Same error message I got above? Wonder if its an error from the new update
Maybe. I didn't get a crash when I finished the game a few days ago.
Same error message I got above? Wonder if its an error from the new update
Same error message I got above? Wonder if its an error from the new update
Ruins of lost time.Beatingin Boss Rush doesn't count? Aww. How do I find him in my normal save?Majuunun
Ruins of lost time.
The 4 pillars section where you ahve to jump in the middle to get the chest. Be sure to equip the rainbow fragment item
Requires two dash jumps to even attempt to face him f that
Going by your descriptions I face him in the room where I obtained the Black Tabula? Knew it seemed similar when I defeated him in Time Battle.
Btw BassForever, Aeana's method from Page 2 works really well. None of that "tilt, then press attack and then jump really fast" shit. Just tilt, let the stick snap back and then press Attack+Jump at the same time. Works ~90% of the time for me.
Going by your descriptions I face him in the room where I obtained the Black Tabula?
I can dash jump all over the game until anytime I actually need it to work where Adol will do a little dick jump and fall. Never again am I doing dash jumping legit f that it's a horrible mechanic.
One thing that I've found helps a lot with trash mobs in this game is the downthrust move. It's always been useful in the Napishtim-engine Ys games, but it's especially useful and downright necessary in Napishtim itself. A lot of enemies are pretty much untouchable without it, and almost every enemy is like 100x easier with it.
I may be stuck here. Should have used a second savefile![]()
You know what...thinking back that actually is true for me as well. So I just now started the game to record macros for the Dash Jump with my Keyboard...fuck. I should have done it earlier. Using the Keyboard for Dash Jumping, that is. Like...I didn't fuck it up ONCE using the keyboard. It's a world of difference. It just WORKS.
Always two saves.
So I am stuck at. I got the cutscene with Geis, I defeated the mini-slime boss, and I STILL can't go through the lake. Did I miss something or is this a glitch?the entrance to Cave Lake
Bumping is actually super super fun, very basic but very satisfying mechanic. Also if you're in need of grinding or just generally walking around searching for something, combat is really fast.
I was also kinda weirded out by it, but absolutely loved it when i actually experienced bumping monsters into blood and bits.
And Lilia.
Well at least it's not Tarf.
Also holy shit if Ys II doesn't have the best intro in any game ever.
Finished. Normal Catastrophe Lv.51. Did everything, except kill Majunun.
I can dash jump to the hole in the pillars for the Galba Hand, but for the life of me I can't get enough distance from there to the platform leading to Majunun's room. I'm not even close. I thought the trick is holding the direction when you do it, but apparently I'm not doing it right.
Felghana > Origin > Celceta > Napishtim > Seven (unfinished)
seems about right. Everything I've said before about Napishtim has held. Is fun and feels more like an adventure than its successors but is also rougher mechanically and not as well balanced. Still good Ys.
Even though party Ys has been generally weaker than the Napishtim games, Celceta retrospectively feels much improved over Seven. Can't wait. for Ys 8.Might actually pick up Ys I and II to try out this bump system (which sounds so bizarre to me)
Anyone who beat Majunun on nightmare, what level were you?
If you're in nightmare without catastrophe mode, then you can try at level 52.
However, if you're in nightmare + catastrophe it is best to grind to level 57~60. And the grind towards it is painful. I'm still in the process of grinding.
- The final boss fight was disappointing and the ending was abrupt, you mean to tell me that I don't get to fight that
sea monster thing?
That boss in the Limestone Cave...I'm really understanding why people hate that guy.
This game came out on the PS2 and I said "I am totally going to buy that", but I didn't.
Then it came out on the PSP and I said, "Oh, I am going to get it this time", and I didn't.
Now it is on PC and I am for real when I say "I am super seriously going to get it this time."
Oh. I guess it looked different then in the cutscenes. I guess that is another very disappointing boss fight.
Oh. I guess it looked different then in the cutscenes. I guess that is another very disappointing boss fight.
It doesn't make it any less disappointing but Nightmare is made more interesting in that you can die in less than 5 seconds.Oh. I guess it looked different then in the cutscenes. I guess that is another very disappointing boss fight.
Just beat Majuunun on Nightmare Catastrophe.
No achievement.
What level did you attempt it at?
Also, my condolences.
52, grinded money to buy seeds of power and defence.
Going to grab this on steam. I checked and its not available digitally on PSN. Was it ever?
Going to grab this on steam. I checked and its not available digitally on PSN. Was it ever?
...was portable? lol