Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Just started this last night with my buddy. Not sure what it was like at launch, but so far the game seems really fun and super polished!
Cow Mengde said:European version to be shown in Gamescom in a few days! You're getting the Extreme Edition!,1.shtml
The beta starts on September 11 for you guys.
Jesus, at how much people chaining him .Cow Mengde said:
Indeed the web based version gotta go.OatmealMu said:New auction house coming. No longer web-based, apparently (THANK GOD).
That friendship sword battle, where you fight off against 100 Veteran Gnolls and then the captain made my hands feel crippled afterwards. Intense stuff. I like that you can sit around the campfire to gain buffs and just shoot the shit with the other people sitting there. Such a good game.Ponti said:Got up to Lvl12, holy crap this game is fun. The rehashed Ruins area is starting to drag on a bit but I like that you can power through the battles in 5 mins or so in a party. I can see this causing carpal tunnel syndrome after a few hours of straight raiding.
Hawkian said:Whoa, this is like out and playable now?
Can somebody answer me some quick questions?
1. Is the version that it offers me to download at what everyone is playing?
2. East server or west server?
3. Can I have an enjoyable time here without spending any money?
A physics-based action MMORPG seems pretty up my alley.
ArtistDude88 said:Why am I torturing myself for this game LOL
ArtistDude88 said: