Enter the Dragon Punch
Warcraft movie hype keeps pushing me to buy Warlords. It's been so long, and I've never had a high-level character before. ;_;
I just came back - it's fun! Take a dip in.
Warcraft movie hype keeps pushing me to buy Warlords. It's been so long, and I've never had a high-level character before. ;_;
I just came back - it's fun! Take a dip in.![]()
I've been back and forth between sticking with my gnome warlock like I originally intended, or rolling something else for the fun of it (really feel like trying out a druid).
Druid is one of those classes I have never been able to get to, and never made it beyond 30 or so. I tried Feral and was all "Why am I not just playing on my rogue?". And I tried Balance and was all "Why am I not just playing on my mage?"
Maybe it doesn't feel this way so much anymore. It has been a few expansions since I gave it a go.
Druid is one of those classes I have never been able to get to, and never made it beyond 30 or so. I tried Feral and was all "Why am I not just playing on my rogue?". And I tried Balance and was all "Why am I not just playing on my mage?"
Maybe it doesn't feel this way so much anymore. It has been a few expansions since I gave it a go.
carbonated YOU MOTHERFUCKER![]()
In an upcoming patch, we’ll be adding a feature that allows you to act as a mercenary for the opposite faction in PvP. Whenever your faction is experiencing a long wait time to get into Ashran or unrated Battlegrounds, agents of the enemy faction will appear in your base in Ashran (Stormshield for the Alliance, Warspear for the Horde). These agents will allow you to enter Ashran or Battlegrounds disguised as an enemy player, and actually fight as the opposite faction.
Paste this ingame and see what comes up?
/run for k, v in pairs({ QuestCompleted = 37838}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
Druid is one of those classes I have never been able to get to, and never made it beyond 30 or so. I tried Feral and was all "Why am I not just playing on my rogue?". And I tried Balance and was all "Why am I not just playing on my mage?"
Maybe it doesn't feel this way so much anymore. It has been a few expansions since I gave it a go.
Then you've done the quest that awards Garona as a follower, so.. I don't know why you don't have her. Probably best to open a ticket.
Question for anyone who has the legendary follower Garona. I'm starting to get really annoyed here feeling like I may have missed her. I did the Inside Job quest(were you move around in stealth and send her out to kill guards then spy on Gul'dun) but apparently I didn't notice that you had to speak to Garona after the quest to actually get her as a follower and so I left the area and continued on with the legendary quest( I'm now gathering Tomes of Chaos from Hellfire Citadel). So now I can't find her anywhere, did I miss out?
Shes where Khadgar was, in his swampy area in his tower. I made the same mistake. You're welcome![]()
That mode better have those masks on the agents.
That mode better have those masks on the agents.
Hopefully it's an indicator that they realize there is a major faction imbalance and are working to fix it.
Only took half a year of people complaining that their big new PvP feature is shit because of the imbalance.
My keybinds feel so clustered
Hello fellow shadow priest!
Mine's not as neatly organized as yours. I have one vertical line next to my toon (CD based) , and then 4 bars at the very bottom. I like how you organized yours, though.
(That's Bartender, right? I use it too.)
So how are you guys like shadow priest? I have a 100 Mage and 100 shadow priest and trying to figure out which one to main. Having a tough time deciding.
I think shadow priests are great because you play multiple roles and have OP self heals, but I think mages tend to do more dps?
Spriest has definitely grown on me. Single target and multitarget are both strong.
I actually hadn't capped this guy since TBC, since I dislike shadow quite a bit back then. I PVPed a bit in Vanilla, got a scout title, and called it a day. Now that I'm playing him again, I prefer it to my mainstays rogue and warrior. It's a fun, different playstyle that feels rewarding.
Plus, Forsaken casting animations are sick.
I think shadow priests are great because you play multiple roles and have OP self heals, but I think mages tend to do more dps?
Spriest has definitely grown on me. Single target and multitarget are both strong.
Finally 100!
...Now what?
Finally 100!
...Now what?
I kind of wish this were true. Always wanted an orc paladin.
I kind of wish this were true. Always wanted an orc paladin.