Woke up. Didn't realised the thread would get this big, thanks for the love!

Surprised and delighted to see many people convinced to check it out after reading the OP. I feel bad for not having put this up around the Steam sale, but I'm sure this will be on many deals as it's a great game no matter what price you get it at. 15-20 hours depending on how extensive/exploratory you are, plus the bonus 999 mode is a great reward.
One of the most chilling bits about Deathshead is when he mentions what it is in German:
It doesn't sound right in English.
Say it correctly.
Toten...kopf. (spoilers)
As for my current expectations, they're not too high, not too low. Going to be honest, Messofanego: you're too good at hyping stuff up, not so much at presenting a contrary opinion. More than a few GAFfers have claimed the opposite of some positives I keep hearing (usually regarding AI usage/complexity, fun of stealthing maps, or the story itself). But I'm excited to play the game in hopes that this will force Bethesda/ZeniMax's hand on polishing New DOOM, whoever's going to be finishing that up.
I can't account for every single perspective or opinion. I like to be mostly positive on things, and if some movie/game impresses me, I like to go on about why. I have read through the entire thread, I disagree with SJS who gave one of the few big contrary opinions here on a few things like the length (using CoD's MP to counter that both games have the same length; the SP of Wolfie is easily double of any CoD I've played until MW 3 and those games don't really encourage exploration or or sightseeing or playing at your own pace with backtracking) and AI (the tricks aren't new but the AI here is more believable) and level design (it's not an open world after all but it's telling if people want to explore the cities in Berlin up close because it shows how interesting the world is), glad he wrote it up though. If people find that stealthing is too easy or being able to pistol headshot noscope enemies from miles away takes away the tension or is a negative, all I can say is I prefer it because I like to stealth through most games that don't even allow it anyway.
There are quite enough sections where you have to go guns blazing and can't stealth through every level. It's a great balance.
You really should play it yourself to see if you find the story to your liking, it has a very different tone.
About enemies being dumb to dead bodies, well...
I regret so much picking Watch Dogs over this game.I hate so much Watch Dogs,i can't even stand looking to that game,but i will buy this game this month.
I am the same exact way!!! OMG Watch Dogs MAKES ME WANT TO PUKE. It is not a game. It is Ubifactory shit. RAGE when I look at it OMG
Y'all people who chose Watch Dogs over Wolfie
Here is what I wrote down after finishing the game. It really is a gem.
Great write-up, more beautifully written than me
What I wrote in the OT. I was blown away, but considering that these are the guys/gals that did The Darkness and Riddick, I shouldn't have been. Loved every minute of it!
Another fantastic write-up! Bravo.

Everyone should read this, great review.
How was the game on ps4? Is the graphical difference on pc worth getting it for my rig over comfy couch gaming?
I bought a PS4 recently and rather than going with the other bundled games, I chose Wolfie cause that was a sure bet (plus what I played of Infamous and Watch Dogs were boring) of quality. It's one-to-one to high settings on a PC imo. It looks fantastic on a big TV at 60fps, as long as you're not staring up close on textures (with the amount of unique details on the environments in every levels, it's acceptable which is where I can see the advantages of id Tech 5).
Wolfengaf why you indoctrinating me? I'm really, really, really hyped to play this. Could get it on PC but I'm waiting, foreplaying with gifs, to make it my PS4 cherry popper, which will be happening in about a month now. Excite.
Foreplaying with gifs...kinky.
In my dream, I smell the barbecue.
I hear children.
A dog.
I think I see someone.
Someone I love.
These things are not for me.
Great foreshadowing from the very start for the very end of the game. It's what tied the whole Max Payne vibe going on.
So, I did platinum this game, got all the collectibles and health upgrades etc while playing through Fergus' timeline on Uber and just did the first mission again to get the save Wyatt trophy for plat.
Is it worth another playthrough to see Wyatt's whole timeline?
I chose Wyatt for my first playthrough because I found his rookie->leader shift and having to deal with the responsibilities more interesting, even if Fergus is one of the most fun characters I've encountered in a while.
His absoluteness on not swearing or using the F word contrasted to Fergus is maintained throughout the campaign until one moment
where even he has to let it all out at the "damn ugly fuck" Frankenstein!
Also, J is a great character you miss out on if you choose Fergus. I linked his cutscene in the OP.
I was more invested in the lives of these people flying stealth helicopters at full speed through tiny tunnels than I have been many games that set up their world in much more believable ways.
I'm sorry about your legs.
Don't be. I've learned how to fly.
dat triumphant music!
Yup, totally agreed with them. The ending for sure made me well up, in a bittersweet way because you can see this coming since the start of the game. Can't wait for the sequel if Bethesda allows them.
Wanted to mention for the last boss, I liked that the fire all over the place forced more sliding and jumping around. The boss is pretty manageable if you just know that you can stun him with a rocket every single time and don't bother shooting him while he's stunned, just wait. It takes about 7 consecutive rockets or charged LKW shots to take him down. He's a slow fella so use the movement and cover to your advantage.
Klaus needs some love. Constantly being referred to as "Johnny Cowboy" was so great.
His backstory is endearing. I love his commentary during the
London Monitor boss fight. "Big explosion, USA-style!" The cutscene with him and Max in the helicopter, pulling my heartstrings kind of moment.
I love the juxtaposition of his room being right next to Max's, dead Nazi helmets versus toys.