Stupid rattling cage can eat my anus. Almost 30 kills, only 2 legion medallions and no cages.
Stupid rattling cage can eat my anus. Almost 30 kills, only 2 legion medallions and no cages.
Any recommendations on a Horde PVE server? Going to faction and server transfer my warrior and server transfer my priest
Im on whisperwind -US. My guild is kinda meh, but im always willing to help out. We don't raid, so I pug everything end game.. I don't really want to join a full time raid guild because I don't want the time commitment.
pretty sure they just had no clue what they wanted to do with socrethar, changing the fight on heroic by making dominators spawn constantly and not inlcuding this in mythic is just lol.
Haha, I'm on Whisperwind Alliance!
Haha, I'm on Whisperwind Alliance!
Got my map.
Not sure if surprisingly easy or if I was surprisingly lucky, what with taking 80% success chances.
I finished mine last night with 95%, but I took a bigger risk on one or two of the earlier steps.
I also finished my Saberstalkers exalted grind this morning and should be exalted with the other two Wednesday. I actually really dig Tanaan - I'm definitely going to keep doing the content to gear out alts.
Thanks for being part of the problem!
Every time I go to Tanaan, I want to kill myself. Its like 4-1 alliance/horde. Id love to go to a more Horde sided server, but there is no way in hell Im paying to transfer my account, let alone one character.
They just shit the bed with the boss, it is actually just pre changed heroic on mythic.
Gotta feel sorry for newbies trying to level when some arsehole with full BoA's & half their level comes and one-shots everything near them.
It's a 360 video where you can look around while you're on the back of a griphon flying above Stormwind. It's pretty amazing. Hope they make an Orgrimmar one too.
Has anyone had any of the heirloom ring naval missions appear?
Has anyone had any of the heirloom ring naval missions appear?
^ Awesome, grats!
RNGesus is a twunt. I need 3 more treasure missions for a level 3 yard. I failed 2 last night, 80 and 92%. I got the last mission for the map, it was 70%, said F it, started it, used my mission token and it was successful... Now I need to start doing LFR for the other part of the chain.
But there is something seriously wrong with Blizz's RNG. The number of 80-95% missions I fail is staggering. If its not 100%, it literally feels like 50%.
I've been sending 70+ missions since the shipyard launched and only failed one so far. I've also gotten 2 mounts and 4 medallions from ~8-9 kills of those Tanaan elites. All your good RNG are belong to us. Thanks!
I've been sending 70+ missions since the shipyard launched and only failed one so far. I've also gotten 2 mounts and 4 medallions from ~8-9 kills of those Tanaan elites. All your good RNG are belong to us. Thanks!
I just need 5000 saberclaws to get the jungle title.
Don't think I will ever want to farm that up though...
I hit just over 1000 doing the grind to exalted. I'm considering going back and finishing it next expansion.
Has anyone had any of the heirloom ring naval missions appear?
No point blowing epic ships on XP missions, or for a few sorcerous elements.
Hello fellow shadow priest!
Mine's not as neatly organized as yours. I have one vertical line next to my toon (CD based) , and then 4 bars at the very bottom. I like how you organized yours, though.
(That's Bartender, right? I use it too.)
I try to organize things by function except for the keybinds for my rotation on my mouse.
So, I'll have all my "buffs" in a corner (Fort, Flask, Vial, Rune) in a corner, along with some of the useful items/toys in my inventory (mounts, blood toy, etc).
Then I'll have all my "mana regen"/"health regen" abilities in another- pots, non buffing food, etc. I'll put my "stuns / silence" together and "oh shit" buttons."
Last, I have a cluster of heals and support together - levitate, because my bf likes to jump off things, shield, PoM, flash heal, and dispel magic. I'll usually tack on some PvP stuff there- mind vision, dom, and shackle.
I also tend to keep a single space between these different groupings. So, that can account for 6 or so spaces. I don't like it when things run together.![]()