The Cerwyns and Manderlays did make it to Winterfell. They answered the call but Jon rushed into the fight so quickly they didn't have time to make the trek up there in time.
Is there a scene I missed where House Cerwyn agrees to it?
The Cerwyns and Manderlays did make it to Winterfell. They answered the call but Jon rushed into the fight so quickly they didn't have time to make the trek up there in time.
That's exactly it. He has a death wish. He just wants all of the fighting to be over.
It's one of the things they clearly intended but it came across as "Jon's a mute who lets Sansa do all his talking for him."
Is there a scene I missed where House Cerwyn agrees to it?
The Cerwyns and Manderlays did make it to Winterfell. They answered the call but Jon rushed into the fight so quickly they didn't have time to make the trek up there in time.
They straight up said in the finale that neither house answered the call. Manderly specifically said he didn't answer the call as he didn't want more of his family to "die for nothing." They made it to Winterfell after the battle was won and when it was safe.
I know what they said afterward, I'm just explaining what happened beforehand. House Cerwyn wasn't contacted but they were still reprimanded. The Northern Houses were present at Winterfell soon after the battle ended. I know what the show is saying (No one cared a lick about Jon or Sansa) but that's not actually what happened.
Again, these are small shortcuts and hand waves that don't destroy the story they're telling, but it does show how they struggle to be cohesive. I didn't expect people to defend this scene so fiercely considering how obvious it was the script was wrong in what happened with House Cerwyn. Jon didn't want to take the time to recruit them because he was in a hurry but they were still reprimanded by Lady Mormont.
I wouldn't mind a cersei/euron combo but for the love of god no dragon horns. Still think that's the dumbest thing.
I don't see that though. Knowing this show's pacing, they will be on land in the premier.
When did they say that Cerwyn wasn't contacted? Did I miss that part?I know what they said afterward, I'm just explaining what happened beforehand. House Cerwyn wasn't contacted but they were still reprimanded. The Northern Houses were present at Winterfell soon after the battle ended. I know what the show is saying (No one cared a lick about Jon or Sansa) but that's not actually what happened.
When did they say that Cerwyn wasn't contacted? Did I miss that part?
Sansa, "If we went down to Castle Cerwyn I know that Lord Cerwyn would..."
Jon, "We fight with army we have."
Unless they mentioned something else that I forgot.
They sent ravens to everybody, as Jon notes. Sansa is not saying Cerwyn hasn't been contacted; rather, she's hoping that personal diplomacy might change it.Sansa, "If we went down to Castle Cerwyn I know that Lord Cerwyn would..."
Jon, "We fight with army we have."
Unless they mentioned something else that I forgot.
Right but it's already been implied that they sent Raven's to these houses and they either have refused or just ignored their call.
Cerwyn and Manderly sat out the war. Otherwise, they would have argued with Lyanna. Manderly outright states she's right.
In the scene, Sansa tells Jon that only a fool would trust Littlefinger. Later, she meets with Littlefinger and he paints this picture of himself on the Iron Throne, with Sansa at his side. She rejects him in the moment, but when Jon is crowned King in the North, Sansa and Littlefinger exchange a look with one another. What is Sansa thinking about Littlefinger's pitch by the end of the episode?
As you say, she rejects him in the beginning, but there's definitely something in her that's it's kind of a jealousy toward Jon. He's getting all of the credit for basically Sansa saving his ass. Obviously he played a huge part in the Battle of the Bastards, but Sansa really saved him. There's a bit of jealousy there. She looks at Littlefinger knowing that he would have put her as Queen in the North, and given her the credit she deserves. I don't think she's gunning for the Iron Throne anytime soon, but she realizes that Littlefinger might be a better ally than she thought, a more trustworthy ally than she thought.
Can Sansa actually trust Littlefinger, or would their working relationship be skeptical at best?
Yes, I think she'll forever be wary of Littlefinger. But I think she realizes now that he's more loyal to her than she initially thought. He's tried to prove that. If he truly is loyal to her, then he's a wonderful, wonderful ally to have. But she'll forever be skeptical and wary of his motives. She's not stupid enough to follow him blindly.
