This version has a brand new script/translation, though.
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm sure the new script is fantastic. Just there are times it's nice to have a voice behind a character.
This version has a brand new script/translation, though.
Are Capla Waters worth using for their intended purpose or should I just sell them on Catastrophe? As far as I can tell the wind magic I have seems to be infinite
Only about the original, maybe II. III is well-rated by many players, including those most familiar with its port Super Hydlide.I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that the reason that nobody has done that is because those games are awful.
... I feel like we've had this exchange before.
So I seem to be completely incapable of doing the lunge attack, and thus the dash jump. I must be missing something, I haven't been able to do it ONCE. Is it possible on controllers?
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm sure the new script is fantastic. Just there are times it's nice to have a voice behind a character.
That's kind of a bummer without the VA. Ah well.
The Voice Acting was horrible, of course that's just my opinion but I assure you that most would agree. And of course it wouldn't match the in-game text at all.
And anyone wanting the CGI opening instead of the awesome one we have is a monster.
Jesus Christ. I'm watching the CG opening on youtube right now...I want to rip out their vocal chords so bad. Especially the girl. What the fuck were they thinking
The Voice Acting was horrible, of course that's just my opinion but I assure you that most would agree. And of course it wouldn't match the in-game text at all.
Yeah it's possible (using a PS3 controller) the timing is just super wonky and I still can't consistently do it despite having played 3 games with this mechanic. The timing is weird you need to tap the direction, then completely let go of the movement pad/stick, then wait like half a second then hit attack or attack/jump. The timing is similar to the timing for the wind 5 hit extension combo so you may try doing that a bunch to get a feeling for the delay you need from letting go of the direction to hitting the attack or attack/jump button.
We kept that line as-is in our version, actually. Felt like it would be sacrilegious to change it -- kind of like releasing FF4 without "You spoony bard!", or Persona 1 without "Mark danced crazy!"
Does your controller have a d-pad that you've tried? Maybe try the keyboard for that part. I can hit it pretty consistently on my PS3 controller with the stick or the d-pad. It's not too hard, just all in the timing so it could be your controller if you can't even get it a single time. I recall even hitting it on accident sometimes in hectic fights.Still nothing, and I can hit the wind combo pretty easily. Frankly I'm not sure how consistently my stick returns to a neutral position after I let go.
Really didn't expect this to be the thing gives me a hard time in Ys.
Omg, Xseed totally botched the new translation. I want the original now!https://youtu.be/xKNguyctayI
I don't care what anyone says, those lines are fucking gold.
We kept that line as-is in our version, actually. Felt like it would be sacrilegious to change it -- kind of like releasing FF4 without "You spoony bard!", or Persona 1 without "Mark danced crazy!"
I don't care what anyone says, those lines are fucking gold.
We kept that line as-is in our version, actually. Felt like it would be sacrilegious to change it -- kind of like releasing FF4 without "You spoony bard!", or Persona 1 without "Mark danced crazy!"
Should I sttart with Ys 3, then Origins, then napishtim?
Or out of these three which is the oldest battle/gameplay style, I would like to play the oldest, more archaic feeling ones first then move onto the more evolved ones if that makes any sense.
Thanks, an example would be people saying play metal gear solid in chronological order story wise would be impossible for me since 1+2 style differs so much for later entries.
Should I sttart with Ys 3, then Origins, then napishtim?
Or out of these three which is the oldest battle/gameplay style, I would like to play the oldest, more archaic feeling ones first then move onto the more evolved ones if that makes any sense.
Thanks, an example would be people saying play metal gear solid in chronological order story wise would be impossible for me since 1+2 style differs so much for later entries.
Play them in release order
VI > Oath > (play I&II before Origin) > Origin
So I seem to be completely incapable of doing the lunge attack, and thus the dash jump. I must be missing something, I haven't been able to do it ONCE. Is it possible on controllers?
So the second boss fight in the game against the flying bug thing, did I miss something or is this one of the dumbest fights in any Ys game ever? He can do one of three things
1) Float slightly above you where you can jump slash him, he'll awkwardly do nothing until he randomly raises his hand to indicate he's doing a small radius ground pound. This in itself is easy to dodge, but it took me a moment to realize the random particle debris was actually hurting me and they were more of a liability then the actual attack
2) Fly far above where your jump slash can hit him, where he'll once again do nothing for several seconds before shooting out a very slow and easy to dodge pollen that requires no thought to avoid
3) Fly at a medium altitude where you jump slash tip can hit him, he'll then shoot out eggs when you can knock off with your sword/wind ability, otherwise they hatch into those fire flies
The whole fight just felt dumb, it wasn't hard or challenging, just tedious. Did I miss some trick to making this fight much easier? I thought about using dash jumping but I have no idea if that actually does damage high enough to hit him and the one time I tried I dash jumped into pollen and died.
