Did a timewalking dungeon. Group just pulled tons of stuff and AOE'd everything down. Very boring. I was hoping it might be a little hard like original TBC heroics.
So what you're saying is Warlords of Draenor is Dark Souls 2.
Did a timewalking dungeon. Group just pulled tons of stuff and AOE'd everything down. Very boring. I was hoping it might be a little hard like original TBC heroics.
Yup. I did 10 of them last night (5 each on 2 toons), but I won't be doing 'em next time. That free seal doesnt even make it worth the boredom.Did a timewalking dungeon. Group just pulled tons of stuff and AOE'd everything down. Very boring. I was hoping it might be a little hard like original TBC heroics.
Yup. I did 10 of them last night (5 each on 2 toons), but I won't be doing 'em next time. That free seal doesnt even make it worth the boredom.
If you have trouble on iskar then tyrant will be the real mid instance roadblock for you, iskar is actually really easy with addons and mechanically compared to some of the later bosses.
Yeah I've got the addon and will make sure the rest of the raid gets it or has a good setup for it otherwise.
Not familiar with the other bosses past Iskar, since he's as far as we got testing on Tuesday and Wednesday on normal with whoever was able to show up (unofficial raid days). Will have to do some research this afternoon.
Timewalking is a huge letdown (not to mention the rewards are pure crap). They should make them a bit harder have them drop 675 with a chance at 685 warforged. Mythic dungeons on the other hand are really fun, if not slightly overtuned but the rewards are spot on so w/e.
Have any of you run into the bug? where Kanrethad won't summon a pit lord? It's driving me nuts and the fight is impossible without it.
Nope, but it's been quite awhile since I acquired my green fire, so things may have gotten screwed up in the interim.
So I'll admit I failed silver proving grounds as destro twice. Just hard with Rain of Fire tickling and no longer generating embers. And limited interrupt.
We did that in a shattered halls pug. It was absolutely ridiculous compared to the originals. The whole thing was done in 10 minutes.
I haven't played WoD in a while since my sub ran out and I can't afford it, but shattered halls in 10 minutes? Damn that's way too fast.
Next you'll be telling me you did Shadow Labs and Sethekk Halls without wiping on the bosses a good few times.
Impossible. (For some reason Blizz didn't add those, and many others, to the Timewalking rotation.)
Ah. I must admit I didn't een know what timewalking was haha.
I have no idea what you mean.
I seem to be having problems with Sinestra in Heroic Bastion of Twilight. I can't get the eggs to become vulnerable to damage. Pretty weird since I managed to do this without hitches before... Isn't the damage shield supposed to come down when Calen says she is weakening? Yet nothing seems to change with the eggs when he does.
I hope this isn't some bug with 6.2
Turned off the sub tonight. I just can't do more busy work. I thought grinding to get flight would make me want to go level my alts, but after a few days of the TJ grind I just can't do it. It still feels hella passive aggressive and the reward for the time put in just isn't worth it.
I know so many people have been very hyperbolic about this expansion and it really makes me wonder if blizz is tone deaf to feedback now. The game just isn't fun for me, and I'd love to tell someone why. When I cancelled it gave me 255 characters and 255 characters isn't enough to get into the "why"s around this expansion just being terrible. From all the stuff I've read on the net I'm not alone in thinking this, but people aren't trying to be constructive with their criticism when they express it. Instead they're acting like blizzard killed their dog or something and I wonder if they're even listening.
Turned off the sub tonight. I just can't do more busy work. I thought grinding to get flight would make me want to go level my alts, but after a few days of the TJ grind I just can't do it. It still feels hella passive aggressive and the reward for the time put in just isn't worth it
About 50% of my Sinestra pulls glitch with invulnerable eggs. Just gotta reset and start again.
Or the things that are time sinks like professions shouldn't be time sinks, or they are in the wrong way.
I got a 3 day mission yesterday. Now, I think the long missions are good in principle... But they shouldn't appear before you have a lvl 3 yard or something.
Blizz wanted to get rid of the compulsion to log on to do missions but people want to progress when they get a new thing.
I use the mage tower instant complete thing for the longer missions.
I use the mage tower instant complete thing for the longer missions.
Son of a bitch, it didn't even occur to me that those would work on naval missions.
Or the things that are time sinks like professions shouldn't be time sinks, or they are in the wrong way. Instead of spending time gathering mats or gold to buy the mats, you just wait for a cooldown.
Son of a bitch, it didn't even occur to me that those would work on naval missions.
I swear my guildmates turn to blabbering idiots when we pop BL. Everything falls apart at the last adds in Iskar
Focus Raven, then Fel Construct (or whatever), then the Talonpriest. Healer and tank need to be juggling at this time.