CED's previous effect:
1. Before you were able to use other card effects in your turn even after playing CED.
2. Cannot be special summoned in any other way now. So I assume you can no longer use call of the haunted on it?
3. Instead of inflicting 300 damage for ALL cards sent to the graveyard, it's 300 damage for ALL OF YOUR OPPONENT'S CARDS that were sent to the grave.
Speaking of that first sentence, that reminds me, I have find it weird that if you fuse the new crush card with Fang of Critius, Doom Virus Dragon gets the original Crush Card effect. Which I find very cool but also a little weird.
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard. You can pay 1000 Life Points; send all cards in both players' hands and on the field to the Graveyard, then inflict 300 damage to your opponent for each card sent to the Graveyard by this effect.
This card can only be Special Summoned by removing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster in your Graveyard from play. Pay 1000 of your Life Points to send all cards in both players' hands and on the field to the Graveyard. Inflict 300 points of damage to your opponent's Life Points for each card that is sent to the Graveyard by this effect.
Does anyone know where to get Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon? Is it in the Joey pack? I might just be unlucky.
Man, you just reminded me. I NEED the Red-Eyes Support in this game!!!
Wait are non of these in the game!?! I need that Xyz
They were prereleased last Saturday ):
way too recent
Man, you just reminded me. I NEED the Red-Eyes Support in this game!!! GIANT IMAGE HEAVY POST INCOMING!!
Pity, hopefully Konami supports this game for the long haul and add them down the line lol
Edit: And I didn't know you could reset the game and get your DP back lol. Like if you buy a lot of packs and don't get anything you want you can just reset
Holy shit! They really went all out with that didn't they? It reminds me how they also made Black Luster Solider an archtype as well.
Celtic Guardian should be an archtype as well IMO.
Woah wait what!? What do you mean reset the game? How?
Guys, any idea why the game won't let me use Wroughtweiler's effect? I have the "hold down the button to prompt" mode on, but it just shows the card for a second and doesn't let me use the damn effect. Am I missing something? Making this Tania duel even MORE frustrating...
Pity, hopefully Konami supports this game for the long haul and add them down the line lol
Edit: And I didn't know you could reset the game and get your DP back lol. Like if you buy a lot of packs and don't get anything you want you can just reset
The game doesn't save while you are in the card shop so if you are looking for a rare card say from Kaiba's pack you can buy like 10 Kaiba packs and if non of them have it just close the game and start it up again and you will have your DP back and can try again
Damn... So, I think the Tribute Summon achievement/trophy is glitched for me somehow on PS4. I've done it dozens of times and still no trophy.![]()
Man, XYZ summons are insane. I basically quit playing the game way before they added the Synchros, XYZ, and Pendulum crap. The duels at the end of the campaign were basically just watching the opponent cycle through cards for a minute between turns. At one point, an opponent XYZ summoned off the same pile half 5 times.
Then I'm afraid you're doing it wrong.
This thread should tell you exactly how to stop that. Or at the very least keep up with it. It's no longer about destroying stuff. You have to stop your opponent's combo by negating their key cards.
And for that you need a deck with a theme, synergy and good combinations. High attack points and destruction effects are not enough, in fact they never have been in the meta. lol metamorphosis
Man, XYZ summons are insane. I basically quit playing the game way before they added the Synchros, XYZ, and Pendulum crap. The duels at the end of the campaign were basically just watching the opponent cycle through cards for a minute between turns. At one point, an opponent XYZ summoned off the same pile half 5 times.
Man, you just reminded me. I NEED the Red-Eyes Support in this game!!! GIANT IMAGE HEAVY POST INCOMING!!
Man, I hope this game keeps getting updated. The fact that the Arc-V story section is there, but unavailable, makes me think it will be.
Man, I hope this game keeps getting updated. The fact that the Arc-V story section is there, but unavailable, makes me think it will be.
Man, I hope this game keeps getting updated. The fact that the Arc-V story section is there, but unavailable, makes me think it will be.
Halfway though GX campaign. Jaden's deck is not as much of a pain as Yugi's, thank god!
Half the time is me surrendering about 12 turns in when I don't get one of his fusion cards while the opponent gets their combos out. :x
Can't wait for 5Ds, should be much easier.
I finally finished all of the campaigns. Eventually I got tired of playing story decks and just used a modified Exodia Cheater deck to basically win every duel with no effort at all, lol.
I'm going to attempt to make my own deck for the first time in like 10 years, since I'm a scrub, I'm sure it will be terrible, but at least it will be my own.
Yami bakura in challenge duels or the Katherine booster packI hope, this game has a great potencial.
Anyone know where i can find Tour Guide From the Underworld? I need 3 for my second deck (i recently finished Shaddoll/Galaxy deck).
Well Trishula of Nekroz is in the Alexis Rhodes booster (GX) or in the Vetrix challenge duel (Zexal) if you mean Trishula the ice barrier card I got one in the Trudge booster pack (5Ds).Anybody know which packs have Trishula? Been trying to look it up but don't know which one.
Quoting for future reference.The game doesn't save while you are in the card shop so if you are looking for a rare card say from Kaiba's pack you can buy like 10 Kaiba packs and if non of them have it just close the game and start it up again and you will have your DP back and can try again
Man, building your own deck is extremely daunting...
Are any of the new Gravekeeper cards worth using? I last played the game in real life at about the start of 2012, but I was using a Flamvell deck then. Gravekeepers seem to be the better choice if I want to use a deck online. Although they might just get destroyed by the new meta, I don't know as I haven't kept up with the game.
I've enjoyed using Oracle, Nobleman, and Hidden Temples of Necrovalley.
I just opened a ton of Kaiba packs so I now have those cards. Oracle doesn't seem that good, but Nobleman seems to be decent. Hidden Temples seems good but easy to destroy. I guess I might as well try these out. I still have my deck from a few years ago, so my game deck will use that as a template.
The only other new card that seems useable is the Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley trap. Shaman seems like a bad Malefic Stardust, Heretic is decent just having the highest attack of the 4 star GKs, and Ambusher doesn't seem to be worth using.
I wish there were more packs in the game so each one could be smaller. I spent a ton on Kaiba packs and only got 1 Spy, along with the one I got yesterday.
Yeah, I did the same (unlocked the full game from the demo).Same here. I think it broke when I bought the game in the demo.
Yeah, I did the same (unlocked the full game from the demo).
This is probably a general PS4 question, but I wonder, is it possible to back up my save data, delete the game from my system and re-download it (and not lose my unlocked cards, decks, etc.)?
The variety in Oracle's effects + 1 tribute summon makes it very worth it to me. Heretic isn't affected by any card effect when Necrovalley is on the field including Necrovalley itself meaning any 1500ATK Gravekeeper will be stronger than it.
Which decks were we banning from our first tournament again? I want to make sure that I don't build one of them yet.
I really don´t play the meta game in any of my competitive hobbies, I´m the YGO equivalent of the guy who's happy getting his Charizard to level 100 without caring mu ch about it's nature or IV's, I just want to have fun. And not be broke....
That said I do now lots of cards that are staple now that weren't in the past.....