Do it do it do itI'm really about to get this, despite having some unfinished games.
Considering I've got 20 of store credit does not make this decision more easy
Have not played any Xenoblade before, this would take my virginity.
This port is so fucking good. Just took this screenshot:
I am in awe that a 3DS (albeit, an upgraded one) can do this. Frontier village is huge, and it is a solid 30fps, no drops, and everything is visible from the top.
I am consistently stunned that they brought Xenoblade to the 3DS. It shouldn't be this good, it should be a foggy jerky mess. But apart from the resolution its absolutely identical to the Wii version
I bought my N3DS in November purely because of Xenoblade. Nice to know my purchase has been fully justified.
I'm getting the impression most people slamming the graphics either haven't bought the game yet (as it did look crummy blown up in YouTube videos) or haven't played Xenoblade on Wii. I think it's incredible how close it looks to the original game. And yeah, I feel it justifies the New 3DS - the game simply couldn't have been ported to the original 3DS.
I can't wait to get to the ocean area.
I'm getting the impression most people slamming the graphics either haven't bought the game yet (as it did look crummy blown up in YouTube videos) or haven't played Xenoblade on Wii. I think it's incredible how close it looks to the original game. And yeah, I feel it justifies the New 3DS - the game simply couldn't have been ported to the original 3DS.
I can't wait to get to the ocean area.
I have a copy of Xenoblade on Wii that is pretty badly scratched and does not work any longer so have been playing it on Dolphin, although I've not made much progress. My predicament is whether I get it for N3DSXL or go through it on Dolphin?
I would rather sit in comfort on my sofa and play a huge RPG than at my desk (for this at least). I'm just concerned that part of the experience will be diluted playing on a small screen. How well does it control and suit handheld play? Sorry if this has been answered already
I haven't played the N3DS version yet but played all the way through the EU Wii version but the gameplay was way too smooth for it to be running at 25 FPS. Funnily enough, the game also had visible problems running in vanilla 4:3 PAL mode (black bars, juddery image). I'm pretty sure it was optimized for 16:9 PAL 60 mode and as a result finally made me pick up an HDTV as it was pretty much unbearable to play otherwise.any noticeable drop in audio/VA bitrate quality?
And I assume this runs better than the PAL version which was fixed at 25fps I think?
I was one of those critizing the graphics. tbh some of the earlier ares leave a terrible first impression, I'm not 18 hours in and the game gets more and more colorful and beautiful
or if they look it up see dolphin shots
Man, What a bunch of jokers.This could actually be a big reason. From anecdotal evidence a lot of Xenoblade Wii players seemed to play it on Dolphin, either because they sold their Wii or couldn't deal with sub-HD graphics for whatever reason. So if you went from Dolphin to this, then yeah, it will seem like a huge downgrade.
I haven't played the N3DS version yet but played all the way through the EU Wii version but the gameplay was way too smooth for it to be running at 25 FPS. Funnily enough, the game also had visible problems running in vanilla 4:3 PAL mode (black bars, juddery image). I'm pretty sure it was optimized for 16:9 PAL 60 mode and as a result finally made me pick up an HDTV as it was pretty much unbearable to play otherwise.
Is there a guide on gem crafting? I've read the tutorial but still have only a basic idea what I am supposed to do
This port is so fucking good. Just took this screenshot:
I am in awe that a 3DS (albeit, an upgraded one) can do this. Frontier village is huge, and it is a solid 30fps, no drops, and everything is visible from the top.
I am consistently stunned that they brought Xenoblade to the 3DS. It shouldn't be this good, it should be a foggy jerky mess. But apart from the resolution its absolutely identical to the Wii version
I bought my N3DS in November purely because of Xenoblade. Nice to know my purchase has been fully justified.
It plays EXACTLY the same as the Wii version with a classic controller pro.
As I said before, the only difference is the resolution. Nothing else.
This one looks pretty good.
Gonna add it to the OP, too.
Not even going to rep Man God's Godly Guide to Gem Crafting? Come on now.![]()
Whaaat? I can get affinity coins for perfect B presses? What is considerate perfect? Within the bigger circle or exactly at the point where the B-Button is displayed?
Whaaat? I can get affinity coins for perfect B presses? What is considerate perfect? Within the bigger circle or exactly at the point where the B-Button is displayed?
You don't get affinity coins for that, you only get them when you beat unique monsters, and when you level up. You do gain affinity between your characters though, at least during battle. The one that shows up when you initiate battle just determines your initial tension, and some skills activate then.
And you want to aim for the blue ring.
ahh ok, ye I saw hearts popping up! Thought I could also get the coins through that.
Playing Shulk without the nunchuk's ability to move and select arts at the same is kind of weird.
Think so. She did not appear on my mini-map.Did the fix the bug where when you first enter Colony 9 at the very beginning of the game, Fiora is in Dunban's house and marked on the minimap as an enemy?
Thought that was funny when I first noticed it in the Wii version.
Bro, the dub is fantastic.
Each to their own I guess. The dub in this is cringe-worthy at times for me. Maybe it's because I'm British and the accents just sound a bit off/too forced.
