIATING. Every time she opens her mouth/texts/calls/etc, I would prefer literally anything else to happen. I hate her personality very very much. My best friend described her as the Fuuka of Undertale, which told me everything I needed to know (Fuuka is the only character from Persona 3 that I remotely dislike, and I hate her so much she's my least favorite Persona character).Alphysis awkward, unfunny, not charming, way tooAlphys
who I'm still not sure what I make of it. TheMettatongag was hysterical and theDOG IS A BOMBwas amusing but the character itself isn't making any lasting impression on me. Oh well!quiz show
ok, I'm kinda confused. What do I have to do to get the true ending? Before I restarted I had my first fight with that show host robot.
^ Thanks!So after I beat the final boss and the credits roll I just continue from my last save spot, right?
Ken's alright.You're a Ken fan?
I look forward to it!!When you fight him for real, things will get very fabulous very quickly. Best be prepared (no one ever is, truly)
It only counts if you get expOh, another questionDoes knocking out a Temmieby flexing count as killing it?
It only counts if you get exp
You don't need toSo I'm in thepacifist postgame. Where do I find Mettaton?
So I'm in thepacifist postgame. Where do I find Mettaton?
Well I beat it.
Killed the king, some flower piece of shit laughed at me. Did I get back home or what?
Well I beat it.
Killed the king, some flower piece of shit laughed at me. Did I get back home or what?
Well I beat it.
Killed the king, some flower piece of shit laughed at me. Did I get back home or what?
Well I beat it.
Killed the king, some flower piece of shit laughed at me. Did I get back home or what?
Doesn't sound like you beat it.
E: oh.
Game closed after that. Unless it was a crash I'm gonna presume it was one of the endstates. Either way not interested in doing another run through the game. Might eventually look up other routes on youtube. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
E: oh.
It's so telegraphed; I continue to be surprised people constantly fall for it.
It's so telegraphed; I continue to be surprised people constantly fall for it.