But what about Quaith?
I put money on Jorah being done. He can't come crawling back to Dany for like, the fourth time. That scene felt like a proper goodbye to me. I kinda hope he doesn't come back, anyway. I just don't see anymore purpose for him in the story that isn't retreading old ground for him.
His story ended on a cliffhanger. Other than Gendry, the show brings back characters whose stories still need a resolution. Jaqen and Daario are gone, though. Gone for good.
More predictions: Jaqen will show up in Oldtown.
This list is missing the Hound, the Mountain, and Euron. And Gendry.
I put money on Jorah being done. He can't come crawling back to Dany for like, the fourth time. That scene felt like a proper goodbye to me. I kinda hope he doesn't come back, anyway. I just don't see anymore purpose for him in the story that isn't retreading old ground for him.
Ha! I don't see how they could possible have a Measter's conspiracy plotline in only 13 episodes. Seems way too rushed. Sam will find the dragon book Jaqen is searching for because the show likes condensing storylines and avoiding whatever world building isn't 100% necessary (in their eyes).
Ha! I don't see how they could possible have a Measter's conspiracy plotline in only 13 episodes. Seems way too rushed. Sam will find the dragon book Jaqen is searching for because the show likes condensing storylines and avoiding whatever world building isn't 100% necessary (in their eyes).
But what about Quaith?
They pretty specifically abandoned a ton of characters in Essos. The fact that Essos is done and 0 main players are there suggests anyone stranded there isn't coming back.
She will show up with Jorah and his lava arm.
IAny chances we might get to see scenes take place in Storms End, Lannisport or White Harbor? Think those might be the last major cities of Westeros.
Jorah will definitely be back. I'm 100% certain, and based on zero evidence lol.
Jorah will definitely be back. I'm 100% certain, and based on zero evidence lol.
He'll come back for one episode before he dies after the writers realise they don't need him anymore
He'll come back for one episode before he dies after the writers realise they don't need him anymore
I was being serious also. I just meant that I fully expect Jorah to come back even though I have zero evidence. It just seems like a sensible thing to assume that Quaithe or a Red Priestess will cross paths with him.I was being 100% serious, I expect my scenario to play out.
Unless they bring back the high priestess woman from this season to heal his arm.
I'm just wondering how much the opening might change. Odds are, there will be no sweeping over the world to get to Mereen/Essos. All the storylines are taking place in Westeros.
Any chances we might get to see scenes take place in Storms End, Lannisport, Highgarden or White Harbor? Think those might be the last major cities of Westeros.
He should be given the Last Heart. Now he and Brienne can have giant babys.
They've done nothing with Euron
Nothing wrong with that! It was a misfire for me but, as noted, I'm in the minority.
It may end up being one of those scenes I go back and forth on. I had similar thoughts on Furiosa's scene in Fury Road where she falls to her knees and screams. Sometimes when I watch it, it really works, but other times, it feels like I can see the strings and is offputting. It's interesting and weird.
Euron partnering with Cercie wouldn't make sense in the books because he's obsessed with the "when the kraken weds the dragon" prophecy. But it could work in the show. That's one of the few ways that I could see Cercei becoming a major player again. There has to be some resistance to Dany or it will be boring and predictable so hopefully they come up with something to stand in her way.
I also like the idea of a Maester Conspiracy forming but that seems unlikely. They've done nothing with Euron and then they're going to add a bunch of Oldtown characters? That would be a really strange idea.
Yeah the only way for Cersei to remain a threat is for her to marry Euron and for him to reveal the dragon horn, the horn of Joramun, hisand his magic powersValyrian steel armor set
Yeah the only way for Cersei to remain a threat is for her to marry Euron and for him to reveal the dragon horn, the horn of Joramun, hisand his magic powersValyrian steel armor set
Her delivery of "you refused the call" in that shot is ice cold.
I put money on Jorah being done. He can't come crawling back to Dany for like, the fourth time. That scene felt like a proper goodbye to me. I kinda hope he doesn't come back, anyway. I just don't see anymore purpose for him in the story that isn't retreading old ground for him.
Suspension of disbelief required.
Yeah the only way for Cersei to remain a threat is for her to marry Euron and for him to reveal the dragon horn, the horn of Joramun, hisand his magic powersValyrian steel armor set
So for the final season thread(s)... free for all, book readers and non, cats and dogs living together, total madness? Shoot, it's barely different at this point.
They've done nothing with Euron
After seeing Dany's lovely armada, I forsee a giant typhoon coming to even the odds. Would also give them a chance to recycle some Baratheon lore.I hope the story goes in this direction. Even if we don't see the horn of Joramun, Euron's thousand ships will probably come into play when Cersei needs to defend King's Landing from Daenerys. However, I hope marrying Euron doesn't mean giving him the Iron Throne. Cersei's come too far for that; at this point she's gotta be ruler of the seven kingdoms or dead.
House Mormont remembersLady Mormont is the greatest. Her whole 'you refused the call' speech was amazing.
Lady Mormont is the greatest. Her whole 'you refused the call' speech was amazing.
I wonder if she knows House Cerwyn was never contacted by Jon or Sansa. Kind of cruel to call out a house that was never asked to join their cause.
I thought they sent out ravens but Jon just didn't feel they had the time to visit.
Do you guys foresee a situation where a Cersei-backed Euron just straight up decimates Dany's army at sea, or do you think they'll make landfall without any opposition?
Sansa, "If we went down to Castle Cerwyn I know that Lord Cerwyn would..."
Jon, "We fight with army we have."
I don't see Euron and Cersei forming an alliance to be honest
That still doesn't rule out Jon and Sansa sending out ravens to every northern house asking for help and receiving no responses.
Anyway, even if Castle Cerwyn received no such ravens, it's easy enough to believe every northern house would at least know about the Stark-led wildling army about to invade Winterfell.
Why was Jon so rushed anyway? He was sprinting into a massacre. It wasn't like Stannis' situation where winter had come, either, it just seemed like he was anxious to start fighting.
Same. I think Euron may engage Dany's fleet at sea, get defeated, and then head to Oldtown.I don't see Euron and Cersei forming an alliance to be honest