Wait, there are more mini-games than those Ubisoft has revealed?
no kidding. stupidest fucking thing EVER.
I imagine that's because they have over 8 years experience working on last gen consoles. Must be incredibly easy to tap the power of the PS360 compared to the PS4/X1.
I imagine that's because they have over 8 years experience working on last gen consoles. Must be incredibly easy to tap the power of the PS360 compared to the PS4/X1.
The dog is cute, but the meme itself is pretty stupid IMO. What is supposed to be funny about it?
Man, you doge haters must be like this:
Yep. The meme is not at all funny and well past it's prime.
Good point. I wish people wouldn't write off next gen consoles so quickly. We're going to see big improvements over the next 2-3 years.
Likely, but still, impressive. They could have done a sloppy job. Can't wait for this badboy on ps4
So you guys want to discuss the stream or how much you hate doge?
Wonder what difficulty he's playing on. And what system?
I think we'll start to see big improvements much sooner. Probably later on this year when current gen only titles are released. Order 1886, Sunset, Drive Club and Arkham Knight will be leading the charge.
We believe it's 360, somebody earlier in the thread noted he open some kind of dash and it didn't look like XBone, and there are clearly Xbox button prompts. Dunno about the difficulty, he just went down pretty fast, though.
dat hair, Ubisoft really sucks with the hair in their games, same with Asscreed series.
HUD is overloaded imo.
Ubi are usually good with giving the optionHUD is overloaded imo.
Wait, no checkpoints in missions? oh fuck that, very frustrating.
Wait, no checkpoints in missions? oh fuck that, very frustrating.
Wait, no checkpoints in missions? oh fuck that, very frustrating.
Wait, no checkpoints in missions? oh fuck that, very frustrating.
You must not be able to shoot out of your car, or he would have done it by now.
Seems to be just for those little side missions. The story missions do. But those little side missions are timed so you can beat records and stuff. Would be silly to have checkpoints in those imo.
There is, it's just because that was a side mission.
Alright i got the PC version.
I can see the backlash on The Division downgrade threads already shining from the future. Just as crazy as Watch Dogs.
And nobody will talk about the actual game.
His most popular song is the only one you love? Yikes.
For a brief second I thought "got" as in "playing right now". I really wanna know how it looks and especially how it performs.
Btw, for how many keys did you trade it, if I may ask?
We're positive that stream isn't Xbox One?