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X Rebirth |OT| Back In The Womb With You


Oh shit. That makes sense(that I couldn't find it). I am doing a review and have spent maybe 45 minutes trying to find it...damn.

Actually there is.

There are 3 option in right corner on your "owned property" menu DC SD or something like that each of them have different screen and one of them is actual ship position.

I couldn't find it because UI highlighting is shitty and sometimes you don't see it.


Have the devs replied yet?

###### Bugs we are investigating ######

- Broken or missing voice recordings in language other than english

There is an update for german voices today (nov 15th) and another update end of next week. We apologize for these problems. French voices are expected to be added in mid december, russian voices should also follow in december.

- Performance problems on very high end PCs

It seems that some of you experience an unsatisfying framerate even though you have really high end machines. We want to know which systems are affected by this and need to reproduce these problems here. To do this it would help us immensely if you could send your DXDIAG reports and describe the framerates you measure (e.g with the FRAPS tool) in certain situations. Please describe the situation and give different examples (e.g landed on a station, in an empty zone, close to a station, in a highway etc.). Please send your information to [email protected] with subject #PERFORMANCE INFO#

- Stuck object on platform: We are sorry that this still happens sometimes and will fix it ASAP, but you should however always be able to simply use ENTER - 5 to get back.

- We read reports of people who can not save: Please check if the harddrive that you are saving to has space left and the right are set correctly for the savegame folder. If you think this is all correct, please send us a DXDiag file to [email protected] with subject #SAVING BUG#

- Crash right at gamestart (but not in or before start menu):

This is very likely memory related. Do not try running the game in 32 bit Windows (this is not officially supported). If you still want to experiment with 32 bit Windows, be aware that it may crash. More importantly it will definitely crash if you do not set your machine to allow more than 2GB of physical memory. There are tricks to achieve this but in general the rule is: Use a 64bit Windows! UPDATE: Patch 1.12 will give you a message at the start if the game has zero chance of running because of "out of memory" and not even start!

- Exiting the super highway (blue) millions of km away from anything

This seems to be a bug several people report. We are trying to reproduce this but it is not easy. If you have information on how to reproduce, please email [email protected]
Please let us know if you had this problem with 1.12 or above, as we hope it was already fixed.

- After loading cursor vanishes
While running around on platforms the mouse cursor is supposed to disappear. If it happens in normal flight, please check if you have more than one physical monitor and the cursor may just moved off the screen?

- Ship flying through station:

We apologize for this happening. We hoped to have reduced the chance of this happening significantly, but are investigating this.

###### Tricks & Tips ######

- Dont run game in 32bit Windows and make sure you have enough memory free

- Make sure you have latest drivers installed.

- If you have problems with the game, reset all settings in the driver to default

- If you suffer performance problems set the LOD and view distance to low values. The game should still look good but this helps a LOT. Consider turning off shadows, consider medium or low shaders if your GPU is the bottleneck.

- Trading: Some people report problems that trade ships do not work as expected. In most cases this is not a bug with the trade ship AI but the ship did not get the right order through the trade menu. As mentioned above, we definitely want to improve this menu further, but most importantly you have to make sure that when you add a trade order to a ship, you click on NEXT after selecting the order and assigning it to the ship selected at the top of the menu. Then you select the amount and confirm the order. After this you should see that an order was added to the ships order queue. One thing we want to improve is management of this queue and show it more clearly in trade ship info menus.

- There seems to be a bug with menus remaining open sometimes. If you end up with a non working menu, please see if changing the screen resolution or AA settings (ESC - settings - graphic settings) helps to make the menus work again. You can undo those changes after it works again. If this happens repeatedly please email information on how you reproduce this to [email protected]

###### Feedback about feature requests: ######

- Map and other menu improvement: We have a number of menu and map improvements planned. This includes more control over the map like the zoom that was suggested here and changing the layout of some of the text menus. We are also considering showing the "minimap" on the eventmonitor whenever there is "no signal" at the moment. These are a lot of individual improvements some of which will happen soon.

