People wouldn't have believed you a few years ago if you told them you'd have to play a Facebook game within WoW to get a Legendary item.
But then it actually happened in WoD. It would take a while to get the legendary ring that way, but it's there.
Even with patch 6.2 launched, i don't even feel the urge to play like past major patches. I think I'd rather play a 2nd full playthrough of Witcher 3 than this(and I haven't found Ciri yet, even though I've been playing for a month), which would take me another +100 hours of my time.
What happened to WoW? Or maybe my mind finally had enough after nearly 10 years of playing it...
Yup! This is probably my only real complaint for 6.2. I mean, sure, some of the other stuff sucks ass or could have been done better, but what you mentioned is just complete fucking garbage. Bugs the absolute shit out of me...Quests not showing up until after you complete the map daily in Tanaan has got to be the most blatant show of disrespect for player time, especially ones that could so obviously be completed more efficiently together.
"Fuck you, you're gonna spend more time here grinding and you're going to fucking like it! Or you could just not get these reps for flying you know, it's all optional" *shit eating grin*
Haven't gotten a chance to play the new patch yet. Have they nerfed garrison gold missions?
wow. raid finder 'tier' for Hellfire looks pretty awesome
Sorry for being lazy, but do you have the link or a picture? I want to see what you are talking about![]()
It is really shocking how 6.2 was supposed to be this 'huge' patch with a massive zone that is just empty. Log in finish the dailies in 30-45mins, send ships on missions, done. This is the content that is supposed to last until the end of the year?
I recall reading, but can't recall when or where, that Netherstorm was mentioned in an off-hand fashion as something that will still come to be in this timeline and may still end up in Draenor's airspace.
So maybe that.
Not only is Farahlon not implemented, but there are no good leads left to serve as a catalyst to what created Netherstorm without Ner'zhul and Gul'dan.I recall reading, but can't recall when or where, that Netherstorm was mentioned in an off-hand fashion as something that will still come to be in this timeline and may still end up in Draenor's airspace.
So maybe that.
It is really shocking how 6.2 was supposed to be this 'huge' patch with a massive zone that is just empty. Log in finish the dailies in 30-45mins, send ships on missions, done. This is the content that is supposed to last until the end of the year?
That looks better than any of the new tier/conquest sets...
I tried to turn off milks scrolling text once but i missed way too much info, I know it scrolls fast but if I look for a certain thing I can find itIn my efforts to de-clutter the center of my screen I decided to just turn off floating combat text completely. Maybe I'll use Mik's Scrolling Battle Text or something, but I'd have to configure it a lot and set a minimum threshold on numbers or something. It's evident to me now just how much the combat has changed from vanilla from being slow yet methodical to very fast-paced with constant ability spam and procs, and more focus on avoidable telegraphed abilities. And a lot of the design in place just was not made to really fit the latter.
The combat text just becomes an incomprehensible barrage of numbers that you just tune out other than knowing that you're dealing and taking damage. You don't really need to know how much damage each weapon swing does any more. The combat animations are also just a spastic mess that you stop paying attention to.
Probably better to delete the entire cache and WTF
[Hotfix in testing] Frost Strike and Obliterate have been reduced to their pre-6.2 damage levels.
The change to Might of the Frozen Wastes remains in place and is a significant buff to Frost Strike damage while dual-wielding.
Obliterate once again deals full damage to players.
[Hotfix in testing] Howling Blast damage has been reduced by 13.5% but is still a slight buff from its pre-6.2 damage levels.
The change to Howling Blast's area damage remains in place, and continues to deal full damage to all enemies within range.
Drag them out from the pet spellbook?
Drag them out from the pet spellbook?
And press F to pay respect to DW Frost:
It's not terrible, terrible, but still.
Please make Baleful tokens BoA Blizzard. If I get another Baleful Armament on my paladin that doesn't need it I'm gonna cry. Oh you want a 2hander weapon warlock, mage, druid? Sorry have a one hander even though their is no Baleful offhand.
Please make Baleful tokens BoA Blizzard. If I get another Baleful Armament on my paladin that doesn't need it I'm gonna cry. Oh you want a 2hander weapon warlock, mage, druid? Sorry have a one hander even though their is no Baleful offhand.
You get BOA ones from the Shipyard.
Not only is Farahlon not implemented, but there are no good leads left to serve as a catalyst to what created Netherstorm without Ner'zhul and Gul'dan.
Are they even needed for it? I thought Netherstorm came to be when a planet got in a fight with a void lord and the planet lost, washing the survivors and what was less of the planet in arcane energy.
Are they even needed for it?
As it is right now the Draenor in the WoD timeline doesn't see the instability the original Draenor did. I don't really know who is left to push the world in a direction to where Draenor would be brought to ruin. Gul'dan is elsewhere. Ner'zhul is dead. Cho'gall might have been a candidate but he is dead too.The scattered wastes of Outland are all that remain of Draenor, the once beautiful homeworld of the orcs. Following the Second War, the Alliance invaded Draenor by crossing through the Dark Portal. To their horror, they discovered that Ner'zhul - the dark warlord of Horde - had constructed a series of new gateways that could lead the beaten Horde to newer, unspoiled worlds. As the Alliance forces closed in around him, Ner'zhul opened his gateways as a means of escape. However, the gateways' clashing energies resulted in a catastrophic explosion that ultimately ripped the world of Draenor apart.
The region of Netherstorm was a verdant open range called the Fields of Farahlon until Draenor was ripped apart. Normally imperceptible to mortals, the Twisting Nether bled into the physical realm and unleashed a tumultuous arcane storm that warped the surrounding territory.
How many raid days/hours per raid day do you guys run per week for progression?
Tanaan is pretty challengings at times, but nothing compares to how challenging the new invisible disconnect boss between the Garrison tables is. That fucker gets me loads, and I just can't find a way to fight back at all.
Look I enjoy having a shark boss as much as the next guy, but I honestly can't believe they made such a rookie mistake with it.
This shark ONLY drops an upgrade for your boats. This is stupid as fuck. Why would you even do that. It only ensures than in a month rerolls or returning players will have a hell of a hard time to find a raid group for it since nobody would ever do it twice.
I'm convinced this zone was done by a B-team while the real one is busy on the xpac.
I've been hoping that the patches in this expansion suck due to them putting tons of resources into the next expansion to blow our minds.
But that probably won't be true...