Man, this is going to be a long year
What a fuckin joke. Jon literally wanted to give Winterfell to her. He's said many times he's not a Stark.
Fuck Sansa. Desperate version of Cersei.
Ehh. A little further down in the interview they ask her if Sansa finding out about Jon being a true son of Lyanna would change things and she says she never really thought about that.
This is just the actress interpreting her scenes. I don't think she has much of a pulse on the rest of the story yet. She's almost as blind as we are.
Having Sansa turn against Jon would be the dumbest move ever. Worse than the Sand Snakes killing Doran.
What a fuckin joke. Jon literally wanted to give Winterfell to her. He's said many times he's not a Stark.
Fuck Sansa. Desperate version of Cersei.
Having Sansa turn against Jon would be the dumbest move ever. Worse than the Sand Snakes killing Doran.
And there needs to be a dragon horn next season. Dany is way too OP with the Tyrells and Martells.
Something is definitely going to interfere with Dany's plans, but I wonder if they'll actually introduce the horn. I've always wondered if book horn actually even works though, and maybe that's why it's never been mentioned on the show.
Yeah, maybe. Who knows? I just really feel like they brushed aside logic to make Jon and Sansa's storyline work this season. There's no real impetus for their actions other than following whatever plot has been constructed.
I'm sure they will make great allies going forward then.
Something is definitely going to interfere with Dany's plans
or Dreadfort.
Jorah fails to cure his greyscale and just launches a plague instead.
I am the storm, brother.
Sansa, "If we went down to Castle Cerwyn I know that Lord Cerwyn would..."
Jon, "We fight with army we have."
Unless they mentioned something else that I forgot.
Nah. Dreadfort should be destroyed and any remains of the boltons erased from history.
I feel like the high sparrow and faith militant were kind of wasted in the show. Were they ever portrayed as a formidable force? Seemed like they were just a bunch of idiots with spiked clubs and I didn't find it very convincing that they were a threat in the face of the city guard and the Lannister + Tyrell army.
Am I missing the point?
I feel like the high sparrow and faith militant were kind of wasted in the show. Were they ever portrayed as a formidable force? Seemed like they were just a bunch of idiots with spiked clubs and I didn't find it very convincing that they were a threat in the face of the city guard and the Lannister + Tyrell army.
Am I missing the point?
I agree. I feel like it required a certain amount of suspension of disbelief to buy their unopposed rise to power.
From a practical standpoint, someone needs to govern the lands formerly ruled by the Boltons. The Dreadfort is the most logical place to do that from. Tearing it down and building a replacement doesn't seem like the sort of thing you would do in Westeros, especially with winter having just arrived.
The music that plays during that hard cut from the baby to Jon makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up every time I see it. So good.
I feel like the high sparrow and faith militant were kind of wasted in the show. Were they ever portrayed as a formidable force? Seemed like they were just a bunch of idiots with spiked clubs and I didn't find it very convincing that they were a threat in the face of the city guard and the Lannister + Tyrell army.
Am I missing the point?
How will they legitimize Jon as the true heir to the throne? It's pretty much Bran's word vs everyone else. Even if someone with some knowledge / power tried to rally behind the idea - there's Dany and her army that would be another issue.
How will they legitimize Jon as the true heir to the throne? It's pretty much Bran's word vs everyone else. Even if someone with some knowledge / power tried to rally behind the idea - there's Dany and her army that would be another issue.
How will they legitimize Jon as the true heir to the throne? It's pretty much Bran's word vs everyone else. Even if someone with some knowledge / power tried to rally behind the idea - there's Dany and her army that would be another issue.
Wouldn't the directors tell her her motivation before she films the scenes?
The thing here is that Jon's real parentage doesn't matter except as an obstacle for maintaining his power as the King in the North.
King Jon can easily just marry Daenerys and become the King of Westeros that way. There's no need for him to tell people the truth
He'll have to get flamed and emerge unburnt, like Daenerys.