Really considering buying this tonight. I should be patient and try to get a demo code though.
..fuck it. I bought it. I hope it's good as I got bored with FFXIVgrindfest pretty quickly.
A tip:
Try to do Task quests occasionally, focus on Zone/Regional/World quests as that's the bulk of your XP. Tasks are the really generic quests that have you kill 25 guys and that's just boring.
A tip:
Try to do Task quests occasionally, focus on Zone/Regional/World quests as that's the bulk of your XP. Tasks are the really generic quests that have you kill 25 guys and that's just boring.
Protostar quests are great. :lol
I like everything about this game, except for the questing, I am finding it to be quite terrible. It has all of the issues of WoW's questing but on steroids. I'm trying to progress more through PvP but too much is going to get lost in the clutter if I don't quest a bunch too. I am just so over the ol' ride into a hub, pick up fifty thousand yellow !'s and do a bunch of extremely easy fluff tasks. What is making me EXTREMELY sour to this is that almost nothing is shared between party members, making it take even longer to do things in a group, terrible design in a multiplayer game.
I hate maintenance. I was about to go do my first adventure instance.In the level 15 adventure does tanking really matter or is it like scenarios in Wow?
Hm. No realms available at this time. Why does it say that? Maintenance should be over now...
I will say one thing, the bots for Engineers are bugged as shit. Half the time they stand in place for no reason and won't attack enemies that are right in front of them, the other half of the time they are diving face first through half the mobs in the room. Changing between Passive and Defensive does literally nothing, and in any enclosed area (those random ship quests) they seem to continuously aggro mobs then fall through the floor and reset them. Other than that major frustration I really enjoy the game.
Experiment X-89 EU first kill.
Warriors (brown) and Stalkers (yellow) are dominating this fight at least.
Experiment X-89 EU first kill.
Warriors (brown) and Stalkers (yellow) are dominating this fight at least.
Esper just seems like a kinda broken class at the moment. Pets are weird, mobility issues feel strange, the point system is kind of wonky with some abilities instantly adding points while others need a charge. Oh, and their innate is kinda garbage.
But at least they've acknowledged these issues.
Thinking of rolling a Spellslinger as my second character. Is it the most damaging spell class? I like my medic and the DPS there is decent (when I'm not focused on healing), but what about Spellslinger DPS?
Thinking of rolling a Spellslinger as my second character. Is it the most damaging spell class? I like my medic and the DPS there is decent (when I'm not focused on healing), but what about Spellslinger DPS?
The spellslinger is fun and does a ton of damage, but you definitely have to move around a lot. I ended up switching to Engineer because I wasn't into the heavy movement required. People who like that level of skill play will love it though.
If you like PVP, you'll like Spellslinger. They wreck face.
Awesome. Thanks, that sounds perfect (I really like moving around and dodging).
Now...I just noticed something (while browsing the internet) that makes me feel really stupid. Are you able to allocate points to your primary attributes, or are they automatically assigned? I don't think I've done anything on that screen -.-
I think they are automatically assigned. You'll be adding to them by wearing equipment. If you want a DPS Spellslinger, go with Finesse.
The spellslinger is fun and does a ton of damage, but you definitely have to move around a lot. I ended up switching to Engineer because I wasn't into the heavy movement required. People who like that level of skill play will love it though.
If you like PVP, you'll like Spellslinger. They wreck face.
Awesome. Thanks, that sounds perfect (I really like moving around and dodging).
Now...I just noticed something (while browsing the internet) that makes me feel really stupid. Are you able to allocate points to your primary attributes, or are they automatically assigned? I don't think I've done anything on that screen -.-
New patch notes
One of the comments mentions there are some Engi bot fixes in the patch.
Can someone post them here? Thats blocked for me at work.
Patch Highlights
The EULA has been updated. Read it! It's awesome, as EULAs go.
Improved performance on AMD processors which are powering down because the game is not heavily using any single core by having the main thread of the game prefer to be scheduled on a single core.
Fixed a bug which sometimes deleted stackable items when double-right-clicking on them while the bank is open.
Fixed a crash in French clients when the Level Up screen appears for certain levels.
Fixed a Lua error that was occasionally occurring when completing a 2v2 Arena match
Fixed a server crash related to pathing.
Fixed issues with Account Friend Invites not working.
