Yea, exactly, no.
Ever since the reveals it was clear as day who had the better software lineup.
Except we got a mic drop and a $100 difference and so yea.
Ryan McCaffrey ‏@DMC_Ryan 5m
I have so much to talk to you guys about once these Xbox One embargoes lift over the next week. So excited! <cantwait.gif>
From memory, when you take the big bulky black connected off that wall mount you kinda have two bits of plastic sticking out don't you? That might be a more study place for kinect to sit, you'd probably want to attach it somehow though (maybe rubber bands?)
What's the exercise stuff people have been talking about?
What's the exercise stuff people have been talking about?
University Village Seattle, Washington.
Fashion Valley Mall - San Diego, California.
Park Meadows Mall - Lone Tree, Colorado.
Houston Galleria Houston, Texas
Florida Mall Orlando, Florida.
Burlington Mall Burlington, Massachusetts.
I'm not sure what time I should go to get in line, I just read that first 50 people get a gift.
Xbox Fitness. Seems pretty awesome
IGN Demo
What's the exercise stuff people have been talking about?
It's funny, considering where we were after the reveals (PS4 - "For the gamers!" vs XB1 - "TV TV TV TV TV") that XB1 is actually looking in better shape games wise right now. It almost certainly has by far the stronger launch lineup, although Sony set that bar way low.
Essentially, it's workout DVD's like P90X that have Kinect integration so it can tell you when you're doing something wrong/right, track calories burned (new Kinect has a very detailed understanding of your muscle usage so it's way more accurate than the previous Kinect in this regard), tells you your heart rate, etc.
It's going to have a free selection of DVD's for free if you're a gold member (for one year) and if you're a silver member you can still buy the content you want.
You won't, XB1 is the only device that is not getting the Netflix redesign because it's not
compatible with XB1's overall design language.
On the company level though, it remains true as always. The Xbox One has a larger array of exclusive games at launch, but this is partially because a lot of games which were going to be on the 360 were pushed onto the Xbox One. They've cannibalised one console to kickstart another. Again.
Cannibalised? Bit much. We all know why they ditched Xbox, it was the right thing to do. It made perfect sense to move Ryse to Xbox one, what was promised on 360 was weak. Other than DR3 what else is there that was moved to One?
Sony, on the other hand, have delivered many solid games this year which aren't on the PlayStation 4. They could have moved games, like Puppeteer, Gran Turismo 6, The Last of Us, God of War: Ascension, and Beyond: Two Souls to the PS4 - they didn't. That's precisely because they are 'for the gamers'. Yeah, Killzone and Resogun isn't the greatest launch ever - but let's not exaggerate the quality of Forza, Ryse, Dead Rising, etc. These are going to be pretty forgettable launch lineups.
So Puppeteer, GT6, Beyond ect are amazing but Forza, DR3, Ryse ect are all forgettable. They'll score the same and be around the same level of quality more than likely. The only big game out of those is TLOU.
Question is what will happen over the next year, two years, three years. Sony have the better hardware, a stronger first party stable of developers, and thus far the indie scene on near lockdown. I don't quite know how anyone expects Microsoft to keep up. 3rd party exclusives are, a short term solution. I expect Titanfall will be huge, but that will make it incredibly expensive to keep any sequels off the PS4. When Titanfall 2 is better on the PS4, what then?
Sony had the better hardware last gen too, as so far I've yet to see a massive gap between the two. You've not been keeping up with their first party initiative? Black Tusk, Victoria, Osaka and Redmond are all working on core games, to compliment that there are several small studios they've started for games like Project Spark.
Several second parties are working on MS IP. Remedy with QB, DH with KI, Frontier with Zoo Tycoon. MS has lots of IP that can be given to second parties.
Don't get me wrong, I've got tons out of my 360 and have never regretted buying it even though the last few years have been thin. Microsoft can win me back as soon as they can prove to me that core gaming is a long term thing for them. That, or somehow revitalising Age of Empires.
Damn, houston is so far away, and I'd probably get my ass kicked anyways lol. What day is the event?
Lots of hyperbole and cherrypicking here.
*shrug* I rather have a lot of good games now for my new console than wait a year for games like I did with PS3. By the end of the generation, like now, I rather Microsoft push the new console while the old one can just get by with multiplatform and ports. embargoes for killer instinct, zoo tycoon, dead rising 3, lococycle and crimson dragon are up monday morning at 6am P
forza 5's embargo is up on 11/20 at 6am PT, ryse is at 11/21 at 3am PT. our xbox one review will be live tuesday night at 9pm PT.
got all my games paid off
forza 5
dead rising 3
battlefield 4
didn't own a console last gen pretty excited about this one.
Nice, what did you own before?
Reposting the TRAIN!!!!! HYPE HYPE HYPE