Going from a 3DS XL to a regular N3DS purely for the Xenoblade cover plates. I'm hoping it still looks good even on the small screen right?
I dunno. Dunban doesn't sound forced at all, and Danny Dyer's wife from EastEnders (sharla) and Cara from Doctor Who (Melia) sound exactly the same as they always do.
I have tried Xenoblade on both my XL and my regular N3DS...and sorry to say, it looks far worse on the regular. The text is a lot harder to read and the details in the environment are harder to make out. Which is unique, as almost every other game looks better on the smaller screen in some way or another.
Voice acting is very different from screen acting. It's pure cheese some of the dialogue. It's a JRPG thing as I rarely play them. I mean Persona 4 Golden's english dub seems way better. Maybe it's just right writing or something /shrug I dunno. Still enjoying it regardless![]()
That's what's so great about it
Fucking reyn time, man
I didn't notice Fiora on the mini map last week on the Wii version. I didn't even know she was inside until I peeked through the window.Did the fix the bug where when you first enter Colony 9 at the very beginning of the game, Fiora is in Dunban's house and marked on the minimap as an enemy?
Thought that was funny when I first noticed it in the Wii version.
I'm curious, how are newcomers enjoying this game so far, and how far are you already
I have tried Xenoblade on both my XL and my regular N3DS...and sorry to say, it looks far worse on the regular. The text is a lot harder to read and the details in the environment are harder to make out. Which is unique, as almost every other game looks better on the smaller screen in some way or another.
I can post comparison photos if you wish
went from hating and almost giving up to loving it (despite the inventory menu though). Just arrived at Frontier Village.
went from hating and almost giving up to loving it (despite the inventory menu though). Just arrived at Frontier Village.
What's wrong with the menu?My first time playing Xenoblade (didn't get the chance to play it on the Wii) and the menu system is really weird.
Also the UK voice acting is so bad that it's so good. (Almost like the original Resident Evil voice acting. "Jill Sandwich")
There are so many sub-quests too its really overwhelming.
tbh Satorl Marsh and Eryth Sea are totally better than Bionis Leg
Eryth Sea is the best, at least as far as entire maps go.
My single favorite location would actually bethe big section of Sword Valley right before Galahad Fortress, with all the catwalks and suspended platforms.
Is there a guide on gem crafting? I've read the tutorial but still have only a basic idea what I am supposed to do
tbh Satorl Marsh and Eryth Sea are totally better than Bionis Leg
Let's see how much I can remember from playing the original on Wii:
Generally speaking, you put a bunch of crystals or cylinders together to try to craft gems. Each piece you put in will have a percent, and these percents will all add together the more items you put in. (so if you have a crystal with Double Attack 5% and a cylinder with Double Attack 25%, you'll start at Double Attack 30%) You can add up to 8 items into your mix, but once one of the skills in your mix gets past 100%, you must begin your gem crafting. The amount that each % gets boosted depends on how your set up your two gem crafters, and the number of turns is dependent on the affinity between those two characters. More on selecting characters later.
Any skill that ends up above 100% will turn into a gem of the corresponding level of the materials you put in. So if you're crafting using level II materials, you'll get level II gems. Getting a skill above 200% will get you a gem with the max value of that skill for the level. (for example, a Strength I gem can have between 5-10 bonus to Strength, crafting a gem with 200% Strength out of the process will guarantee you get the 10)
What you REALLY want to be aiming for when gem crafting is "Mega Heat." Mega Heat is what happens when you get a skill over 300% and it gets you a gem one level above what you would have normally made. This is the only way to get level VI gems, as there are no level VI materials. Here's a good method for getting Mega Heat:
- Find materials with the skill you're interested in, and mix them with a bunch of junk you're not interested in. You'll want the total percent of the skill you want to craft with Mega Heat 50~60% at max, but don't worry if you can't find that much.
- When crafting this set, use a combo of characters that uses low/medium heat, as you want to raise the percent of the skill you ultimately want, but you don't want to craft a gem out of it. I can't remember who I usually used for this, but it might have been Shulk/Sharla.
- You'll want to get the target skill as close to 100% without going over as possible. 99% is obviously ideal, but anything over 80% is usually good. Save your game before attempting this step in case you accidentally turn this skill into a gem rather than a cylinder.
- Get your 80%~99% cylinder of the skill you want, then repeat this process a second time to get another similar cylinder.
- Use these two cylinders together to craft a gem. You should be starting off with a single skill with 160%~198%. Use Shulk and Reyn with high affinity between them. Reyn uses a strong flame, so he gives you the best chance of getting the most percent tacked onto your craft.
- Make sure to save before this craft as well, as sometimes you can get unlucky and fall short of 300%.
This is the best way to get upgraded gems. I think you should be aiming for 400% in end game, as that will get you the max bonus off of level VI gems, but I can't remember exactly. Maxed out level VI gems are amazing as most of them will give you the maximum bonus off of a single gem. Agility VI Gems give the full +50 Agility bonus, Electric Plus VI Gems give the full +100%, etc.
This GameFAQs guide is a little more in depth:
tbh Satorl Marsh and Eryth Sea are totally better than Bionis Leg