For anyone who has bought this: is there an option to switch the game language to be entirely in Japanese, either through the in-game options or by right-clicking the game on Steam, clicking properties, and changing the option in the "Language" tab (assuming there is one)?
What's the difference between the normal version and the directx 8 version?
There's no Japanese support I'm afraid. As for the achievement page not being up yet, it looks like the game is currently marked as 'unreleased' even though it's out, so it's not letting achievements show up or letting screenshots be published as Public. This should be fixed pretty soon.
^^^^^ You'll unlock Hard when you beat the game once, Nightmare when you beat Hard, and Inferno when you beat Nightmare, unless I'm mistaken.
The normal (DX9) version is a little prettier but the DX8 version is a little more friendly to those with really ancient or low-power systems.
It's funny some of us have waited years for an English version to come out and now people asks for Japanese, no offense intended.
I'll try to buy this the next month, I'm broken right now D:
I really wish there was an OS X version.![]()
I'll try to buy this the next month, I'm broken right now D:
Is there a list of the achievements?
Felghana Steam Achievements said:Social Butterfly
Social Butterfly
Spoke with every character in the game at least once.
Beast Master
Encountered every enemy in the game, excluding bosses.
More Like "Adol the Yellow"!
Began the game on Very Easy.
Bad At Platformers
Enabled "No-Fall" mode.
Hollow Victory
Beat the game on Very Easy.
Mildly Manly
Beat the game on Easy.
Gods Beater
Beat the game on Normal.
Hardcore Hero
Beat the game on Hard.
Genos Who?
Beat the game on Nightmare.
Bearer of the Biggest Sword
Beat the game on Inferno.
More Like "Subordinate Crawl"!
Conquered Boss Rush on Normal.
Harder Than Hardcore
Conquered Boss Rush on Hard.
Adol the All-Crusher
Conquered Boss Rush on Nightmare.
Forever Alone
Escorted Elena to safety on every difficulty level.
That's the Last Time, Kid
Escorted Christof to safety on every difficulty level.
Defeated 5 or more enemies (except Mozgouz) at the same time.
Consult an FAQ Already
Died over 10 times on a single boss.
Acquired every jewel.
You Can Stop Now
Achieved max level.
Like a Boss
Defeated the final boss without taking any damage.
Never Smelled the Roses
Beat the game in under 5 hours.
Wanderer From Ys
Spent over 20 hours in a single playthrough.
A Talent For Forgery
Maxed out all equipment.
Proficient Plunderer
Completed Anya's treasure-hunt game.
Savior of Swine
Saved all of Hugo's pikkards.
Oblivious or Insensitive?
Sold Randolph's ring to Cynthia.
Master of Futility
"Killed" 50 immortal beasts before acquiring the Silver Chimes.
The Exterminator
Killed 2,000 Mozgouz across all playthroughs.
28 Maids Later
Killed 500 Selnades across all playthroughs.
Hardt Laid Bare
Bested the master of the mountains in one-on-one combat.
Tastes Like Chicken
Defeated "The Deadliest Cuteness."
Legacy Pervert
"Measured" Elena.
Completed all other achievements.
Bearer of the Biggest Sword
Beat the game on Inferno.
Oh boy.
I take it these stack?
Some of those cheesemints are crazy. I must get them!
"4 friends already own this game"
why isn't this number increasing
what is wrong with you people
I'm honestly a lot more motivated to pursue the more ridiculous ones now that I can play the game on a TV. This is the perfect sorta game to just spaz out and play for hours at a time.
But man, I really hope we get more stuff like this. Falcom stuff is rad, and really... I'd just like to see more Japanese games on Steam. This game succeeding can only be a good thing.
So what's the "native" resolution of this game, if such thing applies? I know the aspect ratio is 4:3 but what would give me 1:1 pixel ratio? Hard to know with all the sprite filtering and zooming in/out. Right now I can't decide between 1024x768, 1400x1050, or 1600x1200.
It works with force feedback on some other gamepads, but not 360.Game looks great at 1920x1080 with max FSAA. I was expecting an ugly mess from some posts. The game is so cute! Charming style.
Does the game use rumble? I mistakenly unclicked "Use game pad" and the feeback option unclicked with it, and I could never turn it back on. Using 360 controller.
See how important this game is, people?
It has literally broken this person.
Been wanting to try the series for a long while now, but never have got around to. Is this a good entry into the franchise?
Somehow I thought this was another achievement..."4 friends already own this game"
why isn't this number increasing
what is wrong with you people
Aw. Oh, well, not too big of a deal.It works with force feedback on some other gamepads, but not 360.
Of this playable with a keyboard? if so, i'm in.
is this playable with a keyboard? if so, i'm in.
Been wanting to try the series for a long while now, but never have got around to. Is this a good entry into the franchise?
Weird, if I use 1920x1080 the game stretches, but 1680x1050 gives me the black bars.
The best action/rpg ever. The biggest badass OST in any game.
One is a widescreen resolution, the other isn't. I'd stick with the second as the game doesn't look good stretched.
Thanks!Since the achievement list isn't live right now, sure, here you go:
Uhh, what? Those are both widescreen resolutions (16:9 and 16:10).
I can add one more to that number. What's your Steam name? If you don't mind, anyway."4 friends already own this game"
why isn't this number increasing
what is wrong with you people
I guess I'll have to see the difference later on. Game looks good to me at 1920x1080, though. Maybe because I haven't seen it in its original state to compare. But even then... looks niceI'd stick with the second as the game doesn't look good stretched.
Yup. I did miss one of the attacks in the tutorial. I accidentally skipped it. It's the one where he stabs his sword on the ground or something. If I don't figure it out, I'll ask if anyone knows how to do it.FWIW, I did not have to map buttons on the 360 pad.. they were already mapped appropriately.