Uhhhh that's much prettier than I expected 0_o
Controller is no longer a factor for me now the DS4 is so good. Honestly I think game performance will largely be a wash too. As always it will come down to where my friends are and I suspect Xbox will still have the edge here.
Anyone else not like that day one logo and chrome d-pad? I'm not a fan. I'd rather wait for a standard version.
I made this video about the controller -- talked about the bumpers:
Controller is no longer a factor for me now the DS4 is so good. Honestly I think game performance will largely be a wash too. As always it will come down to where my friends are and I suspect Xbox will still have the edge here.
Controller is no longer a factor for me now the DS4 is so good. Honestly I think game performance will largely be a wash too. As always it will come down to where my friends are and I suspect Xbox will still have the edge here.
Got an email today that the Microsoft Store has shipped out my Xbox One. Any chance of me getting it early?
No shipment email from Amazon or Target yet.
Depending upon the order I get games (if I don't get discs before the system I will play digital first):
1. Ryse
2. Killer Instinct
3. Forza 5
4. Battlefield 4
5. Dead Rising 3
What game is everyone going to try out first on their shiny new X1?
I keep waffling between DR3, Forza, and Crimson Dragon.
So how do you find the bumpers? Are they as stiff as some people say they are or are they fine? Brad from Giantbomb in particular mentioned how horrid he thought they were on the live stream. Honestly, It's the one thing I keep hearing mixed things about but not had a chance to try one out for myself unfortunately.
Even with the huge strides Sony has made with PS4 over PS3 I still think Xbox will be my default platform of choice in this next gen. The LIVE environment just feels so much more vibrant and inviting and fun and alive. PSN is much better now but still feels sterile.
I made this video about the controller -- talked about the bumpers:
I haven't had a chance to get hands on time with the PS4 yet, but this is the feeling I had yesterday when watching some of the streams. The UI on the PS4 is much improved over the PS3 (though, still with quirks) but still sort of lifeless and bland.
I personally love the 'togetherness' that the UI on the 360 had and it looks to be even better on the Xbox One. Like you said, it feels more vibrant, inviting, and fun. Everything feels connected in a natural way that is easy to navigate. It's makes the overall experience that much better because of it.
Halo was always open,maybe not like gta but it was pretty open.
This has always been my opinion too but you get shot down by it.
I just checked now an compared it to my 360 controller. The bumper's are stiffer than the 360's but I definitely wouldn't describe them as being stiff. They aren't hard to press at all and it feels right to me. My only issue with the controller is that the bumpers can't really be pressed from the very top. My finger tips naturally rest on the top of them but I can't push them down with my finger tip, only from the side. So I have to push down the bumper but using the middle of my finger, not the tip. Now I'm used to it and it feels fine, it's kinda weird though.
I drew this picture in MS paint to demonstrate. As you can see it's the top of the bumpers that can't be pressed in.
yes.Is Xbox One able to control volume through an AV receiver? I've only seen setup for TV and cable box control so far.
I just checked now an compared it to my 360 controller. The bumper's are stiffer than the 360's but I definitely wouldn't describe them as being stiff. They aren't hard to press at all and it feels right to me. My only issue with the controller is that the bumpers can't really be pressed from the very top. My finger tips naturally rest on the top of them but I can't push them down with my finger tip, only from the side. So I have to push down the bumper but using the middle of my finger, not the tip. Now I'm used to it and it feels fine, it's kinda weird though.
I drew this picture in MS paint to demonstrate. As you can see it's the top of the bumpers that can't be pressed in.
Can anyone explain the difference of how the sharing features works on XB1 compared to the PS4, and what the limitations/advantages are on each? I'm coming up short on google, nothing seems to be specific enough.
Uhhhh that's much prettier than I expected 0_o
When is the latest I would be charged? This is my first online preorder so I'm clueless.
I just want to receive it and be done with this already![]()
anyone know what the "back" button is called now? the start button looks like "menu".
I just checked now an compared it to my 360 controller. The bumper's are stiffer than the 360's but I definitely wouldn't describe them as being stiff. They aren't hard to press at all and it feels right to me. My only issue with the controller is that the bumpers can't really be pressed from the very top. My finger tips naturally rest on the top of them but I can't push them down with my finger tip, only from the side. So I have to push down the bumper but using the middle of my finger, not the tip. Now I'm used to it and it feels fine, it's kinda weird though.
I drew this picture in MS paint to demonstrate. As you can see it's the top of the bumpers that can't be pressed in.
Yeah, I almost never bring it up here for just that reason. People can be quick to dismiss it, but it has proven to be a very important factor in my overall enjoyment between the two consoles this past gen. The experience on the 360 was much more advanced. The Xbox One looks to continue this.
Shit, that's actually not good for me. I use my middle fingers on the triggers and index fingers on the bumpers, and holding a 360 controller right now I realize that's where I usually press the bumpers.
Thanks for the demonstration. I can see why some people may have had some difficulty with them after seeing where the deadzone is. Like you, I pretty much hold onto the 360 controller the same way so It'll take a bit of adjusting.
Again, thanks to everybody that chimed in. I totally have a clear understanding of the bumpers now.
I hold the 360 controller the same way you do. However after 10 minutes of feeling up the controller it didn't matter any more. It's not a big deal, just use the middle of your index finger to push it, that's what I do. It isn't a big issue or anything, just takes a small amount of time to get used to, then you're fine.
Also I thought I'd throw this out there. GAF, my console setup isn't ready for a huge, horizontal console like the Xbox One. Any thoughts on where to set it?
...could I put my TV on top of it?
That's good to here, thanks.
To prevent potential Trolling:
I believe it was already stated there are confirmations required to boot off the system.
But what about only allowing the "ENGAGED" player that is also the primary user only being able to use the "OFF" command. This would prevent people running by the system and shouting "XBOX OFF - YESYESYESYES" and spoiling your experience.
Didn't they say the kinect recognizes your voice specifically?
Yes. But what if your dorm mate, significant other or someone that Kinect recognizes walks into the room and shouts commands. Does the Kinect assign a primary "driver" - ?
That is one great looking pad. The silver dpad doesn't bother me, but all black does look sexy. I am not the biggest fan of the "2013" part on it, anyone know of a way to maybe remove it?
Yes. But what if your dorm mate, significant other or someone that Kinect recognizes walks into the room and shouts commands. Does the Kinect assign a primary "driver" - ?
Anyone else not like that day one logo and chrome d-pad? I'm not a fan. I'd rather wait for a standard version.
A few more pics from our warehouse![]()