Improved PvP AFK detection.
The match timer will now appear for the defenders in Halls of the Bloodsworn.
Walatiki Temple
Fixed an issue where players were able to escape from the Walatiki Temple spawn room before the match started.
Changed the Soldier Taste of Their Own Medicine mission mechanics to add a damage effect.
The Darkspur Karaoke quest will now botch if the player removes themselves from the holdout area or if they run out of time.
War of the Wilds
Increased the difficulty of War of the Wilds in Veteran mode by shifting the balance between player and NPC minions slightly and allowing enemy champions to take control points somewhat more quickly.
Fixed a bug that caused AI Champion deaths in War of the Wilds to count toward player kill to death ratio when no players were involved in the champion's death.
War of the Wilds now requires completion of Commander Breza or Colonel Rakar's strategic objectives before it will award a group gold or silver medal. One objective must be completed for a silver medal while both must be completed for a gold medal.
Ruins of Kel Voreth
Into the Flames can now be turned in to Toric Antevian inside the Ruins of Kel Voreth dungeon.
Due to Architect crafted items being a little too profitable, we adjusted the sell prices of Decor items and FABkits and adjusted the required materials for some blueprints.
User Interface
Fixed an issue with the quest tracker not displaying when first starting the client with only one zone story tracked quest.
Fixed an issue with Account Services not loading if you switch back to Character Selection.
Quest Tracker quest numbers now correctly update.
Fixed an issue where the minimap and zone map would not refresh quest numbers when the track quests by distance option changed.
Removed zone filtering on Zone and Regional quests in the Quest Tracker.
The Quest Tracker now properly resizes entries so they do not overlap.
Nameplates are no longer followed with "(unité)" in the French client. Players can once again be invited by using the right click menu from player nameplates.
The Account Services screen won't show up until you create at least one character.
API Changes
Fixed an issue where some Lua MarketplaceLib functions could cause a crash in certain cases.
New patch notes
One of the comments mentions there are some Engi bot fixes in the patch.
They have finally fixed the quest tracker overlapping text issue, and the quest numbering being incorrect. Hurrah!
Here ya go.
Got my engi to 20, woo!
Thanks! There's not a comprehensive list of the patch? I don't see any engineer bot stuff there.
I don't know if it's definitely in there. Just a comment i saw on the thread was someone saying there were bot fixes in the patch (it was by another user, not a Carbine person). "<3 lets see if your bot fix works" i may be wrongly assuming that means engineer bots, though.
I have an extra guest pass that isn't going to be used. You can have it:
Got it! Thanks very much!
I have had a love-hate relationship with WoW over the past 9-10 years of its existence. I have quit it several times and I have tried most of the WoW clones that come out to usurp it. The problem I have had with WoW is that it is a raid game and nothing but a raid game. It has bare-bones crafting only because it exists enough to support the raid game. Blizzard 9/10 releases a new raid for content patches as if that is the only content in the game. We rarely get a new zone. Blizzard doesn't know how to design the game in such a way where a new zone can be added and still worthwhile to play in the leveling system. I don't know, the problems are just legion at this point.
Anyway, I got a call from my brother talking about this game. He is usually hyped about any new MMO that comes out. I made a mental note to take a look at it later.
Later, I was watching some of those devspeak videos and I watched the one on Paths. What? You can pick the way you play an MMO? Crazy, it's like they are talking to me. I like to explore, I like to build shit, anything but fighting stuff all the time.
I asked my bro for a guest pass and played it over the weekend. Ultimately the Path system was less grand than I had hoped, however, what I discovered was.....the most incredible MMO combat system I have ever seen. It is so good that I can't even look at WoW combat anymore, it hurts.
And that was what was so amazing. Every time I have played a WoW clone 2 things happen: I realize the game doesn't have the polish of WoW (or doesn't improve on its systems in any way) and playing the WoW clone only makes me more interested in playing WoW again (in the vain hope that Blizzard's development priorities change). This was the first time in 9 years that I felt the opposite. That finally, I have a game that can wholly replace WoW, every system in the game does MMO better than WoW. The combat, the crafting, the housing, crowd control, PvP, every minute system in Wildstar is better and I find myself wanting to play the game in the back of my mind every 10 minutes when I am not playing. That is crazy. That hasn't happened before since WoW came out 9 years ago.
This is a winner.