It's fine. The material is only needed for crafting and you can get another one elsewhere.
Alright, thanks.
It's fine. The material is only needed for crafting and you can get another one elsewhere.
I'm still in Haruka's chapter and I realize that I picked up almost every locker key (only 7 left to find). Is there a way to share that with Akiyama later of am I screwed?
The locker keys are shared, just don't open any of the lockers with Haruka and you should be fine.
I forgot to mention that I opened the lockers. It's not really logical to let Haruka pick up the keyes if she can't do anything with what's inside.
I never checked, but did ThePatrick stop writing Yakuza guides? His were the best.Its not a perfect English guide (as its Google translated from Japanese) but this is still the best guide available (in my opinion) for Yakuza 5:
I had to resort to a guide to find the last couple of map bits as well, I'll probably have to do the same for the locker keys...
I never checked, but did ThePatrick stop writing Yakuza guides? His were the best.
Can anyone tell me where to get small motor and !mystery liquid?
Finally started Saejima. Never saw anything for Kiryu's Revelations even though I did all his sidequests. Oh well.
Saejima was in prison for a decade+. Yeesh, how much more 'burning' does he need?
His guides were great, particularly his subquest guides. I guess that's not a problem since they are easier to find now though.I'm not sure. He did up to Yakuza 4 I think but I've not seen him around latelyIts a pity as his Kenzan! guide was instrumental in me playing through that game.
Wow these bullet/gun shenanigans are getting really stupid. Like really REALLY stupid. It's not as stupid as 4, but oh man.
What's going to happen if the subtitles suddenly cut off? Will they attempt to stop the suspect before he pulls out a gun? WHO KNOWS?
That tripe speech was something else. It certainly made me think that Saejima had no idea what the hell he was doing.
Don't question Zen Hulk. You wouldn't like him when he gets philosophical.
so I bought this game again on my cousin's Ps3 since sony won't allow me to log in and download it under my own PsN.
Anyone wanna tell me why in the hell it's gonna take 441 minutes to download/install?
I kind of like the philosophical vibe in Y5, it seems the theme of the game is 'what do we do next?', although they're all people who were at the top and seem to be discontent with it, so who knows.
I actually ended up leaving it on all night, now it's at 87% :\try a wired connection.
I've kind of cooled off on the game a lot lately. It might continues the 'odd numbered Yakuza' trend for me. Haruka's chapter just drags and drags and I don't think Akiyama improves things any. Kiryu's chapter starts alright but the overall stroy is just really tropey, even by Yakuza standards. The first half of Saejima's is terrible and the second half is pretty good.
I haven't gotten to the new guy yet, so I'm hopeful about new characters. But yeah this idol shit is just dull. The drama is extra dull and Akiyama is a boredom sandwich on top. I liked Haruka's side missions with her school friends a lot more than the main story for her segment. Mind could change later though, but I've already hit the big 'conflict' and it's still doing nothing for me on this particular chapter.
Y5 ranked second for PS3 game (behind MGSV) and third for best digital game (behind Rocket League and Life is Strange) on the PSblog Awards. I'd say that's pretty impressive given that it was only released in December.
Finished the game. I saw complaints about the ending, but personally loved it.
I hope that in Yakuza 6it once again focuses on Okinawa and the orphanage and not just straight crime stuff again. Would be nice to see where Haruka and Kiryu go from here.
Don't question Zen Hulk. You wouldn't like him when he gets philosophical.
It's about time for some of those other orphans to grow up I reckon. Maybe make one of them playable.
It's about time for some of those other orphans to grow up I reckon. Maybe make one of them playable.
i'm almost at the 60hr mark and still on saejima...I barely have any time to play these days. Haven't made it past Kiryu yet.
I'm jealous of you guys.
I barely have any time to play these days. Haven't made it past Kiryu yet.
I'm jealous of you guys.
EEEEEEEVERYBODY SING ROUGENot finished the game yet but its the best track I've heard so far definitely...well outside of Saejima's karaoke.
i am 100% down for a taichi pro wrestling storyline
My sister got so salty on that side quest. It's hella hard.Haruka comedy sidequest is fucking hard...
i am 100% down for a taichi pro wrestling storyline
Thewith Haruka D: It's seemingly impossible for me to get beyond 60 even with the solution. Oh well, never mind.stand-up comedy routine
Funniest moment so far:! xD I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I kept expecting something would happen which would make him pull out of it, (other than my refusing it) but he went ahead with it! Amazing stuff.Akiyama dance battle
I finally got 81 on my 7th attempt. You have to be very quick and select an answer when he's done speaking.
By the way, is Haruka playable in Premium aventure mode ? Because I've read somewhere that if I didn't do all her side quest in chapter 3 I won't be able to do so in the end game.
I finally got 81 on my 7th attempt. You have to be very quick and select an answer when he's done speaking.
By the way, is Haruka playable in Premium aventure mode ? Because I've read somewhere that if I didn't do all her side quest in chapter 3 I won't be able to do so in the end game.
How does this game compare to Yakuza 5, in terms of story and gameplay?
Do you mean 4?
I would say it's a massive step up from 4.
Many more interesting side characters that are quite fleshed out.
From a gameplay perspective the, volume of locations dwarfs all previous Yakuza games.