Anyone encounter the new stalker yet? Apparently his entrance is a lot more terrifying. Can't find any videos.
hai gais. can i play?
So I've been trying to play this and in between getting frustrated that I cannot progress due to this infection thing and seems like the only frame I was interested in takes a long time to get, its been pretty fun.
If the Neogaf clan is still going can someone add me? I play sporadically but try to chip away at it a few times a week.
valkerion77 is the ingame name.
Grats! Those two will go hand in hand.had a good morning in game today!
Banshee and Paris Prime in the oven!
I think Scott said he'll be just like a Paladin that's half support, half offense. They do crank out content at a blazing speed these days! I wonder how long I played when it was just the Corpus ship tileset... Now there's what?... 6 or 7 more with a new one on the way? Not to mention the explosion of Warframes, weapons, mission types, mods... So much stuff added in the year I've been playing!yea the new warframe definetly looks more like a druid... he has HOOFS for cyring out loud...Did they say anything about his abilities? I wonder if they're gonna add a new healing frame
edit: watching the VOD of the stream... man that hud looks good, makes the current HUD look like garbage. Also, I've only been playing for like a month, but I am continually shocked by how much content they are adding to the game.... they make a lot of bigger games/dev teams look really slow.
SentLooking to join the clan.
Steam ID: Grim Technique
Warframe ID: Chisato
Not played for ages. Just getting back into this. Got myself Volt and its kinda cool. Not sure why my little Sentinel MAG thing is not levelling. Must be missing something.
the sentinel's basic attack is actually a mod, and if you don't have it equiped it won't attack and maybe that's why it's not gaining xp. Look through it's loadout and make sure you have that "attack" mod equiped.... it should say something like "will attack any enemy in range" or "will only attack after the owner is attack" or something like that.
Anyone encounter the new stalker yet? Apparently his entrance is a lot more terrifying. Can't find any videos.
Hrmm...I see the Warrior Mod but I cannot equip it on my MAG. Says 0. Am I supposed to un-equip something for it to work. Never seen them before now.![]()
Yeah, you're going to have to unequip some mods or user lower costing ones to get enough points to equip the warrior mod. To reduce the cost to equip mods, make sure you try to match the polarity (little symbol on the top right of the mod card) of your mod cards with that of your mod slots that have matching polarities, if any. Conversely, try to avoid placing cards in slots with different polarities, or that'll bump up the cost to equip the card. Finally, you should upgrade your sentinel with an Orokin Reactor to double its mod capacity.
I'm maining a volt right now myself, it's so awesome.
I want to get myself into Warframe but finding it kinda difficult. It seems like such a grind. How do I get cool weapons/gear? D:
Ahh I see. Most of the UI has swapped around since I last played, so I am pretty much starting from scratch.
So the idea is based upon how many slots my suit has free in order for the Sentinel to work?
I want to get myself into Warframe but finding it kinda difficult. It seems like such a grind. How do I get cool weapons/gear? D:
I want to get myself into Warframe but finding it kinda difficult. It seems like such a grind. How do I get cool weapons/gear? D:
^ There was a way to reset your account if you've never donated to a Dojo... I just don't know where it is or if it's even still available... It might be in the account section on the Warframe website.
Invite sent
Started playing a bit a couple of days ago, surprised at how satisfying the gunplay feels.
Just ran the second Venus mission mostly solo until three other guys connected, took almost an hour since it seemed to be a double.
Naturally one man disconnected right at the end and the hostage must have died because MISSION FAILED flashed across the screen and the gazillion things that dropped disappeared into the aether.
Does the game feel this tragic often?
Yeah, more and more parties just seem to run to the end as I get a bit further into Venus.
Don't worry, eventually one of those morons will die and you can be like "Sorry, I can't catch up in time, just use a revive"
Also those people are dumb because they're missing materials, mods, and xp by not killing dudes and looting things.
I think there's a big lump of them right there in the early mid-game, where they're just finally strong enough to rush through a level, but still new enough to not realize how dumb that makes them. After you get past earth and branch out it's not as bad.... although it still happens.
Ok, this is good to hear. I was of the assumption that maybe I was wasting my time stopping for chests and crates since so many higher level players just run right by them. I figured they knew something I didn't. I mean, it makes sense when we're talking about having to do 5 Invasion missions with battle payouts, but still. It takes a few extra seconds here and there to grab that stuff.
Quick question. If I buy a Frame blueprint from the store, do I have to build the 3 pieces separately or does it build it in 1 go?
Yo fellow warframers can I join the clan ? I'm forging a Valkyr right now and want to try it with you <3 ID : Deyno
Just started playing this. I don't really know much of what I'm doing but I can see myself having fun with it despite the grind.
In-game ID: ZulyGD
You have to build the three pieces separately.
So the "Helm", "Chassis", and "System" are all blueprints that create their respective items. And then the frame blueprint (bought from the market) is a recipe that requires 1x Helm, 1x Chassis, 1x System and a morphics or orokin cell or something. They each have their own build time, 12 hours for the components and then 72!!!!! hours for the frame itself.
Edit: Pug'd the Orokin reactor alert, which was a lvl 50-53 grineer deception. We beat it without killing anybody. We tried to fight in the first room and all of us combined could barely take off a sliver of health from one dude. So (I was on trinity) and popped blessing and we just ran past everyone (speaking of rushing!). I have so much +Power duration that I only needed to use the skill 3 times for us to get all the way to the nav computer and back. Felt so dirty, but so good.
Tried sending an invite, but it says you're already in a clan.
Oh yikes! That's a good time investment into making the entire suit. I think I should just save up materials atm and then think about new stuff.![]()
Must have been when my friend asked me to play with him. Is there a way to vacate?
I did just that. Try again; it should work now.Same thing happened to me, I think you can right click your name in the guild member list and say leave clan.... otherwise try "/?" to see if there's a slash command for it.