TEMMIE spoilers:Does anything happen if you pay for temmie's higher education?
TEMMIE spoilers:Does anything happen if you pay for temmie's higher education?
The lineSo just checked, wow does the No Mercy verison of Undyne's fight just come off as tragic.
The line
is the most impactful line in the entire game for me.The Heroine appears
I shivered.
Oh, you mean killing Undyne on a mixed/neutral playthrough?To be clear I'm not talking about the Genocide Version of the fight.
To be clear I'm not talking about the Genocide Version of the fight.
Oh, you mean killing Undyne on a mixed/neutral playthrough?
Because No Mercy seems to be interchangeable with genocide.
Hey, quick question about some of the neutral ending variations i was having with some other people, spoilers ofcourse.
I've never heard this before butthe whole True Lab subplot implies that she's really depressed, so her being suicidal wouldn't be a far stretch.
That is true, butI think that she also implied that it was her duty to take care of the amalgamates? so that's why i didn't feel she was looking to kill herself, just care for the amalgamates due to her involvement in their creation
* As I said, I was afraid I might...
* Not come back...
* But that's not because of these guys or anything!
* I was just worried I would be too afraid...
* To tell the truth...
* That I might run away, or do something...
* Cowardly.
* ...
Hey, quick question about some of the neutral ending variations i was having with some other people, spoilers ofcourse.
So some people seem to be under the impression that if you kill Mettaton or Undyne, then Alphys commits suicide, where did this idea come from? I mean some of these endings do mention that Alphys "disappears" but doesn't that just mean she went to the true lab to live with the Amalgamates as she says in the note before you enter the true lab? or did i miss any clue about her being suicidal?
If you kill Mettaton and asgore after you befriend Undyne, Papyrus says that she hates you now because Alphys is gone forever and because Asgore is gone forever too.
Makes me think that she probablydoes commit suicide because of the loss of Mettaton.
Makes me think that she probablydoes commit suicide because of the loss of Mettaton.
This kinda is the part that doesn't make sense to meWhy would it be Mettaton specifically the trigger for the suicide? I kinda would understand it if it was Undyne, but i dunno, maybe to a personal level i don't want to think of her dying, but well, the game does show you her plans for never being seen again and they didn't involve death.
I found a small, incredibly subtle Earthbound reference.
I wonder if I'm the first to notice it...probably not
The small design on Papyrus's outfit looks exactly like the small design on a Star Man's chest.
Question with genocide and neutral run spoilers:I already know there's a fight with Sans in a genocide run, but what about in neutral? Does he just kind of get angry at you or does he ever fight you depending on how many bosses and monsters you kill?
truthfully, it doesn't really matter what you said. all that's important is that you were honest with yourself. what happens now... we leave up to you. though... one thing about you always struck me as kinda odd.
now, i understand acting in self-defense. you were thrown into those situations against your will. but... sometimes... you act like you know what's gonna happen. like you've already experienced it all before. this is an odd thing to say, but if you have some sort of special power... isn't it your responsibility to do the right thing?
heh, well, that's your viewpoint. i won't judge you for it...
You dirty brother killer.
Then why did you kill my brother?
This kinda is the part that doesn't make sense to meWhy would it be Mettaton specifically the trigger for the suicide? I kinda would understand it if it was Undyne, but i dunno, maybe to a personal level i don't want to think of her dying, but well, the game does show you her plans for never being seen again and they didn't involve death.
How do you know thatshe wasn't going to commit suicide in the lab though.
I don't want her to have commit suicide either, just throwing out ideas
If you buy the key from Bratty and Catty and checkthe house beside Napstablook's house, you learn that Mettaton is actually Napstablook's cousin, a ghost that dreamed of being a star and was inserted into Mettaton to act as personality, pretty much. This was a dear friend to Alphys.
You know it never occurred to me how (endgame spoilers)Asriel's desire to reunite with Chara has a tragic poignance once you consider everything you learn about them in the genocide run.