The oldest gameplay-wise is Ys 1 and 2, since those don't even have attack buttons.
But if you're only referring to the three Napishtim, Oath, Origins, then start with Napishtim, then go Oath and Origin.
Don't try to get the lunge attack down first, just focus directly on the dash jump. People make it sound complicated but it's really just two inputs, the jerk on the stick then jam on the two buttons.
So the second boss fight in the game against the flying bug thing, did I miss something or is this one of the dumbest fights in any Ys game ever? He can do one of three things
1) Float slightly above you where you can jump slash him, he'll awkwardly do nothing until he randomly raises his hand to indicate he's doing a small radius ground pound. This in itself is easy to dodge, but it took me a moment to realize the random particle debris was actually hurting me and they were more of a liability then the actual attack
2) Fly far above where your jump slash can hit him, where he'll once again do nothing for several seconds before shooting out a very slow and easy to dodge pollen that requires no thought to avoid
3) Fly at a medium altitude where you jump slash tip can hit him, he'll then shoot out eggs when you can knock off with your sword/wind ability, otherwise they hatch into those fire flies
The whole fight just felt dumb, it wasn't hard or challenging, just tedious. Did I miss some trick to making this fight much easier? I thought about using dash jumping but I have no idea if that actually does damage high enough to hit him and the one time I tried I dash jumped into pollen and died.
Well the instructions say the dash jump comes out of the lunge attack
Well the instructions say the dash jump comes out of the lunge attack, but I dunno. Still can't do either of them
NightWolve actually released a patch to the Japanese version today in spite of XSEED games. He's still angry at Deuce because he gave the script to XSEED.
< removed the link to YsUtopia, because of reasons >
The amount of salt is pretty damn staggering.
It's a shame, but he really lost it after the OiF leak. So now that makes 2 fan translations, and one official one? Not bat for a niche as hell series.
Did Xseed do their translation in house, or did they do like they did with Oath and use a fan translation as a base?
More like 2 official translations and 2 fan-patches.
XSEED's release has a brand new translation, handled by the same person who translated Ys: Memories of Celceta (hi Varion, lol). Doppiapunta & co.'s English patch basically took Konami's translation and changed a few words here and there, so it doesn't like a 100% verbatim copy.
So the Ps2 trial thing was not add on this version ? (i use my Ps2 Prima guide for the missable sidequest, they always refert to it)
Nightmare is a little easy () First boss give me problem, but first time on the second/third boss.... Their pattern are pretty easy...Got the Fire Sword
Oh goddammit.Guys playing on Hard or Nightmare, did anyone else chuckle atUr declaring that he got cornered by 4 of those slime monsters when it was really 8? Apparently you only fight off 4 of them on Normal mode.
Oh goddammit.
Yeah, it's four on normal, which was what I was replaying it on when translating. Didn't even occur to me that there might be more of them on the higher difficulties. I'll have to see if I can get that line changed to something that cuts the number out. Thanks for the heads up.
Hold up how do I get theThief's Gloves? Seems I missed this acc. >_>
For the Thief's Gloves, there's a sidequest after returning from the mountains:Hold up how do I get theAlso in theThief's Gloves? Seems I missed this acc. >_>Limewater Crystal Dungeon, the one that's dark and you need an acc. to light it up, how do I kill the armored enemies, those fuckers are invincible =_=
Also in theLimewater Crystal Dungeon, the one that's dark and you need an acc. to light it up, how do I kill the armored enemies, those fuckers are invincible =_=
So I finished this, loved it. Origin is still my favorite. It makes me sad though, am I correct in thinking that there's pretty much zero chance of another game in this style from Falcom? I think Celceta was okay but there's something so charming about these.
So I finished this, loved it. Origin is still my favorite. It makes me sad though, am I correct in thinking that there's pretty much zero chance of another game in this style from Falcom? I think Celceta was okay but there's something so charming about these.