Yeah, extra confirmation how easy Very Easy actually is. Beat it in about 2h40m-ish. Easy peasy!
Is there an achievement for playing it on very easy? Should I start out with that first?
Yeah, extra confirmation how easy Very Easy actually is. Beat it in about 2h40m-ish. Easy peasy!
I would start out on just easy, very easy is such a push over of a mode. For example, the third Statue Boss, I killed its second form in 1 attack, where in easy it took a good 3 or 4 minutes.
There is Achievements for beating the game on each difficulty, and one for finishing in under 5 hours. There is actually an achievement for just starting a very easy game.
There's why you find the game easy.
At least there are three achievements that actually give Very Easy mode a purpose. Without those it's pretty much pointless.
Well, that's what makes the game an easy game. You'll have to force the game to be hard by putting restrictions on yourself when playing on normal.
You can pretty much grind in any RPG ever...
The game is hard if you don't specifically go out of your way to grind. And you pretty much do have to go out of your way.
Do you not get the very easy achievement if you beat the game on normal? I was hoping it would award everything below.
They do not stack.
They do not stack.
Which is another thing I love. I generally hate difficulty achievements not stacking, but I cannot wait to run through this game in a couple of hours in the lower difficulties.
I <3 grinding so much.
I have grinded so much in this game. To the point where I have never ever NOT had enough money/raval ore to upgrade/buy stuff. I'm almost level 50 right now and I just got to Genos Island. So nice. <3
I'm actually kind of disappointed, tbh. I was going to go through it on the harder difficulties, but I didn't want to have to do each and EVERY one. Oh well, that just means that I'll get them all over the span of a few years, rather than weeks, lol.
Yeah, I can see using Easy as warm up. Very Easy however sounds more like it exists to SPEEDRUN a game instead, if bosses can be downed in a single hit.Yeah, I'm glad I learned that before I really got very far. I'm going to start again on Easy and work my way up. I got my face handed to me 20~ times by the first boss before I beat him, at level 7, so I'm probably not quite prepared![]()
This game is really intriguing me. Never played an Ys game before. Is this a good one to start with?
Now my next question: Is this version supposed to be dramatically better than the PSP version? I'd much rather have a physical copy when possible, and I love portables, so I'm just wondering. Price doesn't matter to me (I can get the PSP version for $25 which I'm fine with).
This game is really intriguing me. Never played an Ys game before. Is this a good one to start with?
Now my next question: Is this version supposed to be dramatically better than the PSP version? I'd much rather have a physical copy when possible, and I love portables, so I'm just wondering. Price doesn't matter to me (I can get the PSP version for $25 which I'm fine with).
... Playing this makes me want to replay Trails in the Sky. REALLY hope that can come sooner that later, I'd kinda prefer to play it with spring weather or some reason anyway.
The fact they announced Origin for an indeterminate point doesn't help either. The likelihood of getting that readied, WITH a Steam registry listing, implies we're not seeing anything else come out beforehand on Steam, and it does seem likely it'll come in a month or two AT BEST anyway.I'm thinking later. Probably 5-6 months before SC is planned to be released, that way plenty of people can pick up the game on PC, maybe even see a sale in that period, but those that do play the PC version won't be stuck waiting until who-knows-when for SC. I'm sure the XSEED guys get annoyed answering the same questions about "When is SC coming?!?!" over and over again.
About to start playing this - what's the best resolution and graphical settings to play this on? I remember reading this doesn't support wide-screen natively, yet the graphical settings offer a option to play in 1920x1080!!
It's definitely YMMV, but that's the case with all stretching. Someone like me can barely stand it even on text, others will stretch every god damn thing and not notice it.Honestly, the stretching doesn't look bad at all.
Hey, don't forget AtlusSo... I played through the game on normal first, then blew through it on very easy. Thought I was done. Apparently not - I just randomly started up the game on hard and I'm playing through it again. Which brings me to a few things:
1) This game is really damn good. I'm on my 3rd playthrough this week, and this is on top of already playing through the PSP version last November.