- Autopilot / SETA: We will add some autopilot support. However it is our goal with X Rebirth that you do not need to run the game semi-automatically for extended periods of time. This is also he reason why we will not support SETA / SINZA time acceleration. There should never be a need to wait 20 minutes for your trade ships once you have multiple ships. You can queue orders and do many things in parallel. Time acceleration as a trick to accelerate trading will not be in X Rebirth.

- Facial animations: We will look into improving facial animations.

- External view / Ability to turn around in cockpit: This was asked for a few times. Yes we will look into this but it will be part of a larger update and take more time than just a few weeks. It will also be combined with support for looking around in the cockpit (e.g with a joystick POV hat) and maybe also support for Oculus Rift style VR. So please be aware that this feature will take some time to add.

- Targeting hotkeys: Another feature that was requested a couple of times. Yes we will do this. Based on your feedback that is for one of the earlier updates even though such "explicit" targets only work in the mouse / keyboard mode. Not with controllers!

- Talking to people on stations: We have a plan for an early patch (early december) which will make the conversations and finding NPCs for jobs a lot easier and more accessible. This has a high priority.

- Skipping conversations: We will look into this, but I can not promise that this is always possible.

- Joystick support: We are aware that joystick support (as opposed to gamepad) at this time is not perfect. We definitely will make this a priority for one of the next updates, but please allow a little time for this.
Finally got my preloaded version combobulated into the full thing, took advice and forced settings through the Nvidia control panel. Getting a decent frame rate, ship designs giving me erections of space elevator proportions, but need to spend more than a cursory few minutes zooming about and ogling freighters.

Tonight. Tonight.


- Exiting the super highway (blue) millions of km away from anything

This seems to be a bug several people report. We are trying to reproduce this but it is not easy. If you have information on how to reproduce, please email [email protected]
Please let us know if you had this problem with 1.12 or above, as we hope it was already fixed.

Yeah this happened to me twice now. Gonna leave the game for a bit. Between the targeting system flaking out, escort missions busting up (Ship just keeps on moving on same axis inf), the icons disappearing.

Had enough of buggy games for the moment.


Right now: Considering a nice space-sim joystick and returning to X3. The performance issues is a big problem...
From the little bit I've played, I don't think I have any regrets, really. The taste of the potential is tantalizing. I'll just view this as pre-ordering a game and having alpha access. Once they sort out performance issues (which HAS to happen, there's no way it performs this bad without fault) and improve the UI I'll happily dive in, but slogging through space at 20-30 variable fps when my CPU and GPU only hover in the 50s for % usage on top of the slow and terribly designed menus is a bit much right now =(
I admire the world/universe creation and striving for a larger sense of personality, but reading this thread assures me we never went to the X games for 'character', at least not in the way where we needed to wander around and talk to people or needed some smart-talking co-pilot with boobs. It just seems a little incongruous in the implementation.

A little bit of Jim Peyton/Lost Planet 3 'natural interaction' wouldn't go astray, otherwise, keep it at good, technical dialogue and talking head communication windows.


How are the campaign and sp missions? Nothing ludicrous like the Hub Plot in X3TC, I hope? (would be unbearable without seta)


I admire the world/universe creation and striving for a larger sense of personality, but reading this thread assures me we never went to the X games for 'character', at least not in the way where we needed to wander around and talk to people or needed some smart-talking co-pilot with boobs. It just seems a little incongruous in the implementation.

