We're positive that stream isn't Xbox One?
They look like 360 button prompts, and if so, looks great for 360.
We're positive that stream isn't Xbox One?
I think it's X1, it just looks too good for Xbox 360.
I'd say GTAV is a bit better. Only because Watch Dogs looks too, void of stuff in the streets? I'm not sure how to describe it, but it just has a lot of unoccupied open space on the sidewalks/street. Like it needs more cars driving around, or more garbage laying on the sidewalks. To not make it seem so abandoned. After that, the game looks beautiful. This is just the 360 version, so the PS4/XOne/PC versions probably look way better.
I have a feeling a lot of people here will be rather surprised by the quality![]()
is there different outfits you can buy in game or is it just dlc preorder crap?
Is there a link of the stream (I'm assuming the IGN one right?) that was recorded?
The guy is going through the mission killing everyone, is there a non-lethal approach here?
The guy is going through the mission killing everyone, is there a non-lethal approach here?
The guy is going through the mission killing everyone, is there a non-lethal approach here?
The guy is going through the mission killing everyone, is there a non-lethal approach here?
I was thinking the same thing... Looks damn good for 360.
His most popular song is the only one you love? Yikes.
I can't wait to tackle criminals and then beat the shit out of them with a baton.
Quote for the stream
Alright, I bought the PS4 Gold Edition on the PSN. These next six days are going to be absolute murder on my psyche. How is everyone else coping with the wait?
Pretty much, at times Watch_Dogs (last-gen) looks better, but overall GTA V is prettier, water in last-gen WD is awful compared to V.That water pretty well confirms this isn't current gen systems.
Oh god please no.
Pearce without the cap looks awfully like Desmond from the Asscreed series.
I have a feeling a lot of people here will be rather surprised by the quality![]()
What happened to this?
Do you mean the gameplay or the visual quality?
I can't wait to tackle criminals and then beat the shit out of them with a baton.
Quote for the stream
Which way is the AI profiling and interaction leaning for those watching streams - genuinely impressive or smoke and mirrors gimmick?
Did I hear correctly in that Ubisoft put a review embargo until the release day?
Did I hear correctly in that Ubisoft put a review embargo until the release day?
Are a lot of people going digital for this game? I just want to hear the pros and cons for why. Only games I'm eben thinking of going digital for is Destiny and The Division.
If it's like this for all consoles, I say it's a gimmick. Randomize individuals, with one looking 30 being profiled as age 19, and the missions looks like it will repeat itself. But it looks fun, so I for one don't care how realistic it seems.
The game gives crazy asscreed vibe though.
I stopped watching the stream about the point when he was. From what he played, I really liked what I saw. The minigames seem like good time wasters, and I like all theon the last checkpoint of the alien stealth minigameI saw. The only con I have about the graphics, is the abandoned environments. Seems like it needs more cars, trash, and overall looking more dirtier. So the city can look more alive. I'm guessing the next-gen/PC versions will handle this better?skill trees
One thing that stream taught me. Avoid that yellow jacket! That looks terrible on Aiden, I'd rather have a black one or his regular one.
Are a lot of people going digital for this game? I just want to hear the pros and cons for why. Only games I'm eben thinking of going digital for is Destiny and The Division.
Damn that sounds disappointing. Recent interview made it sound like you could run into people again and their reactions would change
Not me. I want to be able to share the game with my brother. I don't want to waste tons of GB on my HDD. I don't want to download it either, especially if I can have the retail version 3 days before the release, cheaper. And I like boxes. No collector edition for me this time though, they're going to far in the bullshit. I don't mind switching discs, so it's fine.
3 days early??? You get to play over the weekend??]