Game is fucked up in more ways than one.
He admits Chara was a bad person if you talk to him in the flower bed after his fight and says that everything he did was because he was projecting Chara into Frisk because Frisk was eveything he wanted Chara to be, so in a way he really wanted Frisk.
On my second playthrough, pacifist run:
are there any necessary conversations I need to have in order to get the true ending? I want to just kind of blow through and do all the fights I have to do rather than wasting time. I love the game, but I'd rather not have to talk to every NPC just to make sure I don't miss anything and get all that dialogue again. It's all great dialogue, I'm just not interested in hearing it again less than two days after beating the game once.
The only prerequisites to get a true pacifist ending areThat is, aside from not killing anyone of course. You're going to have to get the neutral ending first to do the latter though.befriending Papyrus, Undyne and Alphys.
Right, I've gotten the neutral ending and scary flower dude told me to not kill anyone this time (the ONLY person I killed in my first run was toriel because I thought I had to...) Are there any optional conversations that are crucial to befriending them? I already befriended papyrus (i went on a date with him this time instead of hanging out...yikes) I'm not sure how to befriend undyne since she wanted to kill me the first time but I'm sure I'll figure it out, and I think I befriended alphys my first time through as well.
So I should be okay!
Right, I've gotten the neutral ending and scary flower dude told me to not kill anyone this time (the ONLY person I killed in my first run was toriel because I thought I had to...) Are there any optional conversations that are crucial to befriending them? I already befriended papyrus (i went on a date with him this time instead of hanging out...yikes) I'm not sure how to befriend undyne since she wanted to kill me the first time but I'm sure I'll figure it out, and I think I befriended alphys my first time through as well.
So I should be okay!
you can'tbefriend alphys unless you're on the true pacifist run, so you didn't befriend her first time.
You have to go back to Undyne's house (near the Waterfall) after saving her and hang out with her. Also, you can't befriend Alphys until after you've first gotten a pacifist neutral ending and befriended Papyrus and Undyne.
Also might want to put my fake edit spoiler tag in that post since I wasn't sure whether people would consider that latter part a spoiler or not![]()
As cute as I found the demo, I really hate the enemy turn mechanics.
Hey, quick question about some of the neutral ending variations i was having with some other people, spoilers ofcourse.
So some people seem to be under the impression that if you kill Mettaton or Undyne, then Alphys commits suicide, where did this idea come from? I mean some of these endings do mention that Alphys "disappears" but doesn't that just mean she went to the true lab to live with the Amalgamates as she says in the note before you enter the true lab? or did i miss any clue about her being suicidal?
As cute as I found the demo, I really hate the enemy turn mechanics.
That's weird. It's a big part of the game's appeal tbh
The boss fights are great
Probably. I like the idea behind it. It just doesn't click for me. I'll buy the game anyway to support the dev but meh on that.That's probably going to be a very unpopular opinion. I find it infinitely better than most RPG combat.
That's probably going to be a very unpopular opinion. I find it infinitely better than most RPG combat.
Probably. I like the idea behind it. It just doesn't click for me. I'll buy the game anyway to support the dev but meh on that.
you move via the arrow keysIn light of the Super Best Friends starting an LP of this game I decided to say fuck it and buy my first PC game in years. Hopefully my anti-gaming PC can handle it because I really want to know what the hype is all about. Thank god for steam refunds though just in case.
Pray for me.
I doubt it, just the mechanics I don't really like. Making it harder, I don't think will make me enjoy it more!You might enjoy it a bit later when the bosses become more challenging? The fights in the demo are really simple.
Haha thanks.you move via the arrow keys
press z/x to interact/cancel
c opens the menu
I think you will be fine
Probably. I like the idea behind it. It just doesn't click for me. I'll buy the game anyway to support the dev but meh on that.
you move via the arrow keys
press z/x to interact/cancel
c opens the menu
I think you will be fine