Saint of Killers
Early Part 2 location spoiler:
?! ( ,..)
They removed Asia Club
Anyone else notice the ice cream shop in Kamurocho is gone? Been replaced with a new bar.
Any reason to send more money to the orphanage other than the one Kiryu mission where you have to?
Trophy, I think with either Kiryu or Haruka, it's 5m yen or something for a trophy.
i think theres a guy infront of it noticing the same thingAnyone else notice the ice cream shop in Kamurocho is gone? Been replaced with a new bar.
Anyone else notice the ice cream shop in Kamurocho is gone? Been replaced with a new bar.
About to jump into this game... took all day to download and install. Here we go.
that boss fight with shinada felt good. pure manliness.
coach in the bar is the biggest troll in the game so far.
Finale Final Chapter spoilers:Right as I was about to put in the final hit on Aizawa my power went out. I"m sitting here in disbelief...
I seeare the new tigers.bears
I'm finally home and ready to play the game. Any missable stuff I should look out for ?
Loved thecallback with Japanese Jeff Goldblum.Shenmue forklift
I know it's a stupid complaint, but it really bothers me how in Haruka's run everyone pronounces "Christian" as "Cristina" lol
Don't quit in the Princess League final round during Haruka's section because you need to do it to unlock a karaoke song.
Be careful selling materials because you need them to invest into the weapons store and you might only get them once a playthrough.
Haruka is also not playable in the final part of the game so make sure you finish up all her sidequests when you can. Also if you want full completion in one playthrough then don't pick up any locker keys with her since her items don't get combined with the other characters.
Spent the last four hours hunting with Seijima... I'm loving it now that all the tutorials are out the way. They really could have done with making that part shorter!
I love the smaller more rural atmospheric feel to the town. Its nice just to walk through the town, do some river fishing before heading off to the mountain again. I forgot how easy it was to make money with the hunting as well, almost got 1 mil yen without really trying.
Yeah, Saejima can get loaded really quick. I was feeling like I had enough money forever. And then I met Kaguya.
Yeah, Saejima can get loaded really quick. I was feeling like I had enough money forever. And then I met Kaguya.
Where can I get a zero jewel in kamurocho?
The one from sotenburi is with haruka. :/
I believe the bottom right locker in Kamurocho has one (J-5).
Errr is it just me or is Shinada wearing the same clothes as Ryo Hakuzi?
I'm also working on the "master" training in the village while I'm at it. The old man is asking for something glittery (I think), but I'm fairly certain you have to get something from the city and return here later? I forget exactly what I need though.
I cant believe I spent the amount of hours I did hunting all those animals >_<
I didnt even bother doing most of the taxi missions, but for some reason I kept on going back into the forest!!!
24+ hours logged in this game already... aye!!!![]()
noooooo~!!! I failed a side mission and now it says "Done" instead of "Resolved"
there's no way the game gives you a second chance huh?!?!?
stupid slippery ramen... I literally fell down the moment I started moving -_-;;