A little bit of Jim Peyton/Lost Planet 3 'natural interaction' wouldn't go astray, otherwise, keep it at good, technical dialogue and talking head communication windows.
The whole walking around and talking to people thing is actually a really good idea (as is the co-pilot, boobs or not), it adds personality and flair and is a lot less boring than just activating SETA, watching spreadsheets and praying that no autotrader accidentially enters the system you're currently in and crashes into something - it's just that the implementation is half-assed and wonky.
Make no mistake, in no way do I regret my purchase. I am really enjoying the time I get to spend with the game. There's just no better feeling for me than pointing my ship off into the great unknown and heading over that way to see what's there.
The whole walking around and talking to people thing is actually a really good idea (as is the co-pilot, boobs or not), it adds personality and flair and is a lot less boring than just activating SETA, watching spreadsheets and praying that no autotrader accidentially enters the system you're currently in and crashes into something - it's just that the implementation is half-assed and wonky.

That's just it. Either do it right, or not at all. It feels like station adventures are just busy work that do more to detract that the opposite. Believe you me, if they or modders can overhaul the on-foot sections and make it atmospheric and worthwhile, then I will sing it from the rooftops.


Can't say I can recommend this game at all. Trading missions seem totally bugged. Initially, I try to do the first trading mission and my ship gets too many orders so that I can't order any more. Try to cancel the orders or even just clear them out, and there is no way.

Have to look online and Steam forums has a way to edit a text file, so I clear all of them out. Try again, and the ship flies to the right location, exits the highway and sits there, and does nothing. Clear out the orders again, tell it to sell energy cells again, the pilot confirms the trade order, and then it just sits there.

I've been trying this one mission for damn well near 2 hours now. Even forgetting about the ridiculous first person nonsense, the silly gamepad based menus, this game is just broken. If you can't do the first trade mission, then the game should not be released. An option for clearing orders should be a must given how slowly trade ships do their work.

Simply unacceptable, and I deeply regret my pre-order.


I admire the world/universe creation and striving for a larger sense of personality, but reading this thread assures me we never went to the X games for 'character', at least not in the way where we needed to wander around and talk to people or needed some smart-talking co-pilot with boobs. It just seems a little incongruous in the implementation.

A little bit of Jim Peyton/Lost Planet 3 'natural interaction' wouldn't go astray, otherwise, keep it at good, technical dialogue and talking head communication windows.

To be fair right now after clunky beginning game is doing OK. Those stations visits to talk with people (in missions) are imo not boring.

Also as i said earlier there is Trading Software to buy which gives you option to buy wares from traders (like drones) without moving from your ship so after that you will be visiting it only for plot missions.

I am waiting to finally buy some first fighters or stations. I am yet to find any space dock. Probably closed right now because of plot.

Also Performance in that other galaxy part is v. good.


Actually there is.

There are 3 option in right corner on your "owned property" menu DC SD or something like that each of them have different screen and one of them is actual ship position.

I couldn't find it because UI highlighting is shitty and sometimes you don't see it.

Thanks. Despite 2 bugs and this issue here. I have to say. It has been very enjoyable.


The thing that's really crazy is that the Rebirth executable is 32 bit but the devs advise against running the game in 32 bit versions of Windows. That's gotta be a first.

This whole release is a mess and I feel like an idiot for pre-ordering.


This review is pretty damning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxUx96-6-dw

I think he might be right about Rebirth being a failed console port/reboot converted into a shitty PC release. Not that we'll ever know.

I'm feeling more and more in agreement with the majority of the sentiments in this review. Patching bugs is only going to fix so much, not going to help when the entire trading system is fucking horrendous and your traders have no automation and need constant babysitting.


Neo Member
This review is pretty damning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxUx96-6-dw

I think he might be right about Rebirth being a failed console port/reboot converted into a shitty PC release. Not that we'll ever know.

Gutted. I feel like I stabbed myself with a serrated blade when I bought X Rebirth after watching that.

The guy is right when I look at it longer. There is no reason to go into stations, they are indeed awful, the trade interface is inconvenient to the max, the NPCs are just terrible to look at, and the space highways do not feel right.

Is X3 TC and AP worth my time if I desire something more interesting until enough mods come out for Rebirth (if they come out for Rebirth)? I just desire some neat space to explore in.