2) I've come to the realization that when it comes to RPGs, Falcom just... gets it. These games have all the charm and addictiveness of hardcore, old-school games; but with a modern coat of paint. Yeah, there's Dark Souls and all that, but I feel like moreso than basically any other JRPG developer, Falcom is making games I actually want to play.
3) XSEED really needs to get some more Falcom games on Steam to satisfy my addiction, and quick. For whatever reason, I'd really like to see Xanadu Next... or some of Falcom's stuff that hasn't seen a PSP release in the States. But uh... I'll take pretty much whatever I can get.
I have a variant of that: I feel like Falcom nails what I like out of JRPGs, at least a good chunk of what I like about them, and Dark Souls nails what I want out of gaming PERIOD, regardless of genre.2) I've come to the realization that when it comes to RPGs, Falcom just... gets it. These games have all the charm and addictiveness of hardcore, old-school games; but with a modern coat of paint. Yeah, there's Dark Souls and all that, but I feel like moreso than basically any other JRPG developer, Falcom is making games I actually want to play.
It's definitely YMMV, but that's the case with all stretching. Someone like me can barely stand it even on text, others will stretch every god damn thing and not notice it.
Played around with the resolutions and settings, and I think I like 1600x900 (non-stretched resolution) on my 1080p monitor the best, something about the stretched resolutions like 1080p look off to me.It's definitely YMMV, but that's the case with all stretching. Someone like me can barely stand it even on text, others will stretch every god damn thing and not notice it.
Their next Steam game is Ys Origin, which hasn't been released in the States in any form. Its gameplay is kind-of a dungeon-crawler version of Oath in Felghana with more story and multiple characters to play through the game as. It's a prequel to Ys 1&2.3) XSEED really needs to get some more Falcom games on Steam to satisfy my addiction, and quick. For whatever reason, I'd really like to see Xanadu Next... or some of Falcom's stuff that hasn't seen a PSP release in the States. But uh... I'll take pretty much whatever I can get.
Their next Steam game is Ys Origin, which hasn't been released in the States in any form. Its gameplay is kind-of a dungeon-crawler version of Oath in Felghana with more story and multiple characters to play through the game as. It's a prequel to Ys 1&2.
Played around with the resolutions and settings, and I think I like 1600x900 (non-stretched resolution) on my 1080p monitor the best, something about the stretched resolutions like 1080p look off to me.although I'm kind of a nazi when it comes to this stuff.
I just hope people don't get turned off by the game because you don't play as Adol. The game is extremely fun so don't let that small fact turn you off to Origins.
I'm playing on a 110" screen with a 1080p projector. I found 1440x1050 pretty much the best resolution, since the vertical resolution is closest to the native reso.
Play as Yunica in Origins. It's pretty much 1=1 with Adol.
I was already getting it, but this makes me want it more.Their next Steam game is Ys Origin, which hasn't been released in the States in any form. Its gameplay is kind-of a dungeon-crawler version of Oath in Felghana with more story and multiple characters to play through the game as. It's a prequel to Ys 1&2.
Their next Steam game is Ys Origin, which hasn't been released in the States in any form. Its gameplay is kind-of a dungeon-crawler version of Oath in Felghana with more story and multiple characters to play through the game as. It's a prequel to Ys 1&2.
I'm playing on a 110" screen with a 1080p projector. I found 1440x1050 pretty much the best resolution, since the vertical resolution is closest to the native reso.
Play as Yunica in Origins. It's pretty much 1=1 with Adol.
Their next Steam game is Ys Origin, which hasn't been released in the States in any form. Its gameplay is kind-of a dungeon-crawler version of Oath in Felghana with more story and multiple characters to play through the game as. It's a prequel to Ys 1&2.
I was already getting it, but this makes me want it more.
Their next Steam game is Ys Origin, which hasn't been released in the States in any form. Its gameplay is kind-of a dungeon-crawler version of Oath in Felghana with more story and multiple characters to play through the game as. It's a prequel to Ys 1&2.
I already knew the rest of this, but the bold part is news to me. I always thought the story stuff in Origin would be lighter due to it's seemly much stronger dungeon-crawler nature but I guess I'm wrong.