Anyone think they could post a dragon deck they may have made so I have a template to work from?
Sure thing...
Here is a BEWD based Dragon deck I've used
I think I'm done creating my agent deck. It's so powerful.
Played my first ranked match and the guy disconnects right when he's about to lose. What a loser. He had Weevil Underwood as his avatar. Very fitting.
If you guys want to create a blacklist for players that do this in ranked, you can add:
Mr Maito
Not sure if that's the exact spelling of his PSN but it's close enough.
Many players know when they're done and quit. It happens even in IRL tournaments.
There's very little we can do about that. Unless Other Ocean starts giving a loosing 10 random cards from your collection >![]()
Many players know when they're done and quit. It happens even in IRL tournaments.
There's very little we can do about that. Unless Other Ocean starts giving a loosing 10 random cards from your collection >![]()
The issue is that surrendering and quitting are two different things. I would have no problem if rage quitters submitted instead of quitting.
So what happens when some1 quits? Does the game just end. Do you get anything from 'winning'? Played an online match yesterday, 8000-0. Felt so sorry for this guy, but i presume he stayed to watch..
Got a trophy too
I'm up for a duel. What's your PSN name? Mine is AaronThePaladinI hope there is a penalty.
Also, if you or anyone else wants to play online. Let me know.![]()
Yep. This. IRL, if you quit, you still lose. Online, though, the person who purposefully disconnects doesn't have a loss counted "because the match never ended."
I play fighting games online and people employ similar tactics. When they're about to lose, they disconnect. In those games, nobody gets a win or loss.
I'm assuming things work the same way in this game.
I'm up for a duel. What's your PSN name? Mine is AaronThePaladin
I really don´t play the meta game in any of my competitive hobbies, I´m the YGO equivalent of the guy who's happy getting his Charizard to level 100 without caring mu ch about it's nature or IV's, I just want to have fun. And not be broke....
-Soul Charge is monster reborn on steroids, but for a price.
Just sent you a friend request. Let me know if you got it.
I assume you were Roxen91? Just sent an invitation in game
Understandable. Though I kind of wanted to keep my deck a secret a bit longer. Not a big deal though lolYes.
That was a good match.
I don't know the effects of all these shadoll monsters. Such long text to read. lol.
Will have to familiarize myself with them for next time.
To be fair, my thread title is a reference to the very popular parody "The Abridged Series" and a nod to Pendulum Summon
Understandable. Though I kind of wanted to keep my deck a secret a bit longer. Not a big deal though lol
It's a pretty killer deck you got. These Shadoll monsters have insanely good effects.
Though, I guess the best way to counter it would be to deplete your deck as fast as possible with stuff like Cards of Destruction.
I don't feel completely defeated at least. At least I got one match. I have like 52 cards. Need to condense my deck. lol.
Gg. Anyone else here up for a duel right now?
Add me I'm up psn is VHScreep
Good Game, I need to go look those up a little I have a feeling I made quite a few errors with Trishula targets
One duel you mean. Since in Yu-gi-oh a match refers to best of 3. But yeah, 52 cards is uaually too much. And honestly, I don't think I've ever decked out with this deck. You'd probably need a dedicated strategy to do it that effectively. I suppose it could still be worth putting some cards in your side deck though if you ever do best of 3s
Yeah, I'm not into the tournament scene with this series so match and duel are the same thing for me. lol.
And I guess the best way to counter your deck would be to prevent you from fusion summoning or using a card that banishes all monsters instead of sending them to the graveyard.
I'd say a lot of those choices weren't bad considering what you knew, since the cards you didn't choose were often facedown. And getting rid of the fusion cards in the graveyard was definitely a good call, since it's really easy for shaddolls to retrieve those from the graveyard
Luckily Quattro's challenge deck is a shaddoll deck should allow me to grab some basic match up knowledge for the future.
Not sure you should make a deck modified specifically to counter one archetype. It could make it weaker against others. Anti-archetype cards are usually better suited for side decks. Though certainly some of the cards you mentioned could work fine as general things@Aaron
Remodified my deck to cover its weakness against shadoll monsters. Didn't have to make much in the form of concessions thankfully.
Just took out 3 magic cylinders and some monsters to add 1 dimensional fissure, 1 bottomless trap hole, 2 nobleman of crossout, and 2 nobleman of extermination. These cards are good enough to be used against any deck but can specifically be powerful against a shadoll deck.
I should also be able to synchro summon herald of the arc light, which was actually already in my extra deck. I didn't know this monster banished everything sent to the graveyard while in play.
Hopefully, I'll be more of a challenge next time we play.![]()
Not sure you should make a deck modified specifically to counter one archetype. It could make it weaker against others. Anti-archetype cards are usually better suited for side decks. Though certainly some of the cards you mentioned could work fine as general things
Well, the cards I added are actually effective against any deck.
If I wanted to specifically make an anti-shadoll deck, I would have also added stuff like soul release but I left those in my side deck.
Raid Raptors isnt in this yet are they?
Nobleman of extermination has a major weakness, in that your opponent can just activate their trap card as a response, which will stop it from working
Well, something like Mirror force can't, since Mirror force has specific activation conditions (You're opponent needs to declare an attack). BUt plenty of other traps can be activated at any other timeSo if it's something like mirror force, you can just activate it anyway and nobleman of extermination doesn't work?
Yeah I guess that's true. I'm still kinda bummed though. I'm looking at some of the other errata changes and apparently Chaos Emperor Dragon got changed in OCG.
Now this a change I don't mind at all. A nerf, but not to a point where the card is completely unrecognizable from the original. Still a great card with a great effect that you don't even need to use because you still get a big time 3K beater with little costs.
If this one becomes legal in TCG, I'm definitely making a Chaos deck with that and BLS.
I'm actually curious if they are going to do the same with Yata?
Yata would have to be nerfed beyond recognition, like Crush Card.
I also don't remember Chaos Emperor Dragon having a different effect, what was changed? Seems like the same one I used for a OTKO deck with Gearfried+Royal Magical Library + Butteryfly Dagger way back when. Load up hand with cards and kaboom.
Easy to see why Butterfly Dagger ended up being banned. That card was stupid, I can't believe they haven't errata'd that to "once per turn."
They said OCG, which is the Japanese version of the card game and technically seperate from the western TCG (for some reason)
So the effect was different in Japan and nerfed to the one we had?
Yata would have to be nerfed beyond recognition, like Crush Card.
I also don't remember Chaos Emperor Dragon having a different effect, what was changed? Seems like the same one I used for a OTKO deck with Gearfried+Royal Magical Library + Butteryfly Dagger way back when. Load up hand with cards and kaboom.
Easy to see why Butterfly Dagger ended up being banned. That card was stupid, I can't believe they haven't errata'd that to "once per turn."
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard. You can pay 1000 Life Points; send all cards in both players' hands and on the field to the Graveyard, then inflict 300 damage to your opponent for each card sent to the Graveyard by this effect.
Well, something like Mirror force can't, since Mirror force has specific activation conditions (You're opponent needs to declare an attack). BUt plenty of other traps can be activated at any other time