This Idol Stuff makes me Uncomfortable for some reason.
This Idol Stuff makes me Uncomfortable for some reason. there a Guide or something for Each Character's Masters???
Because I don't know what to do with Saejima's.
I don't think GameFAQs can help me
This Idol Stuff makes me Uncomfortable for some reason.
Moving on, I tried out Kiryu in the Last Part and I just noticed the tracking issues he's had as well. I think it might have to do with the large number of enemies now
Do i have to stumble on Victory Road qualifiers with every character in order to be able to use them later? I saw that Saejima had a mini event in that snowy town, and am now worried that i'll have to keep finding random battles with Akiyama to qualify.
keep fighting random battles because doing all the heat moves skyrockets your completion % and yakuza combat is awesomeDo i have to stumble on Victory Road qualifiers with every character in order to be able to use them later? I saw that Saejima had a mini event in that snowy town, and am now worried that i'll have to keep finding random battles with Akiyama to qualify.
Kiryu gets a lot better at crowd control once you start leading his combos into throws. He has iframes during the animation and it usually knocks nearby enemies off balance. The three punches-triangle-throw combo in particular is really good for this.
can someone explain the thing for Shinada's baseball thing? I didn't quite understand it.
I'm disappointed that none of the co-op games on the main menu have online aside from Virtua Fighter. None of the friends I convinced to buy the game are interested, but they all wanted to try bowling and darts and are bummed out that we can't try those.
It's not like the bowling and darts are that great by themselves.
I'm really liking Haruka's chapter so far, and some of the music is really good.I can't stop listening to this song.
I'm seriously considering getting Ishin. I've never imported a game before. All I should need to do is make a Japanese PSN account with a JPN credit card and then I can just purchase and download with that account onto my ps4 that has my US account right?
This Idol Stuff makes me Uncomfortable for some reason.
Does this make you feel more at ease?
Does this make you feel more at ease?
Does this make you feel more at ease?
I'm really liking Haruka's chapter so far, and some of the music is really good.I can't stop listening to this song.
How long is the Shinada chapter? I'm not enjoying it after Haruka's awesome chapter.
Does this make you feel more at ease?
I feel like Yakuza can be summed up in three gifs
alright I need some help. I bought the game but I don't have enough space on my HD, but I can't make out where most of the space is taken up, how do I make some room?
okay well, there goes my $40. Looks like I won't even be able to play this game but at least Sega got my support.
before I go ahead and do this, what are the "other things in the background" - there are two games in my HD that I don't want deleted, is there a way to circumvent this without deleting everything?You actually need twice the mount of available storage on your PS3 to install the game then is specified in the download.
So 43-45GB or something.
Go in to your system settings and choose "Format Utility", this will delete all your games on the hard drive (and other things in the background) so just make sure you know your PSN login to download again.
If it's still saying you don't have enough then you will need to also delete your game saves (back these up if needed).
yeah I got the OG 60. I kinda don't wanna get rid of Tekken 5 online because even though no one's playing it anymore, I bought the online extension way back when and I don't think I can get that back if I delete, I think they removed it didn't they?Assuming you have a 60GB PS3 like me then you will have enough space, but you will need to pretty much wipe your hardrive.
It doesn't take long and you can redownload the games again.
Once Yakuza 5 installs you will have 25GB free.
before I go ahead and do this, what are the "other things in the background" - there are two games in my HD that I don't want deleted, is there a way to circumvent this without deleting everything?yeah I got the OG 60. I kinda don't wanna get rid of Tekken 5 online because even though no one's playing it anymore, I bought the online extension way back when and I don't think I can get that back if I delete, I think they removed it didn't they?
that's what I've been trying to do. tekken 5 only takes up 677MB, and bejeweled only 23MB. but I got only 11 free gigs of space, and I don't understand why, really. I have photos and shit but they add up to 527MB, one song that's 12MB three videos that add up to 15MB, netflix and youtube which add up to about what's taking up all my space?How many gigs does Tekken consume?
Formatting the utility would delete Tekken and I cant say for sure that you would get it back.
Perhaps it's a better bet to see how many gigs you have free and if it's possible to create enough space by selective deleting?
that's what I've been trying to do. tekken 5 only takes up 677MB, and bejeweled only 23MB. but I got only 11 free gigs of space, and I don't understand why, really. I have photos and shit but they add up to 527MB, one song that's 12MB three videos that add up to 15MB, netflix and youtube which add up to about what's taking up all my space?
Game Data installs, surely?
XMB > Game > Game Data Utility
dude, you are the man. from deleting a whole bunch of shit there i'm up to 40GB. i tried deleting resistance 3 but it took madd long so I rebooted the Ps3, went back to it and its corrupted data. Apparently deleting it TAKES HOURS.Game Data installs, surely?
XMB > Game > Game Data Utility
i feel this sells the series short as there are genuine human moments and interesting characters, at least in GIF seems to be acting up as it doesn't load for me, but the sequence of those GIFs is perfect
i feel this sells the series short as there are genuine human moments and interesting characters, at least in 2
You're acting like the first gif isn't a genuine human moment