I seem to be getting a constant 21 FPS no matter what I do. I've set all the graphics options to minimum @ 720p and the rate doesn't budge. It's the same as when everything is maxed out. I read this game is CPU intense but I have an AMD 8350 so I should be fine. Though I read an egosoft employee say they're having performance problems for "high end systems".

This has to be one of the worst purchases I've made in a couple of years. In it's current state I would believe you if you said, "well it's still pre-alpha and they have a lot of stuff they're still adding in."


Gutted. I feel like I stabbed myself with a serrated blade when I bought X Rebirth after watching that.

The guy is right when I look at it longer. There is no reason to go into stations, they are indeed awful, the trade interface is inconvenient to the max, the NPCs are just terrible to look at, and the space highways do not feel right.

Is X3 TC and AP worth my time if I desire something more interesting until enough mods come out for Rebirth (if they come out for Rebirth)? I just desire some neat space to explore in.

Absolutely, TC & AP are amazing. The only reason I haven't gone hunting for a refund for the travesty that is Rebirth is the hope that Egosoft will learn from their mistake and make a worthy successor to TC/AP (as unlikely as that is).

This fucking game though. Sure, it does look pretty nice, but I don't think I've actually enjoyed any part of it. The combat feels shallow as hell to me, to the point that I would sooner have X3R combat over it. Property command system is awful, some of the missions are awful (escorts, jesus christ), the trading system is hands down the worst implementation of trading I have seen in a game, ever. I can't even think of any redeeming features, other than the looks, and currently they're coming with a 15fps pricetag for me.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Really want the game, but will hold off till things stabilize with patches and whatnots. Seems like thats the better choice of action after reading through here.
Freeplay and campaign are two separate modes?

Why? Shouldnt it work as in any other open world RPG, where a main quest is available, but you're free to take the path you want?


I'm holding out for Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen. One of them is going to be good! Probably!

I just wanted this to hold me over until Star Citizen. Doesn't look like that'll be the case. It's more likely I'll have put in 200 hours in SC when a patch finally fixes some of the problems with Rebirth. Even then the "game" will still be fundamentally broken.


I'm holding out for Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen. One of them is going to be good! Probably!

I think they have a higher chance of being good. X Rebirth had quite a few warning signs prior to release, but I wanted to hope it would turn out at least good.


I think they have a higher chance of being good. X Rebirth had quite a few warning signs prior to release, but I wanted to hope it would turn out at least good.

I have a quite a lot of trust in Roberts, but frankly I expect nothing but disappointment from Braben :p


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I'm holding out for Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen. One of them is going to be good! Probably!

Sigh. Here's hoping. So disappointed this one crashed and burned. I need a space sim where you get out of your ship and explore some before I die.
This review is pretty damning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxUx96-6-dw

I think he might be right about Rebirth being a failed console port/reboot converted into a shitty PC release. Not that we'll ever know.

Wow. I had no idea the game was quite this bad, but he makes completely valid points. The trading system looks completely horrible, and the NPCs just make the game feel even more empty and sterile than if trading and communications were just menu screens.

I thought the reason it took seven years of dev time is because they rebuilt the game engine from scratch. I guess it's possible the meant it to be a 360 title, but the engine performed so badly that they had to ditch that and do PC-only. The content for the space areas really does look great, but it's a shame that they prioritized this over the actual core game mechanics. Are they that blind to the gameplay systems, or were they simply in financial trouble and had to ship what was done?


Simply unacceptable, and I deeply regret my pre-order.

This has to be one of the worst purchases I've made in a couple of years.

This whole release is a mess and I feel like an idiot for pre-ordering.

So buggy. So many problems. I'm surprised they released it in this condition.

