Cow Mengde
Grab enemies and slam them. Either slam them into objects, into the wall, face scrape, or kick them off of high places. You'll cause the red lights to appear. The red lights heal you.
Cloudius12 said:I been so out of this game since my GPU in my laptop died. Now that its been repaired, I need to catch up.
Cow Mengde said:How do I get the Blood Lord quest?
Cloudius12 said:I dont have the Blood Lord battle quest either, is it the same quest line as the ripped letter or whatever?
edit: Fare Thee Well quest?
Flash Bangs are your friend (Light of Palala). Doing Regrets to Late (from start to finish, but use flash on bosses) or Blood Lord with a Flash rotation you can clear in 8 minutes or less with very little deaths.riceandbeans said:It's gonna lead up to the quest.
Buy lots of feathers and potions. They need to lift the level cap already too.
No, give us permanent underwear! =(Anony said:i rather have another storage box
Cloudius12 said:I dont have the Blood Lord battle quest either, is it the same quest line as the ripped letter or whatever?
edit: Fare Thee Well quest?
Deadly said:No, give us permanent underwear! =(
Erasus said:Is this ever coming to EU? There is nothing on the site. No announcements, nothing. Someone on another forum e-mailed support and they said there was "internal issues".
Omnicent said:Ok man there is some epic spear lann hate going on in game it seems. Every time I try to join a Blood Lord group I get kicked.
Seriously people.... a good spear lann blows up Blood Lord and this is coming from someone who made Nightmare Twin Swords by the second day he was out (I am a sword main, but I can see when spears are better. Personally with a good group that uses palalas swords are not that good as spear can do insane burst damage every time a pala goes off).
Sorry for the rant, I'm just annoyed people don't even let me show them that spears are not "Lolz spinnnnnnn and die" for blood lord (even without having to use Palalas.
OatmealMu said:My worst Blood Lord run by far was when the host wanted a kick kill.
The team was nearly wiped multiple times. We eventually won due to Goddess Grace spam. It was ugly.
Yeah I know but I'm not spending a cent on such a stupid thing lol . I wasn't going to try and get like 20k NX from surveys either.riceandbeans said:They did for close to $20. .
Deadly said:Yeah I know but I'm not spending a cent on such a stupid thing lol . I wasn't going to try and get like 20k NX from surveys either.
Cloudius12 said:Football is broken. That is all.
riceandbeans said:Sorta. It needs to stop clipping out of the stage.
Any word on the next update? Getting bored with the game and level cap is pissing me off.
Cow Mengde said:Yeah, what event is it?
Sectus said:Good news for fans of panties!
New permanent underwear available:
And this line in the change log made me giggle:
"-Incorrect text alignment in "Woof, woof" has been fixed."
Setvan2734 said:Sneak peak at the new Gauntlet mode, which pits you against each boats bosses.
Setvan2734 said: