Kagari said:Got mine yesterday:
Unsure if I should play this or Ys Seven first.
Both are awesome but Felghana is better. You cant go wrong with either.
If it were me, Id go with Felghana simply because it takes place before Ys 7.
Kagari said:Got mine yesterday:
Unsure if I should play this or Ys Seven first.
Brandon F said:As for combat...well it's so goddamn mash-happy that much like my (VERY limited) time with Ys seven it's hard to really get ANY sense of accomplishment out of killing stuff. Adol moves like lightning, and bugs/vermin just explode constantly. I'm flailing on autopilot almost as if I need not look at the screen ever...just keep hitting x and somehow I end every combat scenario with full life and a bunch of stat multipliers.
LiquidMetal14 said:Unlike Y's 7, this one is capturing me right away. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the look and feel of this. So right at home and reminds me of more old school PS1 RPG goodness. If anyone is saying that we are lacking in JRPG's today, I dare you to try this and not come away enamored.
The music is very nice. I am going right back to it now.
Oh and the voice over work while not great is definitely bearable. Unlike, say, Arc Rise Fantasia. It feels old school in an awesome way.
KAGARI, definitely play this first. It's way better (to me) than Y's 7. It's got its hooks in me way faster than 7 did.
thetrin said:Gah! There's no apostrophe in Ys. It's pronounced ees, not Wise.
Volcynika said:There's no apostrophe in PR, boxarts or anything. I don't know where it came from!
Peff said:http://www.chronicgames.net/images/games/master%20system/master-system-ys-the-vanished-omens-box-front.jpg[img][/QUOTE]
(Though ZERO of the XSeed boxarts/announcements/anything have an apostrophe!)
Yeah, when monsters start getting deadly enough you want to avoid being touched by one, you'll stop just jumping in swinging awayBrandon F said:As for combat...well it's so goddamn mash-happy that much like my (VERY limited) time with Ys seven it's hard to really get ANY sense of accomplishment out of killing stuff. Adol moves like lightning, and bugs/vermin just explode constantly. I'm flailing on autopilot almost as if I need not look at the screen ever...just keep hitting x and somehow I end every combat scenario with full life and a bunch of stat multipliers.
I suppose this is just 'early game doldrums', and the boss encounters become the real highlight, or I NEED to wait several hours before earning enough spells and abilities to actually make things interesting. But Adol just spazzing out in a flurry of eye-searing sword acrobatics everytime I press x isn't making the experience feel compelling...just confusing and rather bland.
Peff said:
Before Ys Seven came along with its giant amounts of bloat, the last few Ys games before it had been extrmeely tight-knit; so there may only be a couple dozen or so NPC characters but they'd all have unique looks and personalities instead of basically being talking sign-posts.ULTROS! said:It's interesting that every character I've met so far has an individual portrait.
LiquidMetal14 said:I'm playing on normal too. I am at the Illburns Ruins. Quick question, does it help to just keep upgrading weapons and wasting valuable resources? It seems that I will keep running into better stuff on the field anyways. That and I tend to like to traverse back and forth to grind so in terms of leveling, I feel ok as of now. I loved that crystal-like boss (1st or 2nd in game?). I know Illburn isn't very far in but I want to make sure I'm playing to the highest potential and not wasting money/resources upgrading at the wrong times.
QisTopTier said:This game is freaking amazing as hell, that is all![]()
p.s. Playing on nightmare :lol
LiquidMetal14 said:Any tips for the volcanic boss at the end of the dungeon? Not the first one you fight lava but the main keeper. I just fought it once and it owned me :lol
It's the boss that makes the ground up with spikes. I have to move to the sides to dodge them. I put it in sleep mode so I will try again. It's not the first time I've been beat in a boss or encounter. I just figured I'd ask for some tips before tackling it again Thanks. Will report back.Peff said:The bridge dragon? He can be tough. Stay mostly on the sides you you are not hit by the big tackles he usually does and attack while he's in the bridge but be careful with the fireballs, don't push your luck.
Volcynika said:As expected, QisTopTier is pro'ing it up.
Sure but your senses should be tuned into that by the second dungeon. It gets better and better.ULTROS! said:I'm liking the game so far, my only complaint is that Adol is quite small in the first dungeon (haven't reached the second yet) and coins are hard to see.
QisTopTier said:It's a bit annoying though only because the bosses have SO MUCH HP I don't mind the dying in 2 3 or 4 hits. But god damn some of these fights are like 4 - 6 minutes long and you die in 3 hits :lol About half way done now though. (maybe further not sure)
Yeah, I was going to post about this, the game looks like ass on the PSP, it's really almost depressing being such an uber nerd for the original game. The monsters and item drops almost perfectly blend into the background, it's so damn hard to see things. Everything looks murky too, the text especially.ULTROS! said:I'm liking the game so far, my only complaint is that Adol is quite small in the first dungeon (haven't reached the second yet) and coins are hard to see.
I personally beleive it's pretty bad but I could also see it being glossed over in reviews.Peff said:Is it that bad? That's a shame... I thought something like that could happen because of the lower resolution. I guess after a while you get used to it because not many people seemed to mention it in reviews.
Everything else rocks!Peff said:Heh, probablyIt's still portable Felghana though
Other than that are there any issues with the port so far?
Indeed it is. You get it at the same time as the double jump, your boost bar at this point will fill up twice. If you trigger boost once it's filled twice you'll explode doing a decent amount of area damage and your HP fills up decently during boost mode. The HP gain has already made me scratch by two boss fights I would have died on without it.Peff said:Yeah, that's new, and it sounds helpful! Is it a separate bar or something?
Peff said:http://www.chronicgames.net/images/games/master%20system/master-system-ys-the-vanished-omens-box-front.jpg