Monster Zero
Junior Member
Trying to decide if I wanna start this game on dolphin or go through it on n3ds. Handheld don't look bad though
I think my main problem was that I approached the game in the wrong way. Chasing around for an hour looking for some subquest monster which in the end only gives you some money as a reward is no fun at all.
Now I'm just accepting every quest and then explore the whole map. If I happen to have some quests open after that I just don't bother and move on with the story. Trying to be completionist with this game can take a lot of fun out of it.
Ive done several of what i consider are 100% runs, and not one run involved doing every quest, just getting all things (arts, best weapons/gear, unlocks, all complete maps, completed affinity web thats been different every time, etc). I would never try to do a 100% quest run.
Thanks for all the input in the last page, on cell otherwise would have quoted.
I think I am just going to have to jump in and see if I like it, I have never played a game that has a combat system like this, just hope I enjoy it, it always seemed like a neat game.
I don't think including quests in a 100% run is necessarily a bad idea, but I agree that it shouldn't be during your first playthrough of the game. !00% quests can be pretty fun if you're on new game plus and don't have to worry about backtracking due to experience level.
I played through Xenoblade in about a week or two when I first got it at the EU launch. Then I started my 100% run. ... I'm still working on it.
Hahaha oh my this was weird
I just started playing and wanted to look up a map of Colony 9 so I went to the Xenoblade wiki and checked the Colony 9 page. Somehow, I got this odd familiar feeling. Then it hit me.
The maps on the wiki were all provided by me, lol. I completely forgot about this.
So thank you me, for spending hours in Dolphin years ago piecing screenshots of the map together.
I'm honestly surprised they're still up there![]()
Hahaha oh my this was weird
I just started playing and wanted to look up a map of Colony 9 so I went to the Xenoblade wiki and checked the Colony 9 page. Somehow, I got this odd familiar feeling. Then it hit me.
The maps on the wiki were all provided by me, lol. I completely forgot about this.
So thank you me, for spending hours in Dolphin years ago piecing screenshots of the map together.
I'm honestly surprised they're still up there![]()
It's almost as if NoA doesn't want money. I don't understand.Yeah, it's bad enough we don't get faceplates in the U.S. I hope we at least get some themes.
Too bad it is Asia exclusive I think. Not showing up on my PAL theme shop, but in Japan.Really love this theme.
Expert tip for new comer:.Get rid Reyn and Sharla of your team, and git gud on using other characters ASAPNot kiding
So when does this release in the US? I'm finding a lot of conflicting answers, unless its actually April 10th?
Wanted to make Sharla my leader but kinda bummed that she seems to be a healer. Would've prefered something damage oriented.
Wanted to make Sharla my leader but kinda bummed that she seems to be a healer. Would've prefered something damage oriented.
Reyn isn't THAT bad, but Dunban is a better tank since he largely avoids taking damage in the first place. That, and Xenoblade's battle system mostly rewards DPS and finishing battles quickly, and by using Sharla all you do is drag battles out since her DPS is by far the worst of the entire cast.
Unless you are a min maxer I wouldnt worry about it.
Sharla does get one art to help mitigate her low damage output, and thanks to status attacks actually mattering in xenoblade for the vast majority of fights, you can actually get some surprisingly good use out of it.
But if you want game destroying superboss defeating parties, yeah, get rid of those two.
Too bad it is Asia exclusive I think. Not showing up on my PAL theme shop, but in Japan.
Ah OK. Wanted to make Dunban part of my Team anyway so that's cool. My Team would've been Dunban, Melia and Sharla. Sharla leader until i get Melia then make her leader cause i read the AI handles her poorly. With whom should i replace sharlia with? Shulk i assume for monado powers?
Ah OK. Wanted to make Dunban part of my Team anyway so that's cool. My Team would've been Dunban, Melia and Sharla. Sharla leader until i get Melia then make her leader cause i read the AI handles her poorly. With whom should i replace sharlia with? Shulk i assume for monado powers?
So when does this release in the US? I'm finding a lot of conflicting answers, unless its actually April 10th?
If only you'd read the damn OP. Come on. It's right there.
Oh shit i totally spoilered myself!
I wanted to know whovoice actor is, checked a wiki and sawFiorasa picture of her as a mechon
If only you'd read the damn OP. Come on. It's right there. It's insulting that you don't even bother to read the very first lines of text in the first post of this thread.
Ok 12 hours in and I think I'm getting it now, last 3 hours of exploring the swamp area have been a blast! Also combat is getting a lot more exciting and challenging. Game redeemed.
Also, the thread title is amazing, I chuckle everytime the line comes up in combat.
You guys make me want to play it again. And thus buy a new 3ds xl D:
I can't afford that shit !
I remember when I played this at release, I believe I never did completely figure out combat back then. I quit the game 13 hours in right at I reached Colony 6.I still can't wrap my head around how fighting works in this game, will I select a skill then wait for it to start and position myself while it does? Then wait for a time period until I can again? I am guessing stringing types of skills together will generate different effects, is it all physical or is there a magical element anywhere?
Unless you are a min maxer I wouldnt worry about it.
Sharla does get one art to help mitigate her low damage output, and thanks to status attacks actually mattering in xenoblade for the vast majority of fights, you can actually get some surprisingly good use out of it.
But if you want game destroying superboss defeating parties, yeah, get rid of those two.
My game destroying superboss defeating party was,Melia, and Sharla.Rikiis amazing in the hands of the player since they can hit enemies regardless of level disparity and hit them hard.Meliacan draw aggro and dish out status effects and heal. And Sharla pretty much kept the other two alive.Riki
I remember when I played this at release, I believe I never did completely figure out combat back then. I quit the game 13 hours in right at I reached Colony 6.
The re-release of this game made me want to try again. I'm about 8 hours in and everything clicks this time. I am really enjoying playing as all the characters. I'm currently using Sharla. I enjoy just hanging back, protecting and healing. Although, the targeting can get messy sometimes.
I'm enjoying the game much more this time around. I thought I had quit due to being overwhelmed by quests, but I've done every quest I've seen so far and it's not an issue.
Oh, ok. I bought it and the code is not on my receipt. Maybe it will not be up until April 9th?
The complete opposite party I settled on.
I want to do another low level Abaasy kill, at level 50 or so. My level 55 one could have been improved in a number of ways, and I'd like to do it "more legit" and not have to use cheats to keep my level low. But Xenoblade doesn't like to not give exp, so it's hard and would probably take a freaking ton of resets to use the reflection trick to not get exp in any fights.
Didn't you see the guy beating the superbosses at level 53?![]()
Just finished watching Cryaotic's blind let's play of Xenoblade. So fucking hyped for X. Jealous of all you about to play it for the first time.
My game destroying superboss defeating party was,Melia, and Sharla.Rikiis amazing in the hands of the player since they can hit enemies regardless of level disparity and hit them hard.Meliacan draw aggro and dish out status effects and heal. And Sharla pretty much kept the other two alive.Riki
Great point here. Xenblades party is pretty dang flexible and functional.
Thinking back, I think the main reason i switched out Sharla is that the wife just couldnt stop snickering about her boobs. Shed be playing layton on the couch and just look up and snicker every couple of minutes.
Then she came up with a theory about the gravity on bionis and why only sharlas bounced, and why they bounced like water baloons filled with jello, in space.
I enjoyed seeing Cry's reactions to the game.
Quick question actually (Xenoblade spoilers).
Are you sure it's the best idea to be posting in this thread with that avatar? A lot of people in this thread are going to be playing the game for the first time, and that image alone is a pretty big spoiler.
You raise a valid point actually. Will change it for now, but it will be back at the end of the month.