Yeah guys. I think I have played it enough now to make a statement like yours. This game is without doubt the worst buy of the year. That was money straight down the drain...=(


I don't know if it will help you or if you'd rather ait for a patch but the steam forums have been fairly active with the developers working on the problems.

preview edit: beaten
Reading the comments about Egsoft and the community, and someone mentioned here the hypocrisy of not supporting the game at full retail, I'm getting it and hoping its playable in the near future. This is a large undertaking and if there isn't interest shown for such things, perhaps publishers will say "why bother with this genre, its too difficult to pull off." Its a little hyperbolic, I've felt really burned pre-ordering a couple games that will go unnamed and can also sympathize with the feeling that "if the product isn't ready then delay the delivery (although the date is contractually locked with many parties, right[?])." These games might not get proper distribution due to an indirect affect of the same consequences of both gamers' spite and the industry's cost-benefit assessments. I'm still not preordering and maybe this is somewhat of an irrational purchasing decision but I'm justifying it as an investment in both the games, and in general the genre's, improvement.

This isn't working so far. My ship did actually move, but instead of going to do the trade it tried to unsuccessfully smash into the planet. Now it appears to be heading towards a space station. Wish me luck.
I'm holding out for Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen. One of them is going to be good! Probably!

Don't forget about the Elite-influenced Limit Theory!

It's still early days, but already looking very beautiful, and developing some interesting procedural tech trees and other systems. But I suggest you just watch the dev videos or check the Kickstarter blog. Or one of the KS backer videos from the prototype build for a view of some of the actual game mechanics.

Keep in mind, Limit Theory is being programmed by one guy, Josh Parnell. But it's already looking more fun than Rebirth. I have a feeling it's going to be a sleeper hit.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
This review is pretty damning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxUx96-6-dw

I think he might be right about Rebirth being a failed console port/reboot converted into a shitty PC release. Not that we'll ever know.

I can't disagree with anything he says here. What's really sad is that Steam has a fucking Early Access feature built in, they could have sold this as the alpha it clearly is and not have this giant shitstorm of negative press.
Is the game a super unpolished turd or is it just a turd?

I think it's a good game waiting for someone to hose off the large chunks of encrusted turd, including some hefty nuggets that have found themselves in it's mouth. German-made, after all.

There are some very questionable design decisions here, and without sounding like an apologist, I feel they will be rectified. But should people have paid up front for what is ostensibly a car with three wheels and a navi that you have to open the boot to use? Hmmm.

I can't disagree with anything he says here. What's really sad is that Steam has a fucking Early Access feature built in, they could have sold this as the alpha it clearly is and not have this giant shitstorm of negative press.

That's how I feel. It could have been a very successful early access title, but instead, it's delivered as is. I'd love some transparency with the devs. Something tells me Deep Silver didn't do EGOSOFT any favours, but consumers shouldn't pay the price.


Played few more hours.

Egosoft should start from second sector that is for sure. I didn't find any bug there, my trading ships works exellent, 0 problems with trading there.


Played few more hours.

Egosoft should start from second sector that is for sure. I didn't find any bug there, my trading ships works exellent, 0 problems with trading there.

Same, is funny lol
Bug are related all, and only, with the first trade mission, maybe a script problem?


But it's already looking more fun than Rebirth. I have a feeling it's going to be a sleeper hit.

I don't know honestly. It seems to be the same as Rebirth actually - very pretty to look at and some impressive technical stuff going on, but we have no idea how the actual gameplay is going to turn out.


I read some post in this last page of the thread, but one guys can explain what are the problem with the broken trade system?
A lot of people do not understand one, fundamental, passage. This ship needs upgrades to work like the "old" ship we see in X3:TC/AP.
You need to buy Gravidar, you need to buy drone for trade system, with this you can skip all docking system, and so on.
Rebirth in late game, I talk about campaign mode, is the same as X3:TC regard trade and build system, because most features are plot related.
The real problem at this point are:
- UI and text, not so clear and too small in most of case
- Lock On system
- External view for who do not like Cockpit view
- Some bug and optimization issue
Maybe I forgot something...but this isn't a broken unpatchable game, this isn't the shitty game i read in this page. Build your empire, reach the 1'000'000'000 credit and tell me is simple lol
Oh, sorry for